26 July 2021

hsk3 lesson 16 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 16 我现在累得下了班就想睡觉

I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work

text 16-1   在公司    In the company

xiǎo lì : wǒ bù xǐhuan yīzhí zhù zài tóng yī gè chéngshì , xiǎng qù qítā chéngshì kàn yīkàn.

小丽: 我不喜欢一直住在同一个城市,想去其他城市看一看。

Xiaoli: I don't like living in the same city all the time, and want to go to other cities to take a look.

zhōumíng : wǒ niánqīng de shíhòu yě zhème xiǎng , dànshì nà shíhóu méiyǒu qián , rúguǒ yǒuqián , jiù qù le.

周明: 我年轻的时候也这么想,但是那时侯没有钱,如果有钱,就去了。

Zhou Ming: I thought so when I was young, but there was no money at that time. If I had money, I would go.

xiǎo lì : nà nín xiànzài wèishénme bù qù? 

小丽: 那您现在为什么不去?

Xiao Li: Xiao li: Then why don't you go now? 

zhōumíng : xiànzài qián bù shì wèntí le, zhǔyào shì méiyǒu shíjiān. 

周明: 现在钱不是问题了,主要是没有时间。

Zhou Ming: Now money is not a problem, Mainly because there is no time.

xiǎo lì : wǒ rènwéi xiànzài nín yǒu shíjiān yě bù huì chūqù wáner.

小丽: 我认为现在您有时间也不会出去玩儿。

Xiao Li: Xiao Li: I don't think you'll go out now if you have time. 

zhōumíng : nín shuō dé duì , wǒ xiànzài lèi dé xià le bān jiù xiǎng shuìjiào.

周明: 您说得对,我现在累得下了班就想睡觉。 

Zhou Ming: You're right, I'm tired until I get off work and want to sleep.

text 16-2    在同事家    At a colleague's home

tóngshì : xièxiè nǐmen lái kàn wǒ nǚer . nǐ sòng de xiǎo píxié hé xiǎo màozǐ zhēn piàoliàng ! 

同事: 谢谢你们来看我女儿。你送的小皮鞋和小帽子真漂亮!

Colleague: Thank you for coming to see my daughter. The little leather shoes and hat you sent are very beautiful! 

xiǎo lì : bié kèqì , nǐ nǚer zhǎng dé báibái de , pàngpàng de , zhēn kěài ! xiànzài duō gāo le ? 

小丽: 别客气,你女儿长得白白的,胖胖的,真可爱!现在多高了?

Xiaoli: Don't be formal, your daughter is white, fat, so cute! How tall is it now? 

tóngshì : kuài 1 mǐ le , 25 gōngjīn.

同事: 快1米了,25公斤。

Colleague: It's almost 1 meter, 25 kilograms. 

xiǎo lì : nǐ kàn tā bízǐ xiǎoxiǎo de , tóufā hēihēi de , zhǎngde xiàng shuí? 

小丽: 你看她鼻子小小的,头发黑黑的,长得像谁?

Xiao Li: Who does she look like when you look at her small nose and dark hair? 

tóngshì : xiàng tā bàbà , gāng chūshēng shí tā bàbà gāoxìng dé yī gè wǎnshàng dōu méi shuì zhe.

同事: 像她爸爸,刚出生时她爸爸高兴得一个晚上都没睡着。

Colleague: Like her father, when she was born, her father was so happy that he didn't fall asleep all night.

text 16-3    在公司    In the company

xiǎo gāng : wǒ de yá hái shì hěn téng.

小刚: 我的牙还是很疼。

Xiaogang: My teeth still hurt. 

tóngshì : rúguǒ bù shūfú , jiù qù yīyuàn jiǎnchá yīxià ba.

同事: 如果不舒服,就去医院检查一下吧。

Colleague: If you're not feeling well, go to the hospital and have a check-up. 

xiǎo gāng : jiǎnchá hǎo jǐ cì le , dànshì méi shénme yòng.

小刚: 检查好几次了,但是没什么用。

Xiaogang: It's been checked several times, but it's no use. 

tóngshì : dàifū zěnme shuō de? 

同事: 大夫怎么说的?

Colleague: What did the doctor say? 

xiǎo gāng : měi cì yīshēng dōu gàosù wǒ, huí jiā hǎohāor shuāyá.

小刚: 每次医生都告诉我,回家好好儿刷牙。 

Xiaogang: Every time the doctor tells me to go home and brush my teeth thoroughly.

text 16-4

hěnduō rén dōu juéde xiànzài rén hé rén de guānxì lěnglěng de, 


Many people feel that the relationship between people is cold. 

zhè kěnéng shì yīnwèi gōngzuò tài máng , 


This may be because they are too busy at work, 

máng dé méi shíjiān gēn biérén jiànmiàn , 


too busy to meet with others, 

lèidé bù yuànyì hé biérén duō shuōhuà . qíshí , 


and too tired to talk to others.  

wǒmen yīnggāi duō duì biérén xiàoxiào , 


In fact, we should smile more at others. 

shuōhuà shí rúguǒ néng duō yòng yīxiē " nín hǎo " "xièxie" zhèyàng de cíyǔ , 

说话时如果能多用一些 “您好” “谢谢” 这样的词语,

If we can use more words like "hello" "thanks" when we speak, 

hé biérén de guānxì jiù huì biànde gēng hǎo .


our relationship with others will become better.

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hsk 3 lesson 16 audio with pinyin and English translation

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