15 August 2021

45 Chinese dialogues | Daily Mandarin | all hsk 1 dialogues

45 Chinese dialogues | Daily Mandarin | all hsk 1 dialogues 

All hsk dialogues

Dialogue 1

Nǐ hǎo! 



Nǐ hǎo! 



Dialogue 2

Nín hǎo!



Nǐmen hǎo!


B: Hello!

Dialogue 3



A: I'm sorry!

Méi guānxì!


B:That's OK!

Dialogue 4 



A: Thank you!

Bú xiè!


B: Sure!

Dialogue 5

Xièxie ni!


A: Thank you!

Bú kèqi!


B: You're welcome!

Dialogue 6



A: Goodbye!



В: Вye!

Dialogue 7

Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?


A: What's your name?

Wǒ jiào Lǐ Yuè. 


B: My name is Li Yue.

Dialogue 8

Nǐ shì lăoshi ma?


A: Are you a teacher?

Wǒ bú shì lăoshī, wǒ shì xuésheng.

B:我不是老师,我是 学生。

B: No, I'm not. I'm a student.

Dialogue 9

Nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ma?

A:你是 中国人吗?

A: Are you Chinese?

Wǒ bú shì Zhōngguó rén, wǒ shì Měiguó rén.

B:我不是 中国 人, 我是美国 人。

B: No, I'm not Chinese. I'm American.

Dialogue 10

Tā shì shéi?


A: Who is she?

Tá shì wǒ de Hànyŭ lăoshī, tă jiào Lǐ Yuè.


B: She is my Chinese teacher.

Dialogue 11

Nǐ shì nă guó rén?


A: Which country are you from?

Wǒ shì Měiguó rén. Ni ne?

B:我是美国 人。你呢?

B: The United States. What about you?

Wǒ shì Zhōngguó rén.

A: 我是 中国人。

A: I'm Chinese.

Dialogue 12

Tā shì shéi?


A: Who is he?

Tā shì wǒ tóngxué.


B: He is my classmate.

Tā ne? Tā shì nǐ tóngxué ma?

A: 她呢?她是你 同学 吗?

A: What about her? Is she your classmate?

Tā bú shì wǒ tóngxué, tā shi wǒ péngyou.

B:她不是我同学,她是我 朋友。

B: No, she isn't. She is my friend.

Dialogue 13

Nǐ jiā yŏu jǐ kŏu rén?


A: How many people are there

Wǒ jiā yŏu sān kŏu rén.

B:我家有三 口人。

B: There are three.

Dialogue 14

Nǐ nǚ'ér jǐ suì le?


A:How old is your daughter?

Tā jīnnián sì suì le. 


B: She is four years old.

Dialogue 15

Lǐ lǎoshī duō dà le? 


A:How old is Professor Li?

Tā jīnnián wǔshí suì le. 


B: She is 50 years old.

Tā nǚ'ér ne? 


A:What about her daughter?

Tā nŭ'ér jīnnián èrshí suì. 


B:Her daughter is 20.

Dialogue 16

Nǐ huì shuō Hànyǔ ma?


A:Can you speak Chinese?

Wǒ huì shuō Hànyǔ. 


B: Yes,I can.

Nǐ māma huì shuō Hànyǔ ma? 


A:Can your mother speak Chinese?

Tā bú huì shuō. 


B:No,she can't.

Dialogue 17

Zhōngguó cài hǎo chī ma?


A: Is Chinese food delicious?

Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī. 


B: Yes, quite delicious.

Nǐ huì zuò Zhōngguó cài ma? 

A:你会做 中国 菜吗?

A:Can you cook Chinese food?

Wǒ bú huì zuò. 


B:No,I can't.

Dialogue 18

Nǐ huì xiě Hànzì ma?


A:Can you write Chinese characters?

Wǒ huì xiě. 


B:Yes,I can.

Zhège zì zěnme xiě? 


A: How do you write this character?

Duìbuqǐ, zhège zì wǒ huì dú, bú huì xiě. 


B: Sorry. I can read it, but I don't know how to write it. 

Dialogue 19

Qǐngwèn, jīntiān jǐ hào?


A: Excuse me, what's the date today?

Jīntiān jiŭ yuè yī hào.


B: It's September 1st.

Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ?


A: What day is it today?

Xīngqī sān.


B: It's Wednesday.

Dialogue 20

Zuótiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?


A: What was the date yesterday?

Zuótiān shì bā yuè sănshíyī hào, xīngqīèr.

B:昨天 是8月31号,星期二。

B: It was Tuesday, August 31st.

Míngtiān ne?


A: What about tomorrow?

Míngtiān shì jiŭ yuè èr hào, xīngqī sì.


B: It's Thursday, September 2nd.

Dialogue 21

Míngtiān xīngqī liù, nǐ qù xuéxiào ma?

A:明天 星期六,你去 学校吗

A: Tomorrow is Saturday. Will you go to school?

Wŏ qù xuéxiào.


B: Yes, I will.

Nǐ qù xuéxiào zuò shénme?

A:你去学校 做 什么?

A: What are you going to do there?

Wŏ qù xuéxiào kàn shū.

B:我去学校 看 书。

B: I'm going there to do some reading.

 Dialogue 22


Nǐ xiăng hē shénme?


A: What would you like to drink?

Wŏ xiăng hē chá.


B: I'd like some tea.

Nǐ xiăng chī shénme?


A: What would you like to eat?

Wŏ xiăng chī mǐfàn.


B: I'd like rice.

Dialogue 23

Xiàwǔ nǐ xiăng zuò shénme?

A:下午你想做 什么?

A: What would you like to do this afternoon?

Xiàwǔ wŏ xiăng qù shāngdiàn.

B: 下午我想去 商店。

B: I'd like to go shopping.

Nǐ xiăng măi shénme?

A:你想 买什么?

A: What do you want to buy?

Wŏ xiăng măi yí ge bēizi.

B:我想 买一个杯子。

B: I want to buy a cup.

Dialogue 24

Nǐ hăo! Zhège bēizi duōshao qián?

A:你好!这个杯子 多少 钱?

A: Hello! How much is this cup?

Èrshíbā kuài.

В: 28

В: 28 уuап.

Nàge bēizi duōshao qián?

A:那个杯子多少 钱?

A: What about that one?

Nàge bēizi shíbā kuài qián.

B:那个杯子18 块 钱。

B: That one is 18 yuan.

Dialogue 25

Xiăo māo zài năr?

A:小 猫 在哪儿?

A: Where is the kitty?

Xiăo māo zài nàr.

B:小 猫在那儿。

B: The kitty is over there.

Xiăo gŏu zài năr?

A: 小狗在哪儿?

A: Where is the puppy?

Xiăo gŏu zài yǐzi xiàmiàn.

B: 小 狗在椅子下面。

B: The puppy is under the chair.

Dialogue 26

Nǐ zài năr gōngzuò?


A: Where do you work?

Wŏ zài xuéxiào gōngzuò? 


B: I work in a school.

Nǐ érzi zài năr gōngzuò?


A: Where does your son work?

Wŏ érzi zài yīyuàn gōngzuò, tā shì yīshēng.

B:我儿子在医院 工作,他是 医生。

B: My son works in a hospital. He is a doctor.

Dialogue 27

Nǐ bàba zài jiā ma?


A: Is your father at home?

Bú zài jiā.


B: No, he isn't.

Tā zài năr ne?


A: Where is he?

Tā zài yīyuàn.


B: He is in the hospital.

Dialogue 28

Zhuōzi shàng yŏu shénme?

A:桌子 上有 什么?

A: What are there on the desk?

Zhuōzi shàng yŏu yí ge diànnăo hé yì běn shū.

B:桌子 上有一个 电脑 和一本 书。

B: There is a computer and a book.

Bēizi zài năr?


A: Where is the cup?

Bēizi zài zhuōzi li.


B: It's in the desk.

Dialogue 29

Qiánmiàn nàge rén jiào shénme míngzi?

A:前面 那个人叫 什么么名字?

A: Who is the person in the front?

Tā jiào Wáng Fàng, zài yīyuàn gōngzuò.

B:她叫 王方,在医院 工作。

B: She is Wang Fang. She works in a hospital.

Hòumiàn nàge rén ne? Tā jiào shénme míngzi?

A:后面 那个人呢?他叫 什么 名字?

A: What about the person at the back? What's his name?

Tā jiào Xiè Péng, zài shāngdiàn gōngzuò.

B:他叫谢朋,在 商店工作。

B: He is Xie Peng. He works in a store.

Dialogue 30

Zhèr yŏu rén ma?


A: Is this seat taken?

Méi yŏu.

B:没 有。

B: No, it isn't.

Wŏ néng zuò zhèr ma?

A:我能 坐这儿吗?

A: Can I sit here?

Qǐng zuò.

B:请 坐。

B: Yes, please.

Dialogue 31

Xiànzài jǐ diăn?


A: What's the time now?

Xiànzài shí diăn shí fēn. 

B:现在 十点十分。

B: It's ten past ten.

Zhōngwǔ jǐ diăn chī fàn? 

A:中午 几点吃饭?

A: When shall we have our lunch?

Shí'èr diăn chī fàn.


B: At twelve o'clock.

Dialogue 32

Bàba shénme shíhou huí jiā?


A: When is father coming home?

Xiàwǔ wǔ diăn.

B: 下午五点。

B: At five o'clock in the afternoon.

Wŏmen shénme shíhou qù kàn diànyǐng?

A: 我们 什么时候去看电影?

A: When are we going to see the movie?

Liù diăn sānshí fēn.


B: At half past six.

Dialogue 33

Wŏ xīngqīyī qù Běijīng.

A:我星期一去 北京。

A: I'll go to Beijing next Monday.

Nǐ xiăng zài Běijīng zhù jǐ tiān?

B:你想 在北京 住几天?

B: How long will you stay in Beijing?

Zhù sān tiān.


A: For three days.

Xīngqīwǔ qián néng huí jiā ma?

B:星期 五前能回家吗?

B: Can you come back before Friday?



A: Yes, I can.

Dialogue 34

Zuótiān Běijing de tiānqì zěnmeyàng?

A:昨天 北京的天气 怎么样?

A: How was the weather in Beijing yesterday?

Tài rè le.


B: It was too hot.

Míngtiān ne? Míngtiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng?

A:明天 呢?明天 天气 怎么样?

A: What about tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Míngtiān tiānqì hěn hăo, bù lěng bú rè.

B:明天 天气很好, 不冷不热。

B: It will be fine, neither cold nor hot.

Dialogue 35

Jīntiān huì xià yŭ ma?


A: Will it rain today?

Jīntiān bú huì xià yŭ.


B: No, it won't rain.

Wáng xiăojiě jīntiān huì lái ma?

A: 王小姐今天会来吗?

A: Will Miss Wang come today?

Bú huì lái, tiānqì tài lěng le.


B: No, she won't. It's too cold.

Dialogue 36

Nǐ shēntǐ zěnmeyàng?


A: How are you?

Wŏ shēntǐ bú tài hăo.Tiānqì tài rè le, bú ài chī fàn.


B: Not very well. It's too hot. I have no appetite.

Nǐ duō chī xiē shuǐguŏ, duō hē shuǐ.

A:你多吃 些 水果,多喝水。

A: Eat more fruit and drink more water.

Xièxie nǐ, yīshēng.


B: Thank you, doctor.

Dialogue 37

Wèi, nǐ zài zuò shénme ne?

A:喂,你在做 什么呢?

A: Hello, what are you doing?

Wŏ zài kàn shū ne.

B:我在看 书呢。

B: I'm reading.

Dàwèi yě zài kàn shū ma?

A:大卫 也在看书 吗?

A: Is David reading too?

Tā méi kàn shū, tā zài xué zuò Zhōngguó cài ne.

B:他没看书,他在学做中国 菜呢。

B: No, he isn't. He is learning to cook Chinese food.

Dialogue 38

Zuótiān shàngwǔ nǐ zài zuò shénme ne?


A: What were you doing yesterday morning?

Wŏ zài shuì jiào ne. Nǐ ne?


B: I was sleeping. What about you?

Wŏ zài jiā kàn diànshì ne. Nǐ xǐhuan kàn diànshì ma?

A:我在家看电视 呢。你喜欢看 电视 吗?

A: I was watching TV at home. Do you like watching TV?

Wŏ bù xǐhuan kàn diànshì, wo xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng.

B:我不喜欢 看 电视,我喜欢看 电影。

B: No, I don't. I like seeing movies.

Dialogue 39

Bā èr sān líng sì yāo wǔ wǔ, zhè shì Lǐ lăoshī de diànhuà ma?

A: 82304155, 这是李老师的电话 吗?

A: 82304155. Is that Ms. Li's telephone number?

Bú shì.Tā de diànhuà shì bā èr sān líng sì yāo wǔ liù.

不是。她的 电话 是 82304156.

B: No. Her number is 82304156.

Hăo, wŏ xiànzài gěi tā dă diànhuà.

A:好,我现在 给她打电话。

A: OK. I'll call her right now.

Tā zài gōngzuò ne, nǐ xiàwǔ dă ba.


B: She is working. Call her in the afternoon.

Dialogue 40

Zuótiān shàngwǔ nǐ qù năr le?

A:昨天 上午 你去哪儿了?

A: Where did you go yesterday morning?

Wŏ qù shāngdiàn măi dōngxi le.

B:我去 商店买 东西了。

B: I went shopping.

Nǐ măi shénme le?


A: What did you buy?

Wŏ măile yìdiănr píngguŏ.


B: I bought some apples.

Dialogue 41

Nǐ kànjiàn Zhāng xiānsheng le ma?

A:你看见 张 先生 了吗?

A: Have you seen Mr. Zhang?

Kànjiàn le, tā qù xué kāi chē le.


B: Yes. He has gone to a driving lesson.

Tā shénme shíhou néng huílai?

A:他什么时候 能回来?

A: When can he come back?

Sìshí fēnzhōng hòu huílai.

В: 40分钟 后回来。

B: After 40 minutes.

Dialogue 42

Wáng Fāng de yīfu tài piàoliang le!

A: 方的衣服太 漂亮 了!

A: Wang Fang's dress is so pretty!

Shì a, tā măile bùshăo yīfu.


B: Yes. She has bought quite a few clothes.

Nǐ măi shénme le?

A:你买 什么了?

A: What did you buy?

Wŏ méi măi, zhèxiē dōu shì Wáng Fāng de dōngxi.

B:我 没买,这些都是 王 方的东西。

B: I bought nothing. All these are Wang Fang's stuff.

Dialogue 43

Nǐ hé Lǐ xiăojiě shì shénme shíhou rènshi de?

A:你和 李 小姐 是 什么 时候 认识 的?

A: When did you and Miss Li first meet?

Wŏmen shì èr líng yī yī nián jiǔ yuè rènshi de.

B:我们 是 2011 年9月认识的。

B: We met in September, 2011.

Nǐmen zài năr rènshi de?

A:你们 在哪儿认识的?

A: Where did you meet each other?

Wŏmen shì zài xuéxiào rènshi de, tā shì wŏ dàxué tóngxué.

B:我们 是在 学校 认识的,她是我大学 同学。

B: We met in our university. She was my classmate.

Dialogue 44

Nǐmen shì zěnme lái fàndiàn de?

A:你们 是怎么来 饭店 的?

A: How did you come here?

Wŏmen shì zuò chūzūchē lái de.

B:我们 是坐 出租车来的。

B: We came by taxi.

Lǐ xiānsheng ne?

A:李 先生呢?

A: What about Mr. Li?

Tā shì hé péngyou yīqǐ kāi chē lái de.

B:他是和 朋友 一起开 车来的。

B: He drove here with his friend.

Dialogue 45

Hěn gāoxìng rènshi nín! Lǐ xiăojiě.

A:很 高兴认识您! 李小姐。

A: Nice to meet you, Miss Li.

Rènshi nǐ wŏ yě hěn gāoxìng!

B:认识你我也很 高兴!

B: Nice to meet you too.

Tīng Zhāng xiānsheng shuō, nín shì zuò fēijī lái Běijīng de?

A:听,张 先生 说,您是坐飞机来北京的?

A: Mr. Zhang said you came to Beijing by plane, didn't you?

Shì de.


B: Yes, I did.

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