20 June 2021

hsk5 上 lesson 7 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 7 成语故事两则Two Idiom Stories

Blind People Touching Elephant 

Hěnjiǔ yǐqián, yǒu yīgè hěn yǒu zhìhuì de guówáng.

很久以前, 有一个很有智慧的国王。

A long time ago, there was a very wise king.

Yītiān, tā ràng shìbīngmen qù zhǎo yītóu dà xiàng hé yīxiē chūshēng shí yǎnjīng jiù xiāle de rén huílái.

一天, 他让士兵们去找一头大象和一些出生时眼睛就瞎了的人回来。

One day, he asked the soldiers to find an elephant and some people who were blind at birth.

Shìbīngmen fēnbié qù bùtóng dìfāng xúnzhǎo, bǎ zhǎodao de dà xiàng hé mángrén dài dào tā miànqián.

士兵们分别去不同地方寻找, 把找到的大象和盲人带到他面前。

The soldiers went to different places to search, and brought the elephant and blind man they found to him.

Guówáng jiào mángrénmen qù mō yī mō dà xiàng, wèn tāmen:

国王叫盲人们去摸一摸大象, 问他们:

The king told the blind people to touch the elephants and asked them:

“Nǐmen juédé dà xiàng shì shénme yàng de ne?”


"What do you think an elephant looks like?"

Mō dào yáchǐ de mángrén shuō: “Wǒ juédé xiàng yīgè jiǎo.”

摸到牙齿的盲人说: “我觉得像一个角。”

The blind man who touched his teeth said, "I feel like a horn."

“Húshuō!” Mō dào wěibā de mángrén shuō, “tā xiàng yītiáo shéngzi.”

“胡说!” 摸到尾巴的盲人说, “它像一条绳子。”

"Nonsense!" said the blind man who touched his tail, "it is like a rope."

Mō dào dà xiàng shēnzi de mángrén shuō: “Wǒ juédé xiàng yīmiàn yòu gāoyòupíng de qiáng.”

摸到大象身子的盲人说: “我觉得像一面又高又平的墙。”

The blind man who touched the elephant's body said, "I feel like a high and flat wall."

“Bù, nǐmen dōu cuòle, yīnggāi shì xiàng yī bǎ shànzi.

“不, 你们都错了, 应该是像一把扇子。

"No, you are all wrong, it should be like a fan.

Zhège mángrén mō dàole dà xiàng de ěrduǒ.


The blind man touched the elephant's ear.

Guówáng xiàole qǐlái: “Nǐmen měi gèrén dōu zhǐ mō dàole yīdiǎn, jiù rènwéi zìjǐ liǎojiě quánbùle ma?

国王笑了起来: “你们每个人都只摸到了一点,就认为自己了解全部了吗?

The king laughed: "Each of you only touched a little bit, do you think you know everything?

Zhǐyǒu piànmiàn de rènshí shì bùnéng xià jiélùn de.”


It is impossible to draw conclusions with only one-sided understanding. "

Jīngchéng suǒ zhì, jīnshí wéi kāi
Faith will move mountains to open

Xīhàn shíqí yǒuyī wèi zhùmíng de jiāngjūn jiào lǐ guǎng, 


 In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a famous general named Li Guang. 


tā shànyú qímǎ shèjiàn, zuòzhàn yǒnggǎn, 

他善于骑马射箭, 作战勇敢, 

He was good at horseback riding and archery, and he was brave in combat. 

bèi chēng wèi “fēi jiāngjūn”.

被称为 “飞将军”。

He was called "the flying general". 

Yītiān bàngwǎn, tā zhèng dàizhe shìbīngmen zài shānzhōng dǎliè, 


One evening, when he was leading the soldiers to hunt in the mountains, 

hūrán fāxiàn yuǎn chù dūnzhe yī zhǐ dà lǎohǔ.


he suddenly found a big tiger squatting in the distance.

Shìbīngmen dōu jǐn zhāng de wéile shànglái, xiǎng yào bǎohù tā.

士兵们都緊张地围了上来, 想要保护他。

The soldiers surrounded him nervously, trying to protect him.

Lǐguǎngyáo yáotóu, biǎoshì bùyàojǐn.

李广摇摇头, 表示不要紧。

Li Guang shook his head and said it didn't matter.

Zhǐ jiàn tā cóng jiàn dài lǐ qǔchū yī zhī jiàn, bǎihǎo zīshì, quánshénguànzhù, yòng jìn quánlì xiàng lǎohǔ shè qù.

只见他从箭袋里取出一支箭, 摆好姿势, 全神贯注, 用尽全力向老虎射去。

He took an arrow out of his quiver, posed, concentrated, and shot at the tiger with all his strength.

Guòle yīhuìr, lǎohǔ méishénme fǎnyìng, shìbīngmen xiǎoxīn dì zǒu shàng qián qù, xiǎng quèdìng tā shì bùshì sǐle.

过了一会儿, 老虎没什么反应, 士兵们小心地走上前去, 想确定它是不是死了。

After a while, the tiger didn't respond, and the soldiers stepped forward cautiously, trying to determine if it was dead.

Méi xiǎngdào zǐxì yī kàn, bèi shè zhòng de jìng bùshì lǎohǔ, ér shì yīkuài xíngzhuàng hěn xiàng lǎohǔ de dà shítou, 

没想到仔细一看, 被射中的竟不是老虎, 而是一块形状很像老虎的大石头, 

They didn't expect to take a closer look. It was not a tiger that was shot, but a big rock that looked like a tiger, 

érqiě yī zhěng zhī jiàn jīhū quándōu shè dào shítou zhōng qùle!


and almost all of the arrows were shot into the rock!

Dàjiā dōu hěn chījīng, 


Everyone was surprised, 

lián lǐ guǎng zìjǐ dōu bù xiāngxìn tā néng yǒu zhème dà de lìqì, 


even Li Guang himself didn't believe that he could have such great strength, 

yúshì tā xiǎng zài shì shì.


so he wanted to try again.

Kěshì, zhè cì tā liánxù huànle jǐ gēn jiàn, dōu méi néng zài shè jìnqù, 

可是,这次他连续换了几根箭, 都没能再射进去, 

However, this time he changed several arrows in a row, but failed to shoot again. 

yǒu de jiàntóu suìle, yǒu de jiàn gǎn duànle, ér dà shítou yīdiǎn er biànhuà yě méiyǒu.

有的箭头碎了, 有的箭杆断了, 而大石头一点儿变化也没有。

Some arrows were broken, some shafts were broken, and the big rock did not change at all.

“Āi, zěnme huì zhèyàng?” Shìbīng qíguài de nǐ kàn wǒ, wǒ kàn nǐ.

“哎, 怎么会这样?” 士兵奇怪地你看我, 我看你。

"Hey, how could this be?" The soldier looked at me strangely, It's up to you.

“Āi! Dàgài shì wǒ bù de yòngxīnle ba!” Lǐ guǎng yě wúnài de shuō.

“唉! 大概是我不的用心了吧!” 李广也无奈地说。

"Oh! I probably didn't care about it!" Li Guang said helplessly.

Rénmen duì zhè jiàn shìqíng gǎndào hěn bù jiě, jiù qù wèn dāngshí zuì yǒu yǐngxiǎng lì de xuézhě yáng xióng.

人们对这件事情感到很不解, 就去问当时最有影响力的学者扬雄。

People were puzzled by this matter, so they asked Yang Xiong, the most influential scholar at the time.

Yáng xióng huídá shuō: 


Yang Xiong replied: 

“Rúguǒ chéngxīn shíyì, jíshǐ xiàng jīnshǔ hé shítou nàyàng yìng de dōngxi yě huì bèi dǎdòng.”

“如果诚心实意, 即使像金属和石头那样硬的东西也会被打动。”

"If you are sincere, even hard things like metal and stone will be moved."

“Jīngchéng suǒ zhì, jīnshí wéi kāi” zhè yī chéngyǔ yě biàn yóu cǐ liúchuán xiàlái.

“精诚所至, 金石为开” 这一成语也便由此流传下来。

The idiom "Wherever you are sincere, gold and stone are open" has also been passed down from this.

Full Translation:

Blind People Touching Elephant 

A long time ago, there was a very wise king. One day, he asked the soldiers to find an elephant and some people who were blind at birth. The soldiers went to different places to search, and brought the elephant and blind man they found to him. The king told the blind people to touch the elephants and asked them: "What do you think an elephant looks like?"

The blind man who touched his teeth said, "I feel like a horn." "Nonsense!" said the blind man who touched his tail, "it is like a rope." The blind man who touched the elephant's body said, "I feel like a high and flat wall." "No, you are all wrong, it should be like a fan. The blind man touched the elephant's ear.

The king laughed: "Each of you only touched a little bit, do you think you know everything?It is impossible to draw conclusions with only one-sided understanding."

Faith will move mountains to open

In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a famous general named Li Guang. He was good at horseback riding and archery, and he was brave in combat. He was called "the flying general".  

One evening, when he was leading the soldiers to hunt in the mountains, he suddenly found a big tiger squatting in the distance. The soldiers surrounded him nervously, trying to protect him. Li Guang shook his head and said it didn't matter. He took an arrow out of his quiver, posed, concentrated, and shot at the tiger with all his strength.

After a while, the tiger didn't respond, and the soldiers stepped forward cautiously, trying to determine if it was dead. They didn't expect to take a closer look. It was not a tiger that was shot, but a big rock that looked like a tiger, and almost all of the arrows were shot into the rock! Everyone was surprised, even Li Guang himself didn't believe that he could have such great strength, so he wanted to try again.

However, this time he changed several arrows in a row, but failed to shoot again. Some arrows were broken, some shafts were broken, and the big rock did not change at all. "Hey, how could this be?" The soldier looked at me strangely, It's up to you. "Oh! I probably didn't care about it!" Li Guang said helplessly.

People were puzzled by this matter, so they asked Yang Xiong, the most influential scholar at the time. Yang Xiong replied: "If you are sincere, even hard things like metal and stone will be moved."

The idiom "Wherever you are sincere, gold and stone are open" has also been passed down from this.


IDIOM 盲人摸象 mángrén-mōxiàng

a group of blind men trying to describe an elephant, 

mistake a part for the whole; 

draw conclusions from incomplete data

很久以前 Hěn jiǔ yǐqián

long ago

什么样 shénmeyàng

what kind? what sort? what appearance?

下结论 xià jiélùn

draw a conclusion

IDIOM 精诚所至,金石为开

jīngchéng suǒ zhì, jīnshí wéi kāi

Complete sincerity can move even metal and stone.

不要紧 bùyàojǐn

it's not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind

IDIOM 全神贯注


concentrate one's attention on; be absorbed 

过了一会儿 guòle yīhuǐr

in a while; later

没什么 méishénme

it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind

don't mention it; you're welcome

是不是 shìbùshì

is or isn't; yes or no; whether or not

没想到 méixiǎngdào

didn't expect

影响力 yǐngxiǎnglì

influence; impact

IDIOM 诚心实意 chéngxīnshíyì

earnestly and sincerely ; with all sincerity

IDIOM 精诚所至,金石为开

jīngchéng suǒ zhì, jīnshí wéi kāi

Complete sincerity can move even metal and stone.

HSK 5 lesson 7 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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