29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 5 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 5   我最近越来越胖了
I am getting fatter and fatter lately

Dialogue 05-1   在小丽家   At Xiaoli's home

Péngyou : wǒ tīngshuō nǐ shēntǐ bù shūfu, zěnme le ? 

朋友: 我听说你身体不舒服,怎么了?

Friend: I heard that you are not well, what happened? 

Xiǎo lì : qián jǐ tiān yǒudiǎnr fāshāo , xiànzài hǎoduō le. 

小丽: 前几天有点儿发烧,现在好多了。

Xiao li: I have a bit fever for few days ago, now it is much better. 

Péngyou : hē bēi chá ba , zhè shì wǒ wéi nǐ mǎi de lǜ chá , hěn bùcuò.

朋友: 喝杯茶吧,这是我为你买的绿茶,很不错。

Friend: take a cup of tea, this green tea i bought for you, is very good. 

Xiǎo lì : xièxiè , wǒ yào chīyào , bù hē chá le.

小丽: 谢谢,我要吃药,不喝茶了。

Xiao li: thank you, i have to take medicine, can't take tea. 

Péngyou : nà hē bēi shuǐ ba.

朋友: 那喝杯水吧。

Friend: then drink a glass of water.

Xiǎo lì : hǎo de.

小丽: 好的。

Xiao li: ok.

Dialogue 05-2   在打电话   On the phone

Zhōu tàitài : duìbùqǐ , wǒ míngtiān bù néng hé nǐmen chūqù wánr le.

周太太: 对不起,我明天不能和你们出去玩儿了。

Mrs. Zhou: Sorry, I can't go for outing with you tomorrow. 

Zhāng tàitài : wèishénme ? zěnme le ? 

张太太: 为什么?怎么了?

Mrs. Zhang: Why? What happened? 

Zhōu tàitài : wǒ érzi shēngbìng le , wǒ yào zài jiā zhàogù tā.

周太太: 我儿子生病了,我要在家照顾他。

Mrs. Zhou: My son is sick, I have to take care of him at home. 

Zhāng tàitài : tā chīyào le ma ? yào bù yào qù yīyuàn ma? 

张太太: 他吃药了吗?要不要去医院吗?

Mrs. Zhang: Did he take medicine?  Do you want to go to the hospital?

Zhōu tàitài : bù yòng qù yīyuàn , zuótiān chī le gǎnmàoyào , xiànzài hǎo yīxiē le.

周太太: 不用去医院,昨天吃了感冒药,现在好一些了。

Mrs. Zhou: No need to go hospital, He ate medicine for cold yesterday, now he is fine. 

Zhāng tàitài : nà wǒmen xiàcì zài yīqǐ chūqù wánr ba.

张太太: 那我们下次再一起出去玩儿吧。

Mrs. Zhang: Then we will go out again next time.

Dialogue 05-3   在小刚家   At Xiaogang's home

Xiǎo lì : nǐ zuì xǐhuan nàgè jìjié ? 

小丽: 你最喜欢那个季节?

Xiao Li: Which season do you like most? 

Xiǎo gāng : dāngrán shì chūntiān , tiānqì bù nàme lěng le cǎo hé shù dōu lǜ le , huā yě kāi le.

小刚: 当然是春天,天气不那么冷了草和树都绿了,花也开了。

Xiao Gang: Of course, it is spring, the weather is not so cold, grass and trees are green, flowers also blossom. 

Xiǎo lì : wǒ zuì xǐhuan xiàtiān , yīnwèi wǒ kěyǐ chuān piàoliàng de qúnzi le.

小丽: 我最喜欢夏天,因为我可以穿漂亮的裙子了。

Xiao Li: I like most summer, because I can wear beautiful skirts. 

Xiǎo gāng : nà wǒ yě xǐhuan xiàtiān le.


Xiao Gang: Then I also like the summer. 

Xiǎo lì : zěnme ? nǐ yě yǒu piàoliàng de qúnzi? 

小丽: 怎么?你也有漂亮的裙子?

Xiao Li: How? Do you also have beautiful skirts? 

Xiǎo gāng : bù , wǒ xǐhuan kàn nǐ chuān piàoliàng de qúnzi.

小刚: 不,我喜欢看你穿漂亮的裙子。

Xiao Gang: No, I like to see you wear beautiful skirts.

Dialogue 05-4   在小刚家   At Xiaogang's home

Xiǎo lì : wǒ zuìjìn yuèláiyuè pàng le.

小丽: 我最近越来越胖了。

Xiao Li: I have getting fatter these days. 

Xiǎo gāng : shéi shuō de ? wǒ juéde nǐ yuèláiyuè piàoliàng le.

小刚: 谁说的? 我觉得你越来越漂亮了。

Xiao Gang: Who said? I think you are getting more beautiful. 

Xiǎo lì : nǐ kàn , zhè tiáo qúnzi shì qùnián mǎi de , jīnnián jiù bù néng chuān le.

小丽: 你看,这条裙子是去年买的,今年就不能  穿了。

Xiao Li: You see, this dress is bought last year, this year can't wear it. 

Xiǎo gāng : nà shì yīnwèi nǐ chī dé tài duō le , xiǎo chī diǎnr ba.

小刚: 那是因为你吃得太多了,小吃点儿吧。

Xiao Gang: That's because you eat too much, eat less. 

Xiǎo lì : wǒ zuò de fàn yuèláiyuè hǎochī , wǒ néng shǎo chī ma?

小丽: 我做的饭越来越好吃,我能少吃吗?

Xiao Li: I start cooking more delicious, can I eat less?

hsk3 lesson 5 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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