29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 6 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 6   怎么突然找不到了
Why are they suddenly missing

Text 06-1   在客厅   In the living room

Zhōumíng: Wǒ de yǎnjìng ne? Zěnme túrán zhǎo bù dàole? Nǐ kànjiànle ma? 

周明: 我的眼镜呢?怎么突然找不到了?你看见了吗?

Zhou Ming: Where are my glasses?  Why can't I find it suddenly? Did you see that?

Zhōu tàitài: Wǒ méi kànjiàn a. 

周太太: 我没看见啊。

Mrs. Zhou: I didn't see it.

Zhōumíng: Wǒ lì bù kāi yǎnjìng, méiyǒu yǎnjìng, wǒ yīgè zì yě bù kàn qīngchǔ. 

周明: 我离不开眼镜,没有眼镜,我一个字也不看清楚。

Zhou Ming: I can't do without glasses. Without glasses, I can't read a word clearly.

Zhōu tàitài: Nǐ qù fángjiān zhǎo zhǎo, shì bùshì gāngcái fàng zài zhuōzi shàngle? 

周太太: 你去房间找找,是不是刚才放在桌子上了?

Mrs. Zhou: You go to the room to find it. Maybe you just put it on the table?              

Zhōumíng: Wǒ zěnme kàn dédào a? Nǐ kuài guòlái bāngmáng a. 

周明: 我怎么看得到啊?你快过来帮忙啊。

Zhou Ming: How can I see it?  Come over and help.

Zhōu tàitài: Hǎo ba, wǒ bāng nǐ qù zhǎo zhǎo.

周太太: 好吧,我帮你去找找。

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, let me find it for you.

Text 06-2   在打电话   On the phone

Tóngxué: Jīntiān de zuòyè nǐ zuò wánle ma? 

同学: 今天的作业你做完了吗?

Classmate: Have you finished today's homework?

Érzi: Gāng zuò wán, nǐ ne? 

儿子: 刚做完,你呢?

Son: Just finished it, how about you?

Tóngxué: Jīntiān zhèxiē tí tèbié nán, wǒ kàn bù dǒng, bù huì zuò, nǐ néng bāng wǒ ma? 

同学: 今天这些题特别难,我看不懂,不会做,你能帮我吗?

Classmate: These questions are very difficult today. I don't understand and can't do them. Can you help me?

Érzi: Diànhuà li jiǎng bù míngbái, nǐ lái wǒjiā ba, wǒ gěi nǐ jiǎng jiǎng. 

儿子: 电话里讲不明白,你来我家吧,我给你讲讲。

Son: You couldn't understand on the phone. Come to my house and I will tell you.         

Tóngxué: Hǎo a, wǒ duànliàn wánle jiù guòqù.

同学: 好啊,我锻炼完了就过去。

Classmate: Okay, I'll come there after I exercise.

Text 06-3   在休息室   In the lounge

Tóngshì: Nǐ zěnme yǒudiǎnr bù gāoxìng? 

同事: 你怎么有点儿不高兴?

Colleague: Why are you a little unhappy?

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒ xiǎng qǐng xiǎolì chīfàn, dànshì zhǎo bù dào hǎo fànguǎn. 

小刚: 我想请小丽吃饭,但是找不到好饭馆。

Xiaogang: I want to invite Xiaoli to dinner, but I can't find a good restaurant.

Tóngshì: Nà nǐ qǐng tā tīng yīnyuè huì ba, tā xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè. 

同事: 那你请她听音乐会吧,她喜欢听音乐。

Colleague: Then invite her to the concert. She likes listening to music.

Xiǎo gāng: Yīnyuè huì rén tài duō, mǎi bù dào piào. 

小刚: 音乐会人太多,买不到票。

Xiaogang: There are too many people in the concert to buy tickets.

Tóngshì: Nà qù gōngyuán zǒu zǒu, liáo liáotiānr ba. 

同事: 那去公园走走,聊聊天儿吧。

Colleague: Then go to the park to have a walk and chat.

Xiǎo gāng: Gōngyuán tài dà, duō lèi a.

小刚: 公园太大,多累啊。

Xiaogang: The park is too big, so tired.

Text 06-4   在客厅   In the living room

Zhōu tàitài: Nǐ zěnme hái hē kāfēi? 

周太太: 你怎么还喝咖啡?

Mrs. Zhou: Why are you still drinking coffee?

Zhōumíng: Zěnmele? 

周明: 怎么了?

Zhou Ming: What's wrong?

Zhōu tàitài: Nǐ bùshì shuō wǎnshàng shuì bùzháo jiào ma? 

周太太: 你不是说晚上睡不着觉吗?

Mrs. Zhou: Didn't you say you couldn't sleep at night?

Zhōumíng: Méishì, wǒ zhǐ hè yībēi. 

周明: 没事,我只喝一杯。

Zhou Ming: It's okay, I only have a drink.

Zhōu tàitài: Nǐ hái hē bēi niúnǎi ba, kěyǐ shuì dé gèng hǎoxiē. 

周太太: 你还喝杯牛奶吧,可以睡得更好些。

Mrs. Zhou: You still have a glass of milk to sleep better.             

Zhōumíng: Hǎo ba, niúnǎi ne? 

周明: 好吧,牛奶呢?

Zhou Ming: Okay, where's the milk?

Zhōu tàitài: Hái méi mǎi ne.

周太太: 还没买呢。

Mrs. Zhou: I haven't bought it yet.

hsk3 lesson 6 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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