20 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 16 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 16   徐健和他的野生动物摄影师们   

Xu Jian and his team of wildlife photographers

Xú jiàn hé tā de yěshēng dòngwù shèyǐng shīmen
Xu Jian and his team of wildlife photographers

Zhōngguó Qīnghǎi, hǎibá 4500 mǐ de shānshàng, 3 tóu xuěbào zhèngzài wánshuǎ.


Three snow leopards are playing on a mountain 4500 meters above sea level in Qinghai, China.

Yěshēng dòng zhíwù shèyǐng shīmen yāyì zhù xīngfèn, 


Wildlife photographers suppressed their excitement, 

biē zhù qì, quánlì pāishè xuěbào.


held their breath, and tried their best to photograph snow leopards.

Pāishè wánbì, yī huítóu, 


After the filming was finished, I turned my head 

fāxiàn liǎng zhī cáng zài shāntóu de xuěbào zhèng dèng zhuó yǎnjīng zhùshìzhe zìjǐ, 


and found two snow leopards hiding on the top of the mountain staring at them, 

dàjiā xiāng shì ér xiào.


and everyone smiled.

Xuěbào, zhè zhǒng pímáo shàng dàizhe měilì huā bān de dàxíng māo kē dòngwù zhèng bīnlín xiāowáng, 


Snow leopards, the big cats with beautiful variegated fur are on the verge of extinction. 

huàn jù huàshuō, 


In other words, 

zài bùjiǔ de jiānglái wǒmen hěn kěnéng zài yě jiàn bù dào zhè zhǒng dòngwù.


we may never see this animal again in the near future.

Ér zhèxiē shèyǐng shīmen shì zhìlì yú bǎohù yěshēngwùzhǒng, jìlù hé zhǎnshì zhōngguó shēng wù duōyàng xìng de “bówù xué jiā”.

而这些摄影师们是致力于保护野生物种,记录和展示中国生物多样性的 “博物学家”。

These photographers are "naturalists" dedicated to protecting wild species, recording and displaying China's biodiversity.

Chángqí fēngcānlùsù zài shānyě, 


For a long time, they live in the mountains, 

tāmen bùdàn bù juédé kǔ, fǎn'ér gǎndào wúbǐ de kuàilè.


not only do they not feel bitter, but they feel extremely happy.

Xú Jiàn shì shèyǐng shī zhōng de lǐngxiù rénwù, IBE2 de chuàngshǐ rén, 


Xu Jian is a leader among photographers and the founder of IBE2. 

tā ná chū 8 zhāng zhàopiàn, 


He took out 8 photos. 

wǒ rènshí dà xióngmāo, jīnsīhóu, máoniú hé xuěbào, 


I know giant pandas, golden monkeys, yaks and snow leopards. 

lìngwài 4 zhǒng biànrèn bù chū, 


The other 4 species cannot be identified. 

jùshuō, tāmen shì cáng hú, chì bān líng, zàng língyáng hé xǐmǎlāyǎ hàntǎ.


It is said that they are Tibetan fox, red goral, Tibetan antelope and Himalayan marmot.

Xú jiàn shuō: “Wǒmen de xiànzhuàng shì, rénmen néng shìbié chángjǐnglù, dà xīngxīng, hémǎ, 


Xu Jian said: "Our current situation is that people can recognize giraffes, gorillas, and hippos, 

zhīdao tāmen de láilì, què bù rènshí zàng língyáng, 


and they know their origins, but they don't know Tibetan antelopes. 

dàjiā duì fēizhōu de dòngwù hǎoxiàng bǐ duì wǒmen zìjǐ guójiā de dòngwù gēng wèi shúxī.”


People seem to be more familiar with the animals of Africa than the animals of our own country."

Xú jiàn miàn dài kǔsè de shuō:


Xu Jian said bitterly: 

“Xǔduō dòng zhíwù, lián yī zhāng qīngchǔ de zhàopiàn dōu méiyǒu, 


"Many animals and plants don't even have a clear picture. 

dàjiā bù rènshí, zěnme zhǐwàng bǎohù?


Everyone doesn't know them, so how can they expect protection?

Gèng yánjùn de shì zìrán bǎohù qū de yǐngxiàng kòngbái, 


What's more serious is the blank image of the nature reserve. 

hěnduō tèyǒu wùzhǒng, hái méi láidéjí wèi wǒmen suǒ liǎojiě, jiù xiāoshīle.”


Many endemic species disappeared before we could understand them.  "

Xú jiàn hé tā de péngyou céng kǔ kǔ zhuómó, zěnyàng wèi yěshēng dòngwù bǎohù jǐn yī fèn zérèn.


Xu Jian and his friends struggled to figure out how to do their part for the protection of wild animals.

Tāmen bù fēn zhòuyè de bēnbō, 


They run around day and night, 

kěwàng pāi chū zúyǐ shǐ rén fēngkuáng de zhàopiàn, xīyǐn dàjiā xīngānqíngyuàn de qù gòumǎi, 


eager to take pictures that are crazy enough to attract people to buy them willingly 

yǐbiàn zhīchēng tāmen shēnrù yěwài de jùdà kāizhī, 


in order to support their huge expenses in the wild, 

dàn shèyǐng zuòpǐn bùshì chàngxiāo shū, shèyǐng shī bàochóu hěn dī, 


but photography is not a best-seller, and photographers are paid very low. 

zhèyàng de xiǎngfǎ, jī jìn tónghuà.


This idea, It's almost a fairy tale.

Yúshì Xú Jiàn chénglìle shèhuì qǐyè IBE, wèi bǎohù qū, zhèngfǔ děng gè lèi kètí tígōng fúwù, 


Therefore, Xu Jian established the social enterprise IBE to provide services for various topics such as protected areas and the government. 

tāmen de gōngzuò shì jiànlì yěshēng dòng zhíwù yǐngxiàng kù, lìtǐ huányuán yīgè dìqū de shēngtài duōyàng xìng.


Their job is to establish a wild animal and plant image database to restore the ecological diversity of an area in a three-dimensional manner.

IBE de shèyǐng shī gè gè shì míngfùqíshí de bówù xué jiā, 


All IBE photographers are veritable naturalists, 

bùdàn yǒu gāochāo de shèyǐng jìshù, 


not only have superb photography skills, 

hái yǒu fēi tóng yībān de zhuānyè sùzhì.


but also have extraordinary professional qualities.

Tāmen fēnsàn zài quánguó gèdì, 


They were scattered all over the country, 

Xú Jiànyī fà chū hàozhào, dàjiā lìkè jù zài yīqǐ.


Xu Jianyi issued a call, and everyone immediately gathered together.

Shíjiàn zhèngshí, 


Practice has proved that 

zhè zhǒng jíhé shì gōngzuò chéngxiào xiǎnzhù, 


this kind of collective work is effective, 

yònghù yě hěn xǐhuān tāmen de zuòpǐn.


and users like their work very much.

IBE de zuòpǐn dài yǒu nónghòu de kē kǎo xìngzhì, 


IBE's works have a strong scientific nature, 

měi zhāng zhàopiàn dōu yǒu xiángxì de shùjù kě gōng shǐyòng, 


and each photo has detailed data available for use, 

bǐrú jīngquè tǒngjì de dòngwù shùliàng.


such as accurate statistics on the number of animals.

Yīcì zài méilǐ xuěshān yùjiàn dà zǐ xiōng yīngwǔ qún, 


Once I met a group of large purple-breasted parrots in Meili Snow Mountain, 

shèyǐng shī zài Photoshop shàng yīgè yīgè de shù, tǒngjì chū 1500 zhǐ de jīngquè shùjù, 


the photographer counted 1,500 pieces one by one in Photoshop. 

zhīhòu quánwēi zhuānjiā biǎoshì, 


After that, authoritative experts said that 

zhè shì yǒu jìlù yǐlái, jìn 30 nián cǐ dìqū chūxiàn de zuìdà guīmó yīngwǔ yuèdōng qún.


this is the largest parrot overwintering group that has appeared in this area in the past 30 years on record.

Pāishè tóngshí, 


While shooting, 

tāmen hái jìnxíng wùzhǒng jiànbié, dòngwù xíngwéi fēnxī děng.


they also conduct species identification and animal behavior analysis.

Xiàngmù jiéshù hòu, 


After the project is over, 

tāmen hái huì xiàng dāngdì bǎohù qū tíjiāo yī fèn huánjìng pínggū diàochá bàogào.


they will also submit an environmental assessment survey report to the local reserve.

Rújīn, xú jiàn hé tā de duìwǔ tiāntiān zài lùshàng mánglùzhe.


Today, Xu Jian and his team are busy on the road every day.

Gǎibiān zì “rénwù” wénzhāng “IBE tiāoxuǎn shèyǐng shī de dì yī biāozhǔn nǐ shì bùshì kuángrè de Naturalist?”, Zuòzhě: Zhōng shēng

改编自《人物》文章《IBE挑选摄影师的第一标准 你是不是狂热的 Naturalist?》,作者:衷生

Adapted from the article "People", "IBE's First Criteria for Selecting Photographers Are You a Fanatic Naturalist?", author: Zhongsheng

Full Translation:

Xu Jian and his wildlife photographers 

Three snow leopards are playing on a mountain 4500 meters above sea level in Qinghai, China. Wildlife photographers suppressed their excitement, held their breath, and tried their best to photograph snow leopards. After the filming was finished, I turned my head and found two snow leopards hiding on the top of the mountain staring at them, and everyone smiled.

Snow leopards, the big cats with beautiful variegated fur are on the verge of extinction. In other words, we may never see this animal again in the near future. These photographers are "naturalists" dedicated to protecting wild species, recording and displaying China's biodiversity. For a long time, they live in the mountains, not only do they not feel bitter, but they feel extremely happy.

Xu Jian is a leader among photographers and the founder of IBE2. He took out 8 photos. I know giant pandas, golden monkeys, yaks and snow leopards. The other 4 species cannot be identified. It is said that they are Tibetan fox, red goral, Tibetan antelope and Himalayan marmot.

Xu Jian said: "Our current situation is that people can recognize giraffes, gorillas, and hippos, and they know their origins, but they don't know Tibetan antelopes. People seem to be more familiar with the animals of Africa than the animals of our own country." Xu Jian said bitterly: "Many animals and plants don't even have a clear picture. Everyone doesn't know them, so how can they expect protection?

What's more serious is the blank image of the nature reserve. Many endemic species disappeared before we could understand them." Xu Jian and his friends struggled to figure out how to do their part for the protection of wild animals.

They run around day and night, eager to take pictures that are crazy enough to attract people to buy them willingly in order to support their huge expenses in the wild, but photography is not a best-seller, and photographers are paid very low. This idea, It's almost a fairy tale.

Therefore, Xu Jian established the social enterprise IBE to provide services for various topics such as protected areas and the government. Their job is to establish a wild animal and plant image database to restore the ecological diversity of an area in a three-dimensional manner. All IBE photographers are veritable naturalists, not only have superb photography skills, but also have extraordinary professional qualities. They were scattered all over the country, Xu Jianyi issued a call, and everyone immediately gathered together.

Practice has proved that this kind of collective work is effective, and users like their work very much. IBE's works have a strong scientific nature, and each photo has detailed data available for use, such as accurate statistics on the number of animals.

Once I met a group of large purple-breasted parrots in Meili Snow Mountain, the photographer counted 1,500 pieces one by one in Photoshop. After that, authoritative experts said that this is the largest parrot overwintering group that has appeared in this area in the past 30 years on record.

While shooting, they also conduct species identification and animal behavior analysis. After the project is over, they will also submit an environmental assessment survey report to the local reserve. Today, Xu Jian and his team are busy on the road every day.

Hsk6 lesson 16 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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