29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 8 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 8    你去哪儿我就去哪儿
I’ll go wherever you go

Text 08-1   在休息室   In the lounge

Tóngshì: Tīng shuō nǐ zuìjìn dǎsuàn mǎi fángzi? 

同事: 听说你最近打算买房子?

Colleague: I heard that you plan to buy a house recently?

Xiǎo lì: Shì, zuótiān qù kànle kàn, jīntiān yòu qù kànle kàn, míngtiān hái yào zài qù kàn kàn. 

小丽 : 是,昨天去看了看,今天又去看了看,明天还要再去看看。

Xiaoli: Yes, I went to check it yesterday, I checked it again today, and I will check it again tomorrow.

Tóngshì: Dōu bù mǎnyì ma? 

同事: 都不满意吗?

Colleague: No one was satisfied?


Xiǎo lì: Yīgè méiyǒu diàntī, bù fāngbiàn. Yīgè yǒu diàntī, dànshì zài èrshí céng. 

小丽: 一个没有电梯,不方便。一个有电梯,但是在二十层。

Xiaoli: One has no elevator, which is not convenient. One has an elevator, but it is on the 20th floor.


Tóngshì: Èrshí céng zěnme le? 

同事: 二十层怎么了?

Colleague: What's wrong to the 20th floor?


Xiǎo lì: Tài gāo le, wǎng xià kàn duō hàipà a.

小丽: 太高了,往下看多害怕啊。

Xiaoli: It's too high, I'm so scared to look down.

Text 08-2   在学校   In the school

Xiǎomíng: Tīng shuō nǐ xià gè xīngqī jiù yào huíguóle? 

小明: 听说你下个星期就要回国了?

Xiaoming: I heard that you will go back to your country next week?

Mǎkè: Shì a, zhēn bùxiǎng líkāi Běijīng.

马克: 是啊,真不想离开北京。

Mark: Yes, I really don't want to leave Beijing.

Xiǎomíng: Wǒ xià xīngqī bùzài Běijīng, bùnéng qù jīchǎng sòng nǐle. 

小明: 我下星期不在北京,不能去机场送你了。

Xiao Ming: I'm not in Beijing next week, so I can't go to the airport to see you off.


Mǎkè: Méiguānxì, nǐ máng ba. 

马克: 没关系,你忙吧。

Mark: It doesn't matter, you are busy.


Xiǎomíng: Zhège xiǎo xióngmāo sòng gěi nǐ, huānyíng nǐ yǐhòu zài dàolái Zhōngguó. 

小明: 这个小熊猫送给你,欢迎你以后再到来中国。

Xiao Ming: This little panda is for you. Welcome to China again in the future.


Mǎkè: Xièxiè. Xīwàng yǐhòu néng zài jiànmiàn.

马克: 谢谢。希望以后能再见面。

Mark: Thank you. Hope to meet again in the future.

Text 08-3   在咖啡厅   In a coffee house

Xiǎo lì: Xiǎo gāng, wǒmen zuò nǎr? 

小丽: 小刚,我们坐哪儿?

Xiaoli: Xiaogang, where do we sit?

Xiǎo gāng: Nǐ zuò nǎr wǒ jiù zuò nǎr. 

小刚: 你坐哪儿我就坐哪儿。

Xiaogang: I'll sit wherever you sit.

Xiǎo lì: Zuò zhèr ba, zhèr ānjìng. Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme yǐnliào? 

小丽: 坐这儿吧,这儿安静。你想喝什么饮料?

Xiaoli: Sit here, it's quiet. What drink would you like to drink?


Xiǎo gāng: Nǐ hē shénme wǒ jiù hē shénme.

小刚: 你喝什么我就喝什么。

Xiaogang: I will drink whatever you drink.


Xiǎo lì: Hē kělè ba. Nǐ děng wǒ yīhuìr, wǒ mǎshàng huílái. 

小丽: 喝可乐吧。你等我一会儿,我马上回来。

Xiaoli: Let's drink coke. You wait for me for a while, I'll be right back.


Xiǎo gāng: Xiǎo lì, nǐ qù nǎr? Nǐ qù nǎr wǒ jiù qù nǎr. 

小刚: 小丽,你去哪儿?你去哪儿我就去哪儿。

Xiaogang: Xiaoli, where are you going? I'll go wherever you go.

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ qù xǐshǒujiān.

小丽: 我去洗手间。

Xiaoli: I'm going to the bathroom.

Text 08-4   在周明家   At Zhouming's home

Lǎo tóngxué: Kuài wǔ niánle, nǐ jīhū méi biànhuà. 


Old classmate: It has been almost five years, and you have hardly changed.


Zhōu tàitài: Shéi shuō de? Wǒ pàngle, yǐqián de yīfu dōu bùnéng chuānle. 

周太太: 谁说的?我胖了,以前的衣服都不能穿了。

Mrs. Zhou: Who said that? I'm fat, and I can't wear my old clothes.


Lǎo tóngxué: Jiànkāng zuì zhòngyào, pàng shòu méiguānxì. 

老同学: 健康最重要,胖瘦没关系。

Old classmate: Health is the most important thing, it doesn't matter if you are fat or thin.


Zhōu tàitài: Shì ya, xiǎng chī shénme jiù chī shénme. 

周太太: 是呀,想吃什么就吃什么。

Mrs. Zhou: Yes, you can eat whatever you want.


Lǎo tóngxué: Nǐ zuò fàn háishì Zhōumíng zuò fàn? 

老同学: 你做饭还是周明做饭?

Old classmate: Do you cook or Zhou Ming cook?


Zhōu tàitài: Wǒ zuò, wǒ xiǎng chī shénme jiù zuò shénme, xiǎng chī duōshǎo jiù zuò duōshǎo.

周太太: 我做,我想吃什么就做什么,想吃多少就做多少。

Mrs. Zhou: I do. I can do whatever I want to eat, and do as much as I want to eat.

hsk3 lesson 8 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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