19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 5 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 5   学一门外语需要理由吗
Do we need a reason to learn a foreign

Xué yī mén wàiyǔ xūyào lǐyóu ma


Do we need a reason to learn a foreign


Wǒ xiǎng xué yī mén wàiyǔ, 


I want to learn a foreign language, 

pòbùjídài de xiǎng bù zài yīkào fānyì, 


and I can’t wait to stop relying on translations 

dúzì yuèdú yuánwén, 


and read the original text by myself, 

nǎpà shì jièzhù zìdiǎn miǎnqiáng cháyuè ne.


even with the help of a dictionary.

Wǒ hěn kuài zhǎodàole yījiā yǔyán xuéxí jīgòu, 


I quickly found a language learning institution 

tā zài lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn de yī dòng bàngōng lóu shàng.


in an office building not far from my home.

Zhè tiān wǒ xìngzhì bóbó de zhuānchéng qián qù zīxún.


This day, I made a special trip for consultation with great interest.

Jìnle mén, 


Entering the door, 

yī wèi hěn yǒu xiūyǎng de nǚshì yíng shànglái, 


a very well-trained lady greeted me. 

wǒ yǐwéi jiāole xuéfèi 


I thought that after paying the tuition fee, 

jiù néng kāishǐ kuàilè ér měihǎo de xuéxíle, 


I could start studying happily and beautifully. 

bùliào shǒuxiān miàn duì de shì tā jiēlián bùduàn de fǎ wèn:


Unexpectedly, the first thing I faced was her continuous questioning: 

“Wèishéme yào xué wàiyǔ? 


"Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 

Zuìjìn yǒu chūguó jìhuà ma? 


Are there any plans to go abroad recently? 

Zhíyè shì shénme?” 


What is the occupation?"

“Zhè hěn zhòngyào ma?” 


"Is this important?" 

Shuō shízài de, 


To be honest, 

tā de wèntí shèjíle wǒ de yǐnsī, 


her questions involved my privacy. 

wǒ hěn fǎngǎn, 


I was disgusted 

huà yě biànde huǒyàowèi shízú.


and her words became full of gunpowder.

Tā jílì rěnnàizhe,


She tried to endure, 

“shì zhèyàng, wǒ bìxū liǎojiě xuéyuán, 


"Well, I have to get to know the students, 

wéi xuéyuán zhuóxiǎng, 


for the sake of the students, 

bāng tā cèhuà xuéxí fāng'àn, 


to help him plan his study program, 

yǐ dáchéng tā de mùbiāo.”


to achieve his goals.

Wǒ nǔlì shǐ zìjǐ de kǒuqì huǎnhé xiàlái:


I tried to ease my tone: 

“Wǒ méishénme jùtǐ mùbiāo.


"I don't have any specific goals.

Jiùshì zhǎo yīgè bān chābān tīngkè, 


Just find a class to join the class 

suíyì xué xué éryǐ.”


and learn at will. "




wǒmen de bān dōu shì gēnjù xuéyuán de jùtǐ qíngkuàng shèzhì de, 


our classes are set up according to the students' specific conditions. 

rúguǒ nín méiyǒu jùtǐ mùbiāo, 


If you don't have specific goals,

shì xué bù hǎo yī zhǒng yǔyán de.”


 you won't be able to learn a language well."

Méiyǒu mùbiāo jiù quēfá dònglì, 


Without a goal, there is a lack of motivation. 

zhè dàolǐ wǒ gùrán dǒng, 


I certainly understand the truth, 

kěshì, wǒ díquè shuō bu chū tā suǒ shuō de mùbiāo.


but I really can't say what she said about the goal.

Wǒ shuō wǒ huíqù xiǎng xiǎng.


I said I'll go back and think about it.

“Nín děng yīxià.”


"You wait a minute."

Tā xùnsù chūmén, 


She went out quickly, 

shùnjiān huàn láile yī wèi nánshì.


and instantly got a man in exchange.

“Nín xué zhè mén yǔyán shì wèile····” 


"You learn this language for..." 

Tā tàidù hé'ǎi, 


He was kind, 

zhēnchéng kěnqiè, 


sincere and earnest,

wǒ bèi dǎdòngle, gēn tā tāotāo bù jué qǐlái: 


I was moved and start talking with him endlessly: 

“Wǒ xǐhuan zhège guójiā de wénhuà, 


"I like the culture of this country. 

xuéxí yǔyán wúfēi shì wèile kàn yuánwén diànyǐng.


Learning the language is nothing more than watching original movies.  

Dú wénxué zuòpǐn···" 


Reading literature..." 




Bùxiǎng tōngguò fānyì, zhíjiē jìnrù yuánwén de shìjiè?”


Don't want to enter the world of the original text directly through translation?  "

“Duì!” Wǒ huāntiānxǐdì, zhōngyú pèng shàngle zhīyīn.

“对!” 我欢天喜地,终于碰上了知音。

"Yes!" I was delighted and finally ran into a soulmate.

“Wǒ pèng dàoguò nín zhèyàng de kèhù, 


"I have met customers like you, 

kěshì, guāng píng xìngqù, kǒngpà nányǐ chíjiǔ.”


but interest alone may not last."

Wǒ dùnshí bēngkuìle, 


I suddenly broke down, 

zěnme shuōzhe shuōzhe yòu rào huíláile.


how to say and then around back.

Wǒ guǒduàn de zhàn qǐlái, 


I stood up decisively, 

zhǎndīngjiétiě de biǎomíng yào zǒu.


and made a determined signal that I was leaving.

Huí jiā hòu, 


After returning home, 

wǒ bùsǐ xīn, 


I didn't give up 

kāishǐ zài wǎngshàng zhǎo zàixiàn xuéxí.


and started looking for online learning on the Internet.

Hòulái fāxiàn yǒu yījiā, hái zhēn bùcuò, 


Later, I found out that there was one that was really good. 

cóng jīchǔ jiào qǐ, 


Starting from the basic teaching, 

měi gè jùzi de yǔfǎ dōu xiángxì jiǎngjiě, 


the grammar of each sentence was explained in detail, 

bù liú sǐjiǎo, 


leaving no dead ends, 

hé wǒ de sīwéi hěn dā.


and it matched my thinking.

Gèng zhòngyào de shì 


More importantly, 

xīnlǐ shūfú-méiyǒu rén yìng bī wǒ zhíxíng xuéxí jìhuà, 


I feel comfortable-no one forces me to implement the study plan, 

yě méi rén wèn wǒ wèi shà yào xué tā, 


and no one asks me why I want to learn it, 

yǐjí wǒ de dānwèi, shēnfèn, bāokuò xīnshuǐ 


as well as my organization, identity, and salary. 

wǒ jiùshì gè yǔyán xuéxí zhě, 


I am a language learner. 

nǐ guǎn wǒ zhèxiē gànma?


What do you care about me?

Wǒ de xuéxí fāngshì juéduì duì xuéxí xiàoguǒ yǒulì, 


My learning method is definitely beneficial to the learning effect, 

dāngrán bìduān yě bù shǎo: 


and of course there are many disadvantages: 

Yǒulì de fāngmiàn rúshàng suǒ shuō, 


the advantage is as mentioned above, 

bìduān zàiyú gāoxìngle pīnmìng xué--zhènzi, 


the disadvantage is that I am happy to study hard-for a while, 

bù gāoxìngle jiù gē zài yībiān.


I will put it aside when I am upset.

Yǒushí hái qiánhòu diāndǎo, 


Sometimes it turns back and forth, 

yīnwèi hòumiàn nà kè de huàtí tài yòuhuò wǒle.


because the topic of the next lesson is too tempting to me.

Dànshì, lìbì quánhéng, 


However, the advantages and disadvantages are weighed, 

lì háishì dàyú bì.


and the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.

Yīnwèi wǒ zǒng néng zài wàngwǒ de kuàilè zhōng, jīnjīnyǒuwèi de xiǎngshòu xuéxí.


Because I can always enjoy learning with relish in the joy of selflessness.

Gǎibiān zì “běijīng qīngnián bào” tóngmíng wénzhāng, zuòzhě: Sūnxiǎoníng


Adapted from the article of the same name in "Beijing Youth Daily", author: Sun Xiaoning

Full Translation:

Do we need a reason to learn a foreign

I want to learn a foreign language, and I can’t wait to stop relying on translations and read the original text by myself, even with the help of a dictionary. I quickly found a language learning institution in an office building not far from my home. 

This day, I made a special trip for consultation with great interest. Entering the door, a very well-trained lady greeted me. I thought that after paying the tuition fee, I could start studying happily and beautifully. Unexpectedly, the first thing I faced was her continuous questioning: "Why do you want to learn a foreign language? Are there any plans to go abroad recently? What is the occupation?" "Is this important?" To be honest, her questions involved my privacy. I was disgusted and her words became full of gunpowder.

She tried her best to endure, "That's right, I must understand the student, consider the student, and help him plan a study plan to achieve his goal." I tried to ease my tone: "I don't have any specific goals. Just find a class to join the class and learn at will."

"However, our classes are set up according to the students' specific conditions. If you don't have specific goals, you won't be able to learn a language well." Without a goal, there is a lack of motivation. I certainly understand the truth, but I really can't say what she said about the goal. I said I'll go back and think about it. "You wait a minute."

She went out quickly, and instantly got a man in exchange. "You learn this language for..." 

He was kind, sincere and earnest, I was moved and start talking with him endlessly: "I like the culture of this country. Learning the language is nothing more than watching original movies.  Reading literature..." 

"Understood.  Don't want to enter the world of the original text directly through translation?  " 

"Yes!" I was happily and finally ran into a soulmate. "I have met customers like you, but interest alone may not last." I suddenly broke down, how to say and then around back. I stood up decisively, and made a determined signal that I was leaving.

After returning home, I didn't give up and started looking for online learning on the Internet. Later, I found out that there was one that was really good. Starting from the basic teaching, the grammar of each sentence was explained in detail, leaving no dead ends, and it matched my thinking. More importantly, I feel comfortable-no one forces me to implement the study plan, and no one asks me why I want to learn it, as well as my organization, identity, and salary. I am a language learner. What do you care about me?

My learning method is definitely beneficial to the learning effect, and of course there are many disadvantages: the advantage is as mentioned above, the disadvantage is that I am happy to study hard-for a while, I will put it aside when I am upset. Sometimes it turns back and forth, because the topic of the next lesson is too tempting to me. However, the advantages and disadvantages are weighed, and the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. Because I can always enjoy learning with relish in the joy of selflessness.

HSK 6 lesson 5 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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