26 July 2021

hsk3 lesson 15 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 15 其他都没有问题

The rest of them are all OK

text 15-1   在办公室    In the office

Dà Shān : lǎoshī , wǒ lái zhōngguó liúxué liǎng nián le , dànshì wǒ de hànyǔ shuǐpíng tígāo dé yīdiǎnr yě bù kuài a.
大山: 老师,我来中国留学两年了,但是我的汉语水平提高得一点儿也不快啊。
Dashan : Teacher, I have been studying in China for two years, but my Chinese proficiency level is improving a little slow. 

Lǎoshī : nǐ měi tiān rènzhēn xuéxí , zuò liànxí, wánchéng zuòyè , yīzhí bùcuò a.
老师: 你每天认真学习,做练习,完成作业,一直不错啊。
Teacher : You study hard every day, do exercises, complete your homework, It's been good. 

Dà Shān : zhè shì wǒ zuótiān de zuòyè , nín bāng wǒ kànkàn duì bù duì.
大山: 这是我昨天的作业,您帮我看看对不对。
Dashan : This is my yesterday's homework, you can help me see if it is right. 

Lǎoshī : xiě dé bùcuò , chúle zhè gè jùzǐ yìsī yǒu xiē bù qīngchǔ wài , qítā dōu méi shénme wèntí.
老师: 写得不错,除了这个句子意思有些不清楚外,其他都没什么问题。
Teacher: Well written, except that the meaning of this sentence is somewhat unclear, there is nothing wrong with anything else.

Dà Shān : xièxiè lǎoshī ! 
大山: 谢谢老师!
Dashan: Thank you teacher! 

Lǎoshī : yǐhòu yǒu shénme bù míngbái de dìfāng , kěyǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà huòzhě fā diànzǐ yóujiàn.
老师: 以后有什么不明白的地方,可以给我打电话或者发电子邮件。
Teacher: If there is anything you don't understand, you can call me or email.

text 15-2    在教室    In the classroom

xuéshēng : lǎoshī , chúle xiǎoyún , qítā rén dōu lái le.
学生: 老师,除了小云,其他人都来了。
Student: Teacher, except Xiaoyun, everyone is here. 

lǎoshī : bǐsài mǎshàng jiù yào kāishǐ le , xiǎoyún zěnme hái méi lái? 
老师: 比赛马上就要开始了,小云怎么还没来?
Teacher: The game is about to start, how did Xiao Yun have not come yet? 

xuéshēng : gāngcái gěi tā dǎ diànhuà le , tā zài lùshàng ne.
学生:刚才给她打电话了, 她在路上呢。
Student: I just called her, she was on the road. 

lǎoshī : bùděng tā le , wǒ xiān gěi dàjiā jiǎngjiǎng zhè cì bǐsài de yāoqiú hé yīxiē xūyào zhùyì de dìfāng.
老师: 不等她了,我先给大家讲讲这次比赛的要求和一些需要注意的地方。
Teacher: Don't wait for her, first I have to tell everyone about the requirements of this competition and some places you need to pay attention to. 

xuéshēng : lǎoshī , nín fàngxīn , jīntiān de bǐsài wǒmen yīdìng néng ná dìyī.
学生: 老师,您放心,今天的比赛我们一定能拿第一。
Student: Teacher, you can rest assured, today's game we will take the first.

text 15-3    在休息室   In the lounge

tóngshì : xiànzài yòng diànnǎo shàngwǎng zhēn fāngbiàn a! 
同事: 现在用电脑上网真方便啊!
Colleague :Now it's so convenient to use computer! 

xiǎo gāng : shì a , chúle kàn xīnwén , rénmen hái kěyǐ zài wǎng shàng tīnggē , kàn diànyǐng , mǎi dōngxi. 
小刚: 是啊,除了看新闻,人们还可以在网上听歌,看电影,买东西。
Xiao Gang: Yes, in addition to watching the news, people can also listen songs, watch movies, and buy things online. 

tóngshì : hǎo le , nǐ cóng wǎng shàng mǎi de nà jiàn yīfú ne ? zěnme méi jiàn nǐ chuān? 
同事: 好了,你从网上买的那件衣服呢?怎么没见你穿?
Colleague : Okay, where's the dress you bought from the Internet? Why didn't see you wearing it?

xiǎo gāng : nà jiàn yīfú wǒ chuān zhe yǒudiǎnr xiǎo, gěi wǒ dìdì le.
小刚: 那件衣服我穿着有点儿小,给我弟弟了。
Xiao Gang: That dress I wore a little small, gave to my brother. 

tóngshì : tā mǎnyì ma? 
同事: 他满意吗?
Colleagues: Is he satisfied? 

tóngshì : bùyòng huā qián , hái yǒu xīn yīfú chuān , tā mǎnyì jí le.
同事: 不用花钱,还有新衣服穿,他满意极了。
Colleagues: Without spending money, having new clothes to wear, he is extremely satisfied.

text 15-4

chúle chūnjié, zhōngqiūjié yǐwài, 
In addition to the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, 

píjiǔjié yě shì zhèlǐ hěn zhòngyào de yī gè jiérì. 
The Beer Festival is also an important festival here. 

zhègè dìfāng měi nián xiàtiān dōu yào jǔxíng yī cì píjiǔjié,zài píjiǔjié shàng , nǐ kěyǐ hē dào shìjiè shàng bùtóng dìfāng de píjiǔ . 
这个地方每年夏天都要举行一次啤酒节, 在啤酒节上,你可以喝到世界上不同地方的啤酒。
This place has a Beer Festival every summer and you can drink beer from different parts of the world. 

chúle hē píjiǔ , 
In addition to drinking beer, 

nǐ hái kěyǐ zài jiēdào liǎng biān kàndào shìjiè shàng bùtóng dìfāng de gēwǔ . 
you can also see songs and dances from different parts of the world on both sides of the street. 

nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng liǎojiě shìjiè gègè dìfāng de píjiǔ wénhuà ? 
Do you want to know about beer culture in all parts of the world? 

lái zhèlǐ de píjiǔjié kànkàn ba .
Take a look at The Beer Festival here.

#hsk3 #hsk3Textbook #hsk3Lesson15

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