13 August 2021

hsk 4 lesson 2 with pinyin and English translation

HSK 4 lesson 2 with pinyin and English translation

课文2: 真正的朋友
Lesson 2: A true friend

Dialogue 02-1
Xiǎoxià hé Mǎkè liáo mǎkè de Zhōngguó péngyǒu
Xiaoxia and Mark talk about Mark's Chinese friends

Xiǎoxià: Lái Zhōngguó kuài yī niánle. Nǐ shìyìng zhèr de shēnghuó le ma?
Xiaoxia: It's been almost a year since came to China. Have you adapted to life here?

Mǎkè: Kāishǐ yǒudiǎnr bù xíguàn, hòulái jiù màn man shìyìng le, zuìjìn wǒ hái jiāo le yī gè Zhōngguó péngyou.
Mark: I was a little uncomfortable at first, and later I gradually got used to it. Recently I made a Chinese friend.

Xiǎoxià: Nà jiù hǎo, kuài gěi wǒ jiǎng jiǎng nǐ xīn jiāo de Zhōngguó péngyou.
Xiaoxia: That's good. Tell me about your new Chinese friends.

Mǎkè: Wǒmen shì zài túshūguǎn rènshi de, píngshí wǒmen chángcháng yīqǐ kànshū, guàngjiē, tī zúqiú, yǒu shíhòu tā hái gěi wǒ fā yīxiē yōumò duǎnxìn.
Mark: We met in the library. We often read books, go shopping, and play football together.  Sometimes he sent me some funny text messages.
Xiǎoxià: Nǐ de zhège péngyǒu zhēn bùcuò! Xià cì jièshào wǒmen rènshi rènshi, zěnme yàng?
Xiaoxia: Your friend is really good!  How about introducing us next time?
Mǎkè: Méi wèntí! Wǒmen xiàwǔ yào qù tī zúqiú, zhènghǎo yīqǐ qù ba.
Mark: No problem!  We are going to play football this afternoon, so let's just go together.

Dialogue 02-2

Xiǎo lǐ hé Xiǎolín liáo tóngxué jùhuì de shìqíng
Xiao Li and Xiao Lin talked about the class reunion

Xiǎo lǐ: Xīngqítiān tóngxué jùhuì, nǐ néng lái ma?
小李: 星期天同学聚会,你能来吗?
Xiaoli: Can you come to the class reunion on Sunday?

Xiǎolín: Néng lái. Bān lǐ tóngxué nǐ liánxì dé zěnme yàngle? Lái duōshǎo rén?
小林: 能来。班里同学你联系得怎么样了?来多少人?
Xiaolin: I can come. How are you getting in touch with classmates? How many people are coming?

Xiǎo lǐ: Chàbùduō yībànr ba,  Zhāng Yuǎn hái zhuānmén cóng guówài fēi huílái ne?
小李: 差不多一半儿吧,张远还专门从国外飞回来呢?
Xiaoli: It's about half of them. Does Zhang Yuan fly back from abroad?
Xiǎolín: Shì ma? Bìyè dōu kuài shí niánle, zhēn xiǎng dàjiā a! Duìle, jīntiān zǎoshang, wǒ zài dìtiě zhàn yù dàole Wáng Jìng, tā bìyè hòu jiù qù Shànghǎi gōngzuò le, tā zhè cì shì lái lǚyóu de.
小林: 是吗?毕业都快十年了,真想大家啊!对了,今天早上,我在地铁站遇到了王静,她毕业后就去上海工作了,她这次是来旅游的。
Xiaolin: Really? It’s been almost ten years since graduated. I really miss everyone! By the way, this morning, I met Wang Jing at the subway station. After she graduated, she went to work in Shanghai. She came to travel this time.
Xiǎo lǐ: Nà tài hǎole! Máfan nǐ gēn tā liánxì yīxià, qǐng tā yīqǐ lái cānjiā tóngxué jùhuì. Jùhuì jiù zài xuéxiào ménkǒu nàgè fàndiàn, liù diǎn bàn. Bié chídào a!
小李: 那太好了!麻烦你跟她联系一下,请她一起来参加同学聚会。聚会就在学校门口那个饭店,六点半。别迟到啊!
Xiaoli: That's great! Could you please contact her ask her to come to the class reunion together. The party is at the restaurant in front of the school, half past six. Don't be late!       
Xiǎolín: Fàngxīn ba. Xīngqītiān liù diǎn bàn jiàn!
小林: 放心吧。星期天六点半见!
Xiaolin: Don't worry. See you at half past six on Sunday!

Dialogue 02-3
Sūn yuè hé Wáng jìng liáo tāmen de péngyǒu
Sun Yue and Wang Jing talked about their friends

Sūnyuè: Zhè shì shénme shíhòu de zhàopiàn? Nǐ zhēn niánqīng!
孙月: 这是什么时候的照片?你真年轻!
Sunyue: When is this photo? You are so young!

Wáng Jìng: Zhè shì shàng dàxué shí de zhàopiàn, yī kàn dào zhè zhāng zhàopiàn, wǒ jiù xiǎngqǐ guòqù nà duàn kuàilè de rìzi, hǎoxiàng chóngxīn huí dàole xiàoyuán.
王静: 这是上大学时的照片,一看到这张照片,我就想起过去那段快乐的日子,好像重新回到了校园。
Wang Jing: This is a photo of when I was in college. When I saw this photo, I remembered the happy days in the past, as if I was back on campus.

Sūnyuè: Pángbiān zhège rén yīdìng shì nǐ de hǎo péngyǒu ba? Nǐmen xiànzài hái liánxì ma?
孙月: 旁边这个人一定是你的好朋友吧?你们现在还联系吗?
Sunyue: The person next to you must be your good friend, right? Are you still in touch now?        
Wáng Jìng: Dāngránle, jǐnguǎn yǐjīng bìyè zhème duōnián, wǒmen háishì jīngcháng liánxì de, měi cì dōu yǒu shuō bu wán de huà.
王静: 当然了,尽管已经毕业这么多年,我们还是经常联系的,每次都有说不完的话。
Wang Jing: Of course, even though we have graduated for so many years, we still keep in touch with each other and we can't finish talking every time.                                  

Sūnyuè: Zhēn xiànmù nǐ! Wǒ shàng dàxué shí zuì hǎo de péngyǒu qùle nánfāng gōngzuò, wǒmen liǎ yǐjīng hǎojiǔ méi liánxì le. Wǒ yīhuìr jiù gěi tā dǎ gè diànhuà.
孙月: 真羡慕你!我上大学时最好的朋友去了南方工作,我们俩已经好久没联系了。我一会儿就给她打个电话。
Sunyue: I really envy you! My best friend when I was in college went to work in the South, and we have not been in touch for a long time. I'll call her in a while.                                                                                                                                                                                               
Wáng Jìng: Duì. Yào zhīdào, néng yǒu yīgè zhēnzhèng de péngyǒu, yǒu yīduàn zhēnzhèng de yǒuyì, shì duōme bù róngyì!
王静: 对。要知道,能有一个真正的朋友,有一段真正的友谊,是多么不容易!
Wang Jing: Yes. You know, it is not easy to have a real friend, a real friendship!

Passage 02-4

Měi gè rén dōu xūyào péngyou, péngyou kěyǐ fēngfù wǒmen de shēnghuó.
Everyone needs friends, friends can enrich our lives. 

Líkāi péngyou, wǒmen de shēnghuó yīdìng huì fēicháng wúliáo.
Without friends, our life will be very boring. 

Nàme, zěnme yàng cáinéng jiāo dào gèng duō de péngyou ne?
So, how can we make more friends? 

Dāngrán, yào yǒu hǎo píqì.
Of course, have a good temper. 

Yīgè píqì bù hǎo de rén suīrán bù yīdìng ràng rén tǎoyàn, dànshì què hěn nán gēn rén jiāo péngyou.
A person with a bad temper is not necessarily annoying, but it is difficult to make friends with others. 

Yīnwèi méiyǒu rén huì xǐhuan gēn yīgè zǒng shì róngyì shēngqì de rén zài yīqǐ.
Because no one likes to be with someone who is always easy to get angry. 

Wǒmen hái yào jīngcháng gēn zhōuwéi de rén jiāoliú.
We also need to communicate with people around us often. 

Jiāoliú néng ràng rénmen hùxiāng liǎojiě, rúguǒ yǒu gòngtóng de xìngqù, àihào huòzhě xíguàn, jiù gèng róngyì chéngwéi péngyou le.
Communication allows people to understand each other, and if they have common interests, hobbies or habits, it is easier to become friends.

Passage 02-5

Rén de yīshēng kěyǐ shénme yě méiyǒu, dàn bùnéng méiyǒu péngyou, érqiě bìxū yào yǒu zìjǐ zhēnzhèng de péngyou.
A person can have nothing in his life, but he cannot be without friends, and he must have his own true friends. 

Shénme shì zhēnzhèng de péngyou?
What is a true friend? 

Bùtóng de rén huì yǒu bùtóng de lǐjiě.
Different people have different understandings. 

Yǒuxiē rén juédé péngyou jiùshì néng hé zìjǐ yīqǐ kuàilè de rén;
Some people think that friends are people who can be happy with themselves;

yǒuxiē rén juédé péngyou yīnggāi xiàng jìngzi, néng bāng zìjǐ kàn dào quēdiǎn.
some people think that friends should be like mirrors that can help them see their shortcomings. 

Ér wǒ de lǐjiě shì: Dāng nǐ yù dào kùnnán de shíhòu, zhēnzhèng de péngyou huì zhàn chūlái, jíshí gěi nǐ bāngzhù;
And my understanding is: when you encounter difficulties, true friends will stand up and help you in time;

dāng nǐ wúliáo huòzhě nánguò de shíhòu, zhēnzhèng de péngyou huì péi zài nǐ shēnbiān, xiǎng bànfǎ ràng nǐ yuè dào xìngfú.
when you are bored or sad, true friends will accompany you and find ways to make you more happy.

HSK 4 lesson 2 audio with pinyin and English translation

Next Lesson 👇

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