19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 7 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 7   我的人生我做主
I'm the master of my own life

Wǒ de rénshēng wǒ zuòzhǔ


I'm the master of my own life

Zuìjìn, xiǎo wáng zhèng wèi gōngzuò de shì shāng nǎojīn.


Recently, Xiao Wang is struggling with his work.

Bìyè yú 3 nián qián de tā, 


He graduated 3 years ago, 

yīzhí zuò kuàijì, 


has been working as an accountant, 

chéngtiān hé shùzì dǎjiāodào, 


dealing with numbers all the time, 

kūzào érqiě yālì dà, 


boring and stressful, 

tā zuòmèng dōu xiǎng huàn yī fèn gōngzuò.


he dreamed of changing job.

Xiǎo wáng duì yìshù, xīnlǐ xué dōu gǎn xìngqù, 


Xiao Wang is interested in art and psychology, 

juédé dàng lǎoshī yě bùcuò, 


and thinks it is good to be a teacher, 

kě tā bù quèdìng zìjǐ zhēnzhèng shàncháng shénme, 


but he is not sure what he is really good at. 

pà wàn yī xuǎn cuòle, 


He is afraid that if he chooses the wrong one, 

yào fùchū hěn dà de shíjiān chéngběn hé jīngjì chéngběn, 


he will have to pay a lot of time and economic costs, 

wèi cǐ tā biàn de jízào, 


so he becomes impatient, 

jǐnzhāng, gùlǜ chóng zhòng.


nervous and worried.

Xīnlǐ zhuānjiā rènwéi, 


Psychologists believe that 

duì zìjǐ quēfá xìnxīn, 


lack of confidence in oneself 

duì wèilái guòdù bēiguān 


and excessive pessimism about the future 

zhìshǐ Xiǎo wáng chūxiàn yǐshàng xiànxiàng.


causes Xiao Wang to appear above phenomenon.

Bēiguān zhǔyào bāokuò: 


The pessimism mainly includes: 

Wǒ bù gǎn xiǎng zuì huài de jiéguǒ shì shénme; 


I don't dare to think about the worst result; 

wǒ wúfǎ chéngshòu zhège jiéguǒ; 


I can't bear this result; 

yīdàn xuǎn cuò, 


once I choose the wrong one, 

zhōngshēn huǐhèn, 


I will regret it for life, 

shènzhì huì juédé rénshēng dōu méiyǒu xīwàngle.


and even feel that life is hopeless.

Qíshí, lèisì Xiǎo Wáng zhèyàng de niánqīng rén bìngfēi shǎoshù, 


In fact, there are not a few young people like Xiao Wang. 

bù zhīdao Xiǎo Wáng men shìfǒu dúguò xiàmiàn zhè duàn duìhuà:


I don’t know if Xiao Wang has read the following dialogue:

Niánqīng rén: Nǐ de zhìhuì cóng nǎlǐ lái?


Young man: Where does your wisdom come from?

Qiáobùsī: Láizì jīngquè de pànduàn lì.


Jobs: From precise judgment.

Niánqīng rén: Jīngquè de pànduàn lì cóng nǎlǐ lái?


Young man: Where does accurate judgment come from?

Qiáobùsī: Láizì jīngyàn de jīlěi.


Jobs: From the accumulation of experience.

Niánqīng rén: Nà nǐ de jīngyàn yòu cóng nǎlǐ lái?


Young man: Where does your experience come from?

Qiáobùsī: Láizì wúshù cuòwù de pànduàn.


Jobs: From countless wrong judgments.

Zuò juédìng shì yī zhǒng nénglì, 


Decision-making is a kind of ability, 

ér nénglì bùshì tiānshēng de, 


and ability is not inborn. 

shì tōngguò shíjiàn hé cuòzhé dé lái de, 


It is obtained through practice and frustration. 

zài zhège guòchéng zhōng, 


In this process, 

rén tóngshí jùyǒule jiāndìng de yìzhì lì 


At the same time, people have firm willpower 

hé mǐnruì de pànduàn lì, 


and keen judgment  

bù wèijù fùchū hé shībài, 


and they are not afraid of giving and failing, 

yǒngyú chéngdān zérèn, 


and have the courage to take responsibility, 

zhè jiùshì chéngzhǎng.


This is growth.

Shìshí shàng, bànsuízhe jīngjì quánqiú huà, 


In fact, with economic globalization, 

shēnghuó zhōng de bù quèdìng yīnsù rìyì zēngduō.


there are increasing uncertainties in life.

Xīrì fēngguāng wúxiàn de shìjiè yīliú qǐyè yě huì kuīsǔn, 


The world's first-class companies that used to be prosperous will also lose money 

yě huì dǎobì; 


and go bankrupt; 

yīcì jīnróng wéijī, jiù huì shǐ yīxiē liánnián yínglì, 


a financial crisis will force some profitable 

yùnxíng hěn hǎo de qǐyè bùdé bù cáiyuán.


and well-run companies to lay off employees.

Zhè yìwèizhe, 


This means that 

yuánběn yīngmíng de juédìng jīntiān kàn lái kěnéng bìngfēi rúcǐle.


the original wise decision may not seem to be the case today.

Yī wǒ kàn, 


In my opinion, 

wúlùn nǐ zěnme xuǎnzé, 


no matter how you choose, 

dōu bù tài kěnéng xuǎn yī fèn chènxīn rúyì de gōngzuò ānānwěnwěn yībèizi, 


you are unlikely to choose a satisfactory job for a lifetime. 

yóuyú jīngjì huánjìng de bù quèdìng, 


Due to the uncertainty of the economic environment, 

qǐyè de shòumìng yuè lái yuè duǎn, 


the life span of the company is getting shorter and shorter. 

xiànzài, rénmen yào jīnglì gèng duō cì de zhíyè xuǎnzé.


Now, people have to go through more career choices.

Chú cǐ yǐwài, 


In addition, 

yóuyú rénmen zhēngxiānkǒnghòu bàokǎo rèmén zhuānyè, 


because people are scrambling to apply for popular majors, 

yǐzhì réncái bǎohé, 


the talent is saturated 

jiùyè kùnnán.


and it is difficult to find employment.

Ér yīxiē xīn zhíyè de chūxiàn, 


The emergence of some new professions 

xūyào xīnxíng réncái de jiārù, 


requires the addition of new talents, 

shéi nénggòu jízǎo zhuā zhù jīhuì, 


Who can seize the opportunity early,

shéi jiù yíngdéle jīyù.


he wins the opportunity.

Bùyào pà fàncuò, 


Don't be afraid of making mistakes, 

bùyào hàipà zǒu wānlù, 


don't be afraid of to take a wrong path, 

fàn xiēxiǎo cuò bìngfēi huàishì, 


making small mistakes is not a bad thing, 

tā huì zēngjiā wǒmen de xīnlíng miǎnyì lì.


it will increase our spiritual immunity.

Bù quèdìng zhōng chōngmǎn chéngzhǎng de jīhuì, 


Uncertainty is full of opportunities for growth. 

zhǐyǒu bùduàn tíshēng zìjǐ de juécè nénglì, 


Only by continuously improving their decision-making ability,

cáinéng zhēnzhèng wèi zìjǐ de rénshēng zuòzhǔ.


you can truly be the master of your own life.

Gǎibiān zì “běijīng qīngnián bào >wénzhāng “rúhé yuǎnlí zhíchǎng xuǎn zé jiāolǜ zhèng”, zuòzhě: Xīn jīngyīng shēngyá guīhuà shī



Adapted from the "Beijing Youth Daily> article "How to stay away from

Choice Anxiety Disorder, Author: New Elite Career Planner

Full Translation:

I'm the master of my own life

Recently, Xiao Wang is struggling with his work. He graduated 3 years ago, has been working as an accountant, dealing with numbers all the time, boring and stressful, he dreamed of changing job.

Xiao Wang is interested in art and psychology, and thinks it is good to be a teacher, but he is not sure what he is really good at. 

He is afraid that if he chooses the wrong one, he will have to pay a lot of time and economic costs, so he becomes impatient, nervous and worried. Psychologists believe that lack of confidence in oneself and excessive pessimism about the future causes Xiao Wang to appear above phenomenon.

The pessimism mainly includes: I don't dare to think about the worst result; I can't bear this result; once I choose the wrong one, I will regret it for life, and even feel that life is hopeless. In fact, there are not a few young people like Xiao Wang. 

I don’t know if Xiao Wang has read the following dialogue: 

Young man: Where does your wisdom come from?

Jobs: From precise judgment.

Young man: Where does accurate judgment come from?

Jobs: From the accumulation of experience.

Young man: Where does your experience come from?

Jobs: From countless wrong judgments.

Decision-making is a kind of ability, and ability is not inborn. It is obtained through practice and frustration. In this process, people have firm willpower and keen judgment at the same time, and they are not afraid of giving and failing, and have the courage to take responsibility, This is growth.

In fact, with economic globalization, there are increasing uncertainties in life. The world's first-class companies that used to be prosperous will also lose money 

and go bankrupt; a financial crisis will force some profitable and well-run companies to lay off employees. This means that the original wise decision may not seem to be the case today.

In my opinion, no matter how you choose, you are unlikely to choose a satisfactory job for a lifetime. Due to the uncertainty of the economic environment, the life span of the company is getting shorter and shorter. Because people are scrambling to apply for popular majors, the talent is saturated 

and it is difficult to find employment.

The emergence of some new professions 

requires the addition of new talents, who can seize the opportunity early, he wins the opportunity. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, don't be afraid of to take a wrong path, making small mistakes is not a bad thing, it will increase our spiritual immunity.

Uncertainty is full of opportunities for growth. Only by continuously improving their decision-making ability, you can truly be the master of your own life.

HSK 6 lesson 7 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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