19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 9 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 9   不用手机的日子   

A day without a cell phone

Bùyòng shǒujī de rìzi


A day without a cell phone

Kāihuì shí lǎobǎn huǒle:


The boss got angry during the meeting: 

“Bié jiǎzhuāng zhèngjīng, 


"Don't pretend to be serious, 

wǒ zhīdao nǐmen dōu zài wánr shǒujī, 


I know you are all playing with mobile phones, 

nà wányìr jiù nàme hǎowánr?”


is that stuff so fun?"

Lǎobǎn zhǐzhe wǒ:


The boss pointed at me: 

“Nǐ shuō shuō, kànle shénme?


"Tell me, what did you watch?

Bǐ wǒ shuōhuà hái yǒuyìsi?”


It's more interesting than what I said?"

Wǒ liǎn biē de tōnghóng, shuō: 


My face flushed, and said, 

“Yī duì niánqīng rén biān kāichē biān ná shǒujī pāizhào, 


"A young couple took a photo with their mobile phone while driving. 

bǎ qiáo zhuàng huàile, 


they crashed the bridge. 

méi bàojǐng, 


they didn't call the police,

xiān xià chē pāizhào fā wēixìn. 


they got out of the car and took pictures and sent WeChat. 

Yào bùyào zhuǎnfā gěi nín?”


Would you like to forward it to you?"

Lǎobǎn yī bǎishǒu:


The boss waved his hand: 

“Nǐmen ya, dōu ràng shǒujī gěi bǎngjiàle, 


"You guys have all been kidnapped by mobile phones, 

zhème guòrìzi, bù shòuzuì ma?”


Do you live like this without being guilty?"

Yī tóngshì jǔ shǒu:


A colleague raised his hand: 

“Lǎobǎn, gāng sōusuǒle yīxià, 


"Boss, I just searched it. 

lì bù kāi shǒujī yěshì yī zhǒng jīngshénbìng.”


It's a mental illness to be inseparable from a mobile phone."

Lǎobǎn dà hǒu:


The boss yelled: 

“Yǒu bìng jiù dé zhì!” 


"If you are sick, you have to be treated!" 

Suíhòu hēizhe liǎn rēng xià yījù huà:


Then he threw a sentence with a black face: 

“Yǐhòu kāihuì shéi dōu bùxǔ dài shǒujī!” 


"No one is allowed to bring a mobile phone to the meeting!" 

Lǎobǎn shuō de méi cuò, 


The boss was right, 

tèbié shì yǒule zhìnéng shǒujī, wǒ jiù chéngle shǒujī de núlì, 


especially when I have a smart phone, I became a slave to the phone,

duì shénme dōu mámùle, 


I'm numb to everything, 

xīnlǐ zhǐyǒu shǒujī: 


I only have my mobile phone in my mind: 

Sān fēnzhōng kàn yīcì xīnwén; 


reading the news once in three minutes; 

shí fēnzhōng fā yīcì wēixìn; 


sending on WeChat once in ten minutes; 

chīfàn qián xiān pāizhào; 


taking pictures before eating; 

lángtūnhǔyàn chī wán, 


gobble up and eat, 

yòu máitóu kàn wēixìn; 


and then read WeChat; 

shuìjiào zhīqián xiān gěi shǒujī chōngdiàn······


charging the phone before going to bed······  

bǎ shǒujī tā lǎorénjiā cìhòu de hǎohǎo de.


The old man takes care of his mobile phone well.

Yǒu yīcì āmáo duì wǒ shuō:


Once Amao said to me: 

“Wǒ gēn nǐ shuōhuà ne, nǐ gànma lǎo kàn shǒujī?”


"I'm talking to you, why do you always look at your phone?"

Wǒ chōng tā zhǎ zhǎyǎn, shuō:


I blinked at him and said, 

“Nà nǐ yě ná chū shǒujī, 


"Then you take out your phone, 

zánmen shǒujī shàng liáo ba, 


let's talk on the phone, 

bǎozhèng bù fēn xīn!” 


and make sure you don't get distracted!" 

Líkāile shǒujī, nándào huì sǐ ma?


Will you die if you leave the phone?

Hébù chángshì yīxià yīzhōu guānjī yītiān? 


Why not try to shut down one day a week?  

Shuō gàn jiù gàn, suǒxìng zhè lǐbài jiù kāishǐ.


Just do it, just start this week.

Zhōu rì, wǒ àn xiǎoxuéshēng de zuòxí shíjiān qī diǎn qǐchuáng, 


On Sunday, I wake up at 7 o'clock according to the schedule of elementary school students. 

zhīhòu, xiān zhuóshǒu ānzhì wǒ de shǒujī.


After that, I set up my mobile phone first.

Wèile fángzhǐ zìjǐ yìzhì bóruò, 


In order to prevent my weakness, 

wǒ zhǎo lái gè jīngzhì de hézi, 


I found a delicate box, 

bǎ shǒujī céng céng bāo hǎo, 


wrapped the phone layer by layer, 

zhuāngzhòng dì fàng zài hézi lǐ, 


and placed it solemnly in the box, 

shōu dào yīguì zuì lǐmiàn.


and kept it at the innermost part of the wardrobe.

Wèile fēnsàn zhùyì lì,  


In order to distract, 

wǒ juédìng qù gōngyuán duànliàn wǒ nà jiāngyìng de sìzhī,


I decided to go to the park to exercise my stiff limbs, 

yīnwèi mí shàng zhìnéng shǒujī yǐhòu, wǒ yǐjīng hǎojiǔ bù duànliànle.


because I have not exercised for a long time since I became addicted to the smartphone.

Gōngyuán lǐ chàng de tiào de dōu yǒu.


There are all singing and dancing in the park.

Tiàowǔ shì wǒ de tècháng, 


Dancing is my specialty. 

wǒ xìnggāocǎiliè de tiào qǐle yáogǔn, 


I happily jumped to rock and roll, 

jì néng yúlè shēnxīn, 


which can both entertain my body and mind, 

yòu néng duànliàn shēntǐ, 


and exercise my body. 



It kills two birds with one stone.

Tiào wán wǔ, 


After dancing, 

wǒ wǎng jiā zǒu, 


I walked home 

túrán xiǎngqǐ bèi lěngluòle bàntiān er de shǒujī, 


and suddenly remembered the phone that had been left out for a long time. 

jímáng gǎn huí jiā, dǎkāi yīguì, shǒujī hái zài, 


I hurried home, opened the closet, and the phone was still there. 

wǒ xīnlǐ tàshíle xǔduō.


I felt much more at ease.

Wǔ gè xiǎoshí méi pèng tā, 


I haven't touched it for five hours, 

wǒ xīn kōngxū dé yàomìng, 


my heart is so empty, 

wǒ juédìng yòng áo zhōu zhè jiàn zuì xiāohào shíjiān de shì lái míbǔ xīnzhōng de kōngxū.


I decided to make up for the emptiness in my heart with the most time-consuming thing.

Shāo shuǐ, 


I boiled the water, 

xià mǐ, 


lowered the rice, 

kànzhe xuěbái de mǐ zài fèiténg de shuǐzhōng fāngǔn, 


and watched the snow-white rice tumbling in the boiling water. 

wūzi lǐ jiànjiàn mímànzhe zhōu de xiāngqì, 


The aroma of porridge gradually filled the room. 

wūwài jìngrán chuán láile niǎo de jiào shēng, 


The sound of birds came from outside, 

wǒ de xīn màn man jìngle xiàlái.


and my heart slowly calmed down.

Yào zài wǎngcháng, 


As usual, 

wǒ yīdìng zǎo dài bù zhùle, 


I must have been unable to stay any longer, 

diànjìzhe mǒu mǒu zhēntàn de ànjiàn shì bùshì yǒule túpò, 


wondering whether there was a breakthrough in the detective's case, 

kēxuéjiā shìfǒu yǒule zhènjīng shìjiè de fǎ xiàn, 


whether the scientist had a discovery that shocked the world, 

cǎipiào dàjiǎng kāile méiyǒu, 


whether the lottery prize was opened, 

qián liǎng tiān de kǒngbù xíjí dàodǐ shì shéi gàn de·····


and who did the terrorist attack two days ago·····

Méiyǒu shǒujī de gānrǎo, 


Without the interference of mobile phones and living so peacefully, 

shēnghuó zhème ānníng, wǒ túrán yǒule yī zhǒng huíguī shēnghuó de xīnwèi.


I suddenly felt a sense of relief to return to life.

Gǎibiān zì “běijīng wǎnbào” wénzhāng “bùyòng shǒujī de yī tiān”, zuòzhě: Zhū zhū xiá



Adapted from the "Beijing Evening News" article "One without a mobile phone"

 Heaven, Author: Zhu Zhu Xia

Full Translation:

A day without a cell phone

The boss got angry during the meeting: "Don't pretend to be serious, I know you are all playing with mobile phones, is that stuff so fun?" The boss pointed at me: "Tell me, what did you watch? It's more interesting than what I said?"

My face flushed, and said, "A young couple took a photo with their mobile phone while driving, they crashed the bridge, they didn't call the police, they got out of the car and took pictures and sent WeChat. Would you like to forward it to you?"

The boss waved his hand: "You guys have all been kidnapped by mobile phones, Do you live like this without being guilty?" A colleague raised his hand: "Boss, I just searched it. It's a mental illness to be inseparable from a mobile phone."

The boss yelled: "If you are sick, you have to be treated!" Then he threw a sentence with a black face: "No one is allowed to bring a mobile phone to the meeting!" The boss was right, especially when I have a smart phone, I became a slave to the phone, I'm numb to everything, I only have my mobile phone in my mind: reading the news once in three minutes; sending on WeChat once in ten minutes; taking pictures before eating; gobble up and eat, and then read WeChat; charging the phone before going to bed······  

The old man takes care of his mobile phone well. Once Amao said to me: "I'm talking to you, why do you always look at your phone?" I blinked at him and said, "Then you take out your phone, let's talk on the phone, and make sure you don't get distracted!" 

Will you die if you leave the phone? Why not try to shut down one day a week? Just do it, just start this week. On Sunday, I wake up at 7 o'clock according to the schedule of elementary school students. After that, I set up my mobile phone first.

In order to prevent my weakness, I found an delicate box, wrapped the phone layer by layer, and placed it solemnly in the box, and kept it at the innermost part of the wardrobe. In order to distract, I decided to go to the park to exercise my stiff limbs, because I have not exercised for a long time since I became addicted to the smartphone.

There are all singing and dancing in the park.

Dancing is my specialty. I happily jumped to rock and roll, which can both entertain my body and mind, and exercise my body. It kills two birds with one stone. After dancing, I walked home and suddenly remembered the phone that had been left out for a long time. 

I hurried home, opened the closet, and the phone was still there. I felt much more at ease. I haven't touched it for five hours, my heart was so empty, I decided to make up for the emptiness in my heart with the most time-consuming thing. I boiled the water, lowered the rice, and watched the snow-white rice tumbling in the boiling water. The aroma of porridge gradually filled the room. 

The sound of birds came from outside, and my heart slowly calmed down. As usual, I must have been unable to stay any longer, wondering whether there was a breakthrough in the detective's case, whether the scientist had a discovery that shocked the world, whether the lottery prize was opened, and who did the terrorist attack two days ago·····

Without the interference of mobile phones and living so peacefully, I suddenly felt a sense of relief to return to life.

HSK 6 lesson 9 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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