19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 6 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 6   当好职场插班生
Be a good transfer student in a workplace

Dāng hǎo zhíchǎng chābān shēng   


Be a good transfer student in a workplace

Zhè tiān shì wǒ dào zhè jiā gōngsī shàngrèn de dì yī tiān, 


This is the first day I took office in this company. 

wǒ de zhíwèi shì zīxún shī.


My position is as a consultant.

Zǎo jiù tīng shuō zhèlǐ lǎoshǒu duō, 


I have long heard that there are many veterans 

xīnshǒu shǎo, 


and few new recruits here, 

bù shǎo zīshēn yuángōng zài gōngsī chuànglì zhī chū jiù kāishǐ zài zhèlǐ gōngzuòle.


and many senior employees have been working here since the company was founded.

Qīngzǎo shàng bān, hé xīn tóngshì yīyī rènshí hòu, 


Early in the morning, after meeting new colleagues one by one, 

wǒ yǐwéi yītiān de gōngzuò jiùcǐ kāishǐ, 


I thought that the day’s work would begin. 

méi xiǎngdào zhào jiě gōngzuò de dì yī jiàn shì shì mángzhe qī chá hé kāfēi, 


I didn’t expect that the first thing Sister Zhao would do was to be busy with tea and coffee, 

gěi Zhāng gē duān yī wǎn, 


bring a bowl to Brother Zhang, 

gěi Sūn jiě sòng yībēi······


and send a cup to Sister Sun...  

Wǒ xiǎng zhè dānwèi fēngqì zhēn hǎo, 


I think the atmosphere of this unit is really good. 

míngtiān zhè shì wǒ lái zuò.


I will do this tomorrow.

Zhèng xiǎngzhe, 


As I was thinking, 

zhào jiě yǐjīng zuò zài nàr kāishǐ zìjǐ xiǎngshòu, 


Sister Zhao was already sitting there and enjoying herself, 

wéi dú shèng xià wǒ hé wǒ de dādàng-yǔ wǒ tóngyī tiān jiùzhí de Xiǎolín.


It's just me and my partner - Xiaolin, who took office on the same day as me.

Dùnshí xiǎolín de liǎnsè biànle, 


Suddenly Xiao Lin's face changed, 

wǒ yě yǒu bèi biānyuán huà de gǎnjué, 


and I also felt marginalized, 

bùguò wǒ háishì xiàng Xiǎolín shǐle gè yǎnsè.


but I still winked at Xiao Lin.

Wūzi lǐ yāquèwúshēng, 


There was no sound in the room, 

dì yī tiān jiù zhèyàng kāishǐle.


so the first day began.

Wǒ hé Xiǎolín de yèwù hěn nán zuò, 


The work between Xiao Lin and I was difficult to do. 

jiàn jiàn dōu ràng rén tóutòng, 


Everything was a headache, 

yǒu shíhòu hái wán bùchéng zhǐbiāo, 


and sometimes it was not completed. 

kě biérén de gōngzuò hěn kuài jiù wánle, 


But other people's work was quickly over. 

jīhū chéngtiān liáotiānr, shàngwǎng, 


Almost all day long chatting, surfing the Internet, 

chuīniú, hái yǒurén liū chūqù guàngjiē.


bragging, and people sneaking out to go shopping.

Wǒ hé Xiǎolín suīrán shì xīn lái de, 


Although Xiao Lin and I are new here, 

kě wǒmen zhīqián zài bié de gōngsī yěshì hǎoshǒu ya.


we were also good at other companies before.

Hòulái wǒ fāxiàn, 


Later, I discovered that 

lǐngdǎo fēnpèi yèwù shí, 


when the leader allocates the work, 

zǒng shì ràng zīshēn yuángōng xiān tiāo, 


he always asks the senior employees to choose first, 

tāmen tiāo shèng xià de cái shì wǒ hé Xiǎolín de.


and it is me and Xiao Lin who choose the rest.

Wǒmen de gōngzuò cóng nándù shàng jiǎng, hé tāmen gēnběn jiù bùshì yīgè děngjí.


In terms of difficulty, our work was not at the same level as them.

Xiǎolín yào qù zhǎo lǐngdǎo tǎo gōngdào: 


Xiao Lin was going to seek justice from the leader: 

“Hēng, tài bù xiànghuàle, 


"Huh, it's too shameful. 

míngmíng shì zài qīfù rén, 


It's obviously bullying, 

dàbùliǎo cízhí.”


so it's a big deal to resign."

Wǒ yě juédé bù xiànghuà, 


I also feel uncomfortable, 

kě jìng xiàlái, 


but I calm down and feel that 

yě juédé méishénme bù hǎo, 


there is nothing wrong with it. 

yīnggāi shuō zhè fǎn'ér shì wǒmen kěyǐ zhǎnshì zìjǐ cáigàn de hǎo jīhuì.


It should be said that this is a good opportunity for us to show off our talents.

Wǒ hé Xiǎolín juédìng bù hé tāmen jìjiào, 


Xiao Lin and I decided not to care about them, 

quánlì yǐ fù tóurù gōngzuò, 


and went all out to work, 

bù dàimàn, bù fūyǎn měi yī wèi kèhù, 


not neglecting and perfuse every customer, 

xiǎngfāngshèfǎ zuò hǎo měi yī dān yèwù, 


and trying our best to do every single work, 

duōmáng dōu bù còuhé.


no matter how busy it is.

Mánglù zhōng, shíguāngguò de fēikuài, 


In the busy time, time flies quickly, 

wǒmen de yèwù nénglì dédàole fēiyuè shì de tígāo, 


our work ability has been improved by leaps and bounds, 

diǎnmíng zhǎo wǒmen de kèhù yuè lái yuè duō.


and more and more customers are calling for us.

Yǒushí lǐngdǎo huì shuō, 


Sometimes the leader say that 

fúwù duìxiàng duì Zhāng gē bù mǎnyì, 


the client is not satisfied with Brother Zhang, 

huór nǐmen jiēshǒu ba; 


so you can take over the work; 

kèhù tóusù Zhào jiě le, 


the customer complained about Sister Zhao, 

nǐmen chǔlǐ yīxià ba.


please deal with it.

Wǒmen měitiān dōu chōngmǎn jīqíng de gōngzuò, 


We work passionately every day 

xiǎngshòuzhe gōngzuò de kuàilè.


and enjoy the joy of work.

Niándù kǎohé, 


In the annual assessment, 

wǒ hé Xiǎolín de jìngyè jīngshén, jīngjīngyèyè de gōngzuò tàidù shòudàole biǎoyáng, 


Xiao Lin and I were praised for our dedication and conscientious work attitude, 

jīngjì shàng yě dédàole fēnghòu de huíbào.


and we were also rewarded financially.

Dāngchū duì wǒmen bù yǒuhǎo de zīshēn qiánbèimen yě biàn de rèqíng qǐlái.


Senior predecessors who were unfriendly to us at the beginning have also become enthusiastic.

Zài hòulái, gōngsī láile xīnrén, 


Later, new people came to the company, 

lǐngdǎo ràng wǒ dài tāmen, 


and the leader asked me to take them. 

wǒ bǎ gōngzuò jīngyàn hé jìqiǎo chuánshòu gěi tāmen, háo wú bǎoliú.


I imparted my work experience and skills to them without reservation.

Qíshí, jìnrù xīn dānwèi, 


In fact, entering a new unit, 

zuòwéi yīgè zhíchǎng chābān shēng, 


as a job transfer student, 

zhège guòchéng, zhèng shì zhǎnshì nǐ réngé mèilì de shíhòu, 


this process is just to show your personality charm, 

yùdào kùnnán, 


encounter difficulties, 

yěshì nǐ shīzhǎn cáinéng de shíjī.


and it is also the time for you to display your talents.

Gǎibiān zì “Běijīng qīngnián bào” tóngmíng wénzhāng, zuòzhě: Sūxiǎoní


Adapted from the article of the same name in "Beijing Youth Daily", author: Su Xiaoni

Full Translation:

Be a good transfer student in a workplace

This is the first day I took office in this company. My position is as a consultant. I have long heard that there are many veterans and few new recruits here, and many senior employees have been working here since the company was founded.

Early in the morning, after meeting new colleagues one by one, I thought that the day’s work would begin. I didn’t expect that the first thing Sister Zhao would do was to be busy with tea and coffee, bring a bowl to Brother Zhang, and send a cup to Sister Sun...  

I think the atmosphere of this unit is really good. I will do this tomorrow. As I was thinking, Sister Zhao was already sitting there and enjoying herself, It's just me and my partner - Xiaolin, who took office on the same day as me. Suddenly Xiao Lin's face changed, and I also felt marginalized, but I still winked at Xiao Lin. There was no sound in the room, so the first day began.

The work between Xiao Lin and I was difficult to do. Everything was a headache, and sometimes it was not completed. But other people's work was quickly over. Almost all day long chatting, surfing the Internet, bragging, and people sneaking out to go shopping. Although Xiao Lin and I are new here, we were also good at other companies before.

Later, I discovered that when the leader allocates the work, he always asks the senior employees to choose first, and it is me and Xiao Lin who choose the rest. In terms of difficulty, our work was not at the same level as them. Xiao Lin was going to seek justice from the leader: "Huh, it's too shameful. It's obviously bullying, so it's a big deal to resign."

I also feel uncomfortable, but I calm down and feel that there is nothing wrong with it. It should be said that this is a good opportunity for us to show off our talents. Xiao Lin and I decided not to care about them, and went all out to work, not neglecting or careless to every customer, and trying our best to do every single work, no matter how busy it is.

In the busy time, time flies quickly, our work ability has been improved by leaps and bounds, and more and more customers are calling for us. Sometimes the leader will say that the client is not satisfied with Brother Zhang, so you can take over the work; the customer complained about Sister Zhao, please deal with it.

We work passionately every day and enjoy the joy of work. In the annual assessment, Xiao Lin and I were praised for our dedication and conscientious work attitude, and we were also rewarded financially. Senior predecessors who were unfriendly to us at the beginning have also become enthusiastic.

Later, new people came to the company, and the leader asked me to take them. I imparted my work experience and skills to them without reservation. In fact, entering a new unit, as a job transfer student, this process is just to show your personality charm, encounter difficulties, and it is also the time for you to display your talents.

HSK 6 lesson 6 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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