23 July 2021

hsk 6 lesson 31 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 31   运动的学问

Knowledge of physical activity

Yùndòng de xuéwèn
Knowledge of physical activity

Jìzhě: Wáng lǎoshī, huānyíng nín dào wǒmen jiémù lái zuòkè. 


Reporter: Teacher Wang, welcome to our program as a guest.  

Jīntiān lái de dōu shì nín de zhōngshí guānzhòng, 


Those who are here today are all your loyal audiences, 

dàjiā tèbié yuànyì hé nín zhèyàng de dà zhuānjiā jìnxíng jiāoliú.


and everyone is especially willing to communicate with big experts like you.

Wáng lǎoshī: “Zhuānjiā” bù gǎndāng, 


Teacher Wang: I dare not be an "expert". 

yǒu zhèyàng de jīhuì, wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng.


I am very happy to have such an opportunity.

Jìzhě: Nèitiān cǎifǎng nín, 


Reporter: I interviewed you that day. 

zài gōngyuán zǒuláng nàr, 


In the corridor of the park, 

nín hé nín túdì shì liàn qìgōng háishì liàn tàijí jiàn ne?


did you and your apprentice practice Qigong or Tai Chi sword?

Wáng lǎoshī: Ó, bùshì túdì, 


Teacher Wang: Oh, not an apprentice, 

shì qìgōng xiéhuì de qìgōng àihào zhě.


but a qigong enthusiast from the Qigong Association.

Jìzhě: Nǐmen de qìgōng bùshì nà zhǒng lìliàng yī bàofā, néng shùnjiān bǎ hǎo jǐ kuài zhuān jiù gěi pī kāi de a?


Reporter: Isn't your qigong that can split several bricks in an instant when the power bursts out?

Wáng lǎoshī: Nà zhǐshì qìgōng de yī zhǒng. 


Teacher Wang: That's just a type of qigong.  

Qìgōng háishì Zhōngguó dútè de jiànshēn fāngfǎ zhī yī, 


Qigong is also one of the unique fitness methods in China, 

kěyǐ zēngqiáng tǐzhí, 


which can enhance physical fitness, 

cùjìn mànxìngbìng kāngfù, 


promote the recovery of chronic diseases, 

hái kěyǐ fǔzhù zhìliáo mǒu xiē jíbìng.


and can also assist in the treatment of certain diseases.

Jìzhě: Kàn lái wǒ shì wùjiě qìgōngle.

记 者:看来我是误解气功了。

Reporter: It seems that I misunderstood qigong.

Zuìjìn yǒu gè diàochá, 


According to a recent survey, 

guǎngdà qúnzhòng de jiànshēn yìshí zài zhúnián tíshēng. 


the general public's awareness of fitness is increasing year by year.  

Duìyú jiànkāng, nín néng duì wǒmen shuō diǎnr shénme ma?


Can you tell us something about health?

Wáng lǎoshī: Jiànkāng de xīn gàiniàn bùjǐn shì bù shēngbìng, 


Teacher Wang: The new concept of health is not only not getting sick, 

hái bāokuò xīnlǐ jiànkāng hé shèhuì jiāowǎng fāngmiàn de nénglì, 


but also mental health and social communication ability. 

shènzhì yǒurén tíchū jiànkāng wǔ yàosù, 


Some people even put forward the five elements of health, 

bāokuò shēntǐ, qíngxù, zhìlì, jīngshén hé shèjiāo, 


including physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social. 

zhè wǔ gè fāngmiàn gòngtóng gòuchéng jiànkāng de wánměi zhuàngtài.


These five aspects together constitute a perfect state of health.

Yǒu jù míngyán: 


There is a famous saying: 

Shēngmìng zàiyú yùndòng, qíshí jiànkāng yě zàiyú yùndòng. 


Life lies in exercise, but health also lies in exercise.  

Dāngrán yào dádào yùqí xiàoguǒ, zěnyàng yùndòng hěn zhòngyào.


Of course, how to exercise is very important to achieve the desired results.

Jìzhě: Nà nín jiù zhuózhòng gēn wǒmen tán tán yùndòng de xuéwèn ba.


Reporter: Then you can focus on talking to us about sports.

Wáng lǎoshī: Yào jiànkāng, 


Teacher Wang: To be healthy, 

shǒuyào wèntí shì qín yú yùnyòng dànǎo, 


the most important issue is to use the brain diligently. 

rén de dànǎo bùyòng yě huì shēng xiù.


The human brain will rust if it is not used.

Dàjiā zhīdao, 


As we all know, 

rén nǎo zuǒ bànqiú zhǔguǎn chōuxiàng sīwéi, 


the left hemisphere of the human brain is in charge of abstract thinking, 

yòu bànqiú zhǔguǎn xíngxiàng sīwéi, 


and the right hemisphere is in charge of visual thinking. 

èr zhě yǒu fèn gōng yǒu liánxì.


The two are related to each other.

Zuǒyòu nǎo jiāotì shǐyòng, sīwéi cháng kěyǐ fàngshè chū xīn de huǒhuā.


Using the left and right brains alternately, thinking can often radiate new sparks.

Zhùmíng kēxuéjiā qiánxuésēn de fūrén shì yīnyuè jiā, 


The wife of the famous scientist Qian Xuesen is a musician. 

qiánxuésēn de hěnduō chóng yào kēxué lǐlùn bùshì duān duānzhèng zhèng de zuò zài zhuōzi qiánmiàn xiǎng chūlái de, 


Many important scientific theories of Qian Xuesen were not thought up by sitting upright at the table, 

ér shì tīngguò yīnyuè zhīhòu mào chū lái de.


but came out after listening to music.

Kēxué yùnyòng zuǒyòu nǎo, 


Scientific use of the left and right brains 

gōngzuò de gāoxiào hé fángzhǐ nǎo shuāi jiù chéngwéile kěnéng.


makes it possible to work efficiently and prevent brain failure.

Dànǎo qiánlì jùdà, 


The brain has great potential 

tā shì réntǐ shuāituì zuì màn de qìguān.


and is the slowest decaying organ in the human body.

Yīxiē yǎngshēng zhùzuò zhōng zhǐchū, 


Some health books pointed out that 

rén yòng nǎo yuè qín, 


the more people use the brain, 

dànǎo gè shénjīng xìbāo zhī jiān de liánxì yuè duō, 


the more connections between the nerve cells of the brain, 

xíngchéng de tiáojiàn fǎnshè yě yuè duō.


the more conditioned reflexes are formed.

Jìzhě: Dànǎo jiù xiàng wǒmen shēntǐ de zhǐhuī zhōngxīn, 


Reporter: The brain is like the command center of our body. 

dànǎo bù jiànkāng, rén jiù tán bù shàng jiànkāng.


If the brain is not healthy, people can't be healthy.

Wáng lǎoshī: Duì.


Teacher Wang: Yes.

Qícì ne, yùndòng guì zài jiānchí.


Secondly, the sport is persistence.

Lǎnduò shì rén tiānshēng de ruòdiǎn, 


Laziness is a natural weakness of human beings, 

suǒyǐ bùyào qiānjiù zìjǐ, 


so don't give in to yourself. 

yào yǐ jiāndìng de yìzhì, jiānrèn de jīngshén kèfú duòxìng, 


You must overcome inertia with a firm will and tenacity, 

xià hěnxīn yǎoyá jiānchí, jué bùnéng bàntú'érfèi.


grit your teeth and persist, never give up halfway.

Jìzhě: Wáng lǎoshī, nín zěnme hǎoxiàng zài shuō wǒ ne? 


Reporter: Teacher Wang, why do you seem to be talking about me?  

Wǒ jiù bùxiǎng nüèdài zìjǐ, suǒyǐ hěn nán jiānchí.


I don't want to abuse myself, so it is difficult to persist.

Wáng lǎoshī: Zěnme huì shì nüèdài ne? 


Teacher Wang: How could it be abuse?  

Nǐ yǐhòu liánxì wǒ, wǒ dài nǐ duànliàn. 


You will contact me later and I will take you to exercise.  

Zánmen yǒu jìhuà, yǒu luòshí. 


We have plans and implementation.  

Yùndòng jiànshēn guīgēn dàodǐ shì zìjǐ de shì, 


In the final analysis, exercise and fitness are your own business. 

húluàn duìfù qíshí shì zài piàn zìjǐ, 


To deal with it indiscriminately is to deceive yourself. 

jiānchí yùndòng yěshì péiyǎng rén de yìzhì lì, wánshàn réngé de guòchéng.


Persisting in exercise is also a process of cultivating people's willpower and perfecting personality.

Jìzhě: Kàn lái yùndòng zhēn bùshì xiǎoshì, 


Reporter: It seems that sports are not a trivial matter, 

hái jiànjiē tǐxiànzhe wǒmen de pǐnxíng ne.


but indirectly reflect our conduct.

Wáng lǎoshī: Lìngwài, dōngjì jiànshēn hǎochù hěnduō, 


Teacher Wang: In addition, there are many benefits of winter fitness, 

kěyǐ tígāo rén de yùhán nénglì; 


which can improve people’s ability to keep out the cold; 

dōngtiān yángguāng zhōng de zǐwàixiàn duì réntǐ yǒu xiāodú zuòyòng, 


the ultraviolet rays in the sun in winter can disinfect the human body 

hái néng cùjìn duì gài de xīshōu; 


and promote the absorption of calcium; 

dōngtiān kōngqì zhòng èryǎnghuàtàn nóngdù bǐ xiàtiān dī, 


the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air in winter is lower than in summer, 

suǒyǐ dōngtiān yùndòng duì shēntǐ gèng wèi yǒulì; 


therefore, winter exercise is more beneficial to the body; 

yùndòng hái kěyǐ shǐ rén xīnqíng shūchàng.


exercise can also make people feel comfortable.

Xǔduō bǎojiàn shípǐn dōu xuānyáng nénggòu cùjìn jiànkāng, 


Many health foods promote the promotion of health. 

qíshí yùndòng cái shì wéihù jiànkāng zuì hǎo de fāngfǎ.


In fact, exercise is the best way to maintain health.

Jìzhě: Yùndòng duì pífū shì bùshì yěyǒu hǎochù?


Reporter: Is exercise also good for the skin?

Wáng lǎoshī: Yùndòng néng lìng quánshēn pái hàn, 


Teacher Wang: Exercise can make the whole body perspiration, 

máokǒng nèi de lèsè jí duōyú yóuzhī huì bèi pái zǒu, 


the garbage and excess oil in the pores will be drained away, 

pífū zìrán huì gèng hǎo.


and the skin will naturally be better.

Jìzhě: Yùndòng shì bùshì yě yào jiǎngjiù kēxué?


Reporter: Does sports also need to pay attention to science?

Wáng lǎoshī: Dāngrán. 


Teacher Wang: Of course.  

Yùndòng jiànshēn yào xúnxùjiànjìn, 


Exercise and fitness should be done step by step, 

bùyào jíyú qiú chéng; 


don't rush for success; 

bù shìhé zìjǐ shēntǐ zhuàngkuàng de jùliè yùndòng huò dà fúdù dòngzuò jǐnliàng bié miǎnqiáng.


try not to force strenuous exercise or large movements that are not suitable for your physical condition.

Jìzhě: Yùndòng zhīhòu, wǒmen chángcháng juédé yòu kě yòu è, 


Reporter: After exercise, we often feel thirsty and hungry. 

yùndòng hé yǐnshí zhī jiān yǒu shénme jiǎngjiù ma?


Is there any particularity between exercise and diet?

Wáng lǎoshī: Duànliàn hòu shì jīròu xìbāo de “jìnshí shíjiān”, 


Teacher Wang: After exercise, it is the "feeding time" for muscle cells. 

tāmen kěwàng dédào zúgòu de dànbáizhí, shuǐ hé wéishēngsù. 


They are eager to get enough protein, water and vitamins.  

Yùndòng hòu de liǎng xiǎoshí, shì bǔchōng yíngyǎng de zuì jiā shíjī.


Two hours after exercise is the best time to replenish nutrition.

Jìzhě: Wáng lǎoshī, nín zhēn bùkuì shì zhè fāngmiàn de zhuānjiā, 


Reporter: Teacher Wang, you are truly an expert in this field. 

yǐhòu yàoshi néng dìngqí hé nín zuò xiē jiāoliú jiù hǎole.


I wish I could communicate with you regularly in the future.

Wáng lǎoshī: Zhè shì wǒ de liánxì fāngshì, yǐhòu wǒmen kěyǐ duō liánluò. 


Teacher Wang: This is my contact method, we can contact more in the future.  

Xīwàng dàjiā huíqù yǐhòu jiānchí duànliàn, duōduō bǎozhòng.


I hope you will continue to exercise and take care when you go back.

Full Translation

Knowledge of physical activity

Reporter: Teacher Wang, welcome to our program as a guest. Those who are here today are all your loyal audiences, and everyone is especially willing to communicate with big experts like you.

Teacher Wang: I dare not be an "expert". I am very happy to have such an opportunity.

Reporter: I interviewed you that day. In the corridor of the park, did you and your apprentice practice Qigong or Tai Chi sword?

Teacher Wang: Oh, not an apprentice, but a qigong enthusiast from the Qigong Association.

Reporter: Isn't your qigong that can split several bricks in an instant when the power bursts out?

Teacher Wang: That's just a type of qigong. Qigong is also one of the unique fitness methods in China, which can enhance physical fitness, promote the recovery of chronic diseases, and can also assist in the treatment of certain diseases.

Reporter: It seems that I misunderstood qigong. According to a recent survey, the general public's awareness of fitness is increasing year by year. Can you tell us something about health?

Teacher Wang: The new concept of health is not only not getting sick, but also mental health and social communication ability. 

Some people even put forward the five elements of health, including physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social. 

These five aspects together constitute a perfect state of health. There is a famous saying: Life lies in exercise, but health also lies in exercise.  Of course, how to exercise is very important to achieve the desired results.

Reporter: Then you can focus on talking to us about sports.

Teacher Wang: To be healthy, the most important issue is to use the brain diligently. The human brain will rust if it is not used. As we all know, the left hemisphere of the human brain is in charge of abstract thinking, and the right hemisphere is in charge of visual thinking. The two are related to each other. Using the left and right brains alternately, thinking can often radiate new sparks. The wife of the famous scientist Qian Xuesen is a musician. Many important scientific theories of Qian Xuesen were not thought up by sitting upright at the table, but came out after listening to music. Scientific use of the left and right brains 

makes it possible to work efficiently and prevent brain failure.

The brain has great potential and is the slowest decaying organ in the human body. Some health books pointed out that the more people use the brain, the more connections between the nerve cells of the brain, the more conditioned reflexes are formed.

Reporter: The brain is like the command center of our body. If the brain is not healthy, people can't be healthy.

Teacher Wang: Yes. Secondly, the sport is persistence. Laziness is a natural weakness of human beings, so don't give in to yourself. 

You must overcome inertia with a firm will and tenacity, grit your teeth and persist, never give up halfway.

Reporter: Teacher Wang, why do you seem to be talking about me?  I don't want to abuse myself, so it is difficult to persist.

Teacher Wang: How could it be abuse? You will contact me later and I will take you to exercise. We have plans and implementation. In the final analysis, exercise and fitness are your own business.  To deal with it indiscriminately is to deceive yourself. Persisting in exercise is also a process of cultivating people's willpower and perfecting personality.

Reporter: It seems that sports are not a trivial matter, but indirectly reflect our conduct.

Teacher Wang: In addition, there are many benefits of winter fitness, which can improve people’s ability to keep out the cold; the ultraviolet rays in the sun in winter can disinfect the human body and promote the absorption of calcium; the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air in winter is lower than in summer, therefore, winter exercise is more beneficial to the body; exercise can also make people feel comfortable.Many health foods promote the promotion of health. In fact, exercise is the best way to maintain health.

Reporter: Is exercise also good for the skin?

Teacher Wang: Exercise can make the whole body perspiration, the garbage and excess oil in the pores will be drained away, and the skin will naturally be better.

Reporter: Does sports also need to pay attention to science?

Teacher Wang: Of course. Exercise and fitness should be done step by step, don't rush for success; try not to force strenuous exercise or large movements that are not suitable for your physical condition.

Reporter: After exercise, we often feel thirsty and hungry. Is there any particularity between exercise and diet?

Teacher Wang: After exercise, it is the "feeding time" for muscle cells. They are eager to get enough protein, water and vitamins. Two hours after exercise is the best time to replenish nutrition.

Reporter: Teacher Wang, you are truly an expert in this field. I wish I could communicate with you regularly in the future.

Teacher Wang: This is my contact method, we can contact more in the future. I hope you will continue to exercise and take care when you go back.

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