23 June 2021

hsk 5 lesson 17 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 17   在最美好的时刻离开    
Ending at the Best Moment

Zài zuì měihǎo de shíkè líkāi
Ending at the Best Moment

Wǒ nǎinai shuōguò:


My grandma said: 

“Rénmen yīnggāi zài zuì měihǎo de shíhòu líkāi.”


"People should leave at the best time."

Yīnwèi zhège rèn zhī ér huòdé nuò bèi'ěr jiǎng de, bùshì wǒ nǎinai, 


It was not my grandmother who won the Nobel Prize for this recognition, 

ér shì xīnlǐ xué jiā Dānní'ěr. Kǎ nèi màn.


but the psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

Tā jiāng zhè yī xiànxiàng mìngmíng wèi “fēng zhōng dìnglǜ”: 


He named this phenomenon the "Peak-End Law": 

Wǒmen duì shìwù de jìyì jǐn zài gāofēng hé jiéwěi, 


Our memory of things is only at the peak and end, 

ér shìqíng de jīngguò duì jìyì jīhū méiyǒu yǐngxiǎng.


and the course of events has almost no effect on memory.

Gāofēng zhīhòu, 


After the peak, 

zhōngdiǎn chūxiàn dé yuè xùnsù, 


the faster the end appears, 

zhè jiàn shì liú gěi wǒmen de yìnxiàng jiù yuè shēnkè.


the more impressive this incident will leave us.

Dà bùfèn rén bù lǐjiě zhè yī dìnglǜ.


Most people do not understand this law.

Bǐrú shuō wèile yī chǎng xìjù yǎnchū, 


For example, for a theater performance, 

wǒmen huì tóurù hěnduō shíjiān, zhǔnbèi fúzhuāng, 


we invest a lot of time in preparing costumes, 

huàzhuāng, dàojù, wǔtái měishù, yǐ chuàngzào liánghǎo de xiàoguǒ, 

化妆、道具、舞台美术, 以创造良好的效果,

makeup, stage property, and stage art in order to create a good effect 

zhēngqǔ jǐ guānzhòng liú xià yīgè hǎo de yìnxiàng, 


and strive to leave a good impression on the audience, 

què chángcháng hūshì jiéshù tuìchǎng shí de zhǔnbèi.


but we often ignore the preparations for the end of the exit.

Yǎnchū kāishǐ shí rénmen rènwéi hěn yǒu mèilì, 


At the beginning of the show, people thought it was very attractive, 

dànshì zāogāo de jiéjú huì jǐ rén liú xià nányǐ wàngjì de huài yìnxiàng.


but a bad ending would leave an unforgettable bad impression.

Yǒu yīcì, 



wǒ qù cānjiā yīgè hūnlǐ, 


I went to a wedding. 

qián sān gè xiǎoshí gǎnjué dōu hěn hǎo, 


The first three hours felt good, 

zhǐ zài zuìhòu yīgè xiǎoshí gǎndào wúliáo.


but I felt bored only in the last hour.

Sān gè xiǎoshí kuàilè jiǎn yīgè xiǎoshí wúliáo děngyú liǎng gè xiǎoshí kuàilè, 


Three hours of happiness minus one hour of boredom equals two hours of happiness, 

yě jiùshì shuō, 


In other words

wǒ yúkuài de dùguòle liǎng gè xiǎoshí.


that is, I spent two hours happily.

Dànshì, wǒ de jìyì bìng bùshì zhèyàng jìsuàn de.


However, my memory is not calculated like this.

Rúguǒ wǒ cānjiā lìngwài yīcì huódòng, 


If I participated in another event, 

zhǐ zài nàlǐ dài yīgè xiǎoshí, 


stayed there for only an hour 

zǎozǎo de gàobié, 


and said goodbye early, 

wǒ què xiǎngshòule mǎn mǎn 60 fēnzhōng de kuàilè.


I would have enjoyed a full 60 minutes of happiness.

Yǔ dì yī cì xiāng bǐ, 


Compared with the first time, 

dì èr cì de jùhuì liú gěi wǒ de yìnxiàng gēng wèi měihǎo.


the second gathering left me with a better impression.

Kàn diànyǐng yěshì rúcǐ.


The same goes for watching movies.

Yī bù diànyǐng, 


A movie, 

kāishǐ suīrán jùqíng píngpíng chángcháng, 


although the plot is mediocre at the beginning, 

rúguǒ zuìhòu bàn gè xiǎoshí néng shǐ wǒmen gǎndòng, 


if the last half an hour can move us, 

wǒmen yīrán huì xiàng biérén tuījiàn tā.


we will still recommend it to others.



On the contrary, 

rúguǒ zài qiánbàn gè xiǎoshí jiù bǎ jùqíng de chuàngzào lì biǎoxiàn dé lín dī lí jìn zhì, 


if the creativity of the plot is shown in the first half an hour,

jiéwěi què fēicháng pǔtōng, 


but the ending is very ordinary, 

nàme, guānzhòng duì zhè bù diànyǐng de píngjià jiù kěndìng bù hǎo, 

那么, 观众对这部电影的评价就肯定不好,

then the audience's evaluation of this movie is definitely not good, 

shènzhì huì shuō zhè shì yī bù “làn piàn” 

甚至会说这是一部 “烂片”

and they will even say that this is a "bad movie."  

zuòwéi diànshì jiémù zhǔchí rén, 


"As a TV host, 

wǒ zài gōngzuò zhōng chángcháng huì yùnyòng “fēng zhōng dìnglǜ”.

我在工作中常常会运用 “峰终定律”。

I often use the "peak-to-end law" in my work.



For example, 

zuò jiémù shí, 


when doing a program, 

yǔ kāimù shì xiāng bǐ, wǒmen nìngkě bǎ gèng duō de jīnglì jízhōng zài bìmù shì shàng, 

与开幕式相比, 我们宁可把更多的精力集中在闭幕式上,

we would rather focus more on the closing ceremony than the opening ceremony, 

zhèyàng kěyǐ jiāqiáng guānzhòng duì jiémù de yìnxiàng.


so that we can strengthen the audience's impression of the program.

Suīrán hěnduō rén bìng bù liǎojiě “fēng zhōng dìnglǜ”, 


Although many people do not understand the "peak-end law", 

dànshì, tāmen néng cóng jīngyàn zhōng tǐhuì zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ de zhòngyào xìng.

但是, 他们能从经验中体会这种做法的重要性。

they can understand the importance of this approach from experience.

Gǎibiān zì “guǎngzhōu rìbào”, zuòzhě: Āi kǎtè. Féng. Xī shī háo sēn, chénxiǎochuān yì


Adapted from "Guangzhou Daily", author: Ecate.  Feng.  Hirschhausen, translated by Chen Xiaochuan

Full Translation:    

Ending at the Best Moment

My grandma said:  "People should leave at the best time." It was not my grandmother who won the Nobel Prize for this recognition, but the psychologist Daniel Kahneman. He named this phenomenon the "Peak-End Law": 

Our memory of things is only at the peak and end, and the course of events has almost no effect on memory. After the peak, the faster the end appears, the more impressive this incident will leave us. Most people do not understand this law.

For example, for a theater performance, we invest a lot of time in preparing costumes, makeup, stage property, and stage art in order to create a good effect and strive to leave a good impression on the audience, but we often ignore the preparations for the end of the exit. At the beginning of the show, people thought it was very attractive, but a bad ending would leave an unforgettable bad impression.

Once, I went to a wedding, the first three hours felt good, but I felt bored only in the last hour. Three hours of happiness minus one hour of boredom equals two hours of happiness, In other words that is, I spent two hours happily. However, my memory is not calculated like this.

If I participated in another event, stayed there for only an hour and said goodbye early, I would have enjoyed a full 60 minutes of happiness. Compared with the first time, the second gathering left me with a better impression.

The same goes for watching movies. A movie, although the plot is mediocre at the beginning, if the last half an hour can move us, we will still recommend it to others.

On the contrary, if the creativity of the plot is shown in the first half an hour, but the ending is very ordinary, then the audience's evaluation of this movie is definitely not good, and they will even say that this is a "bad movie."  "As a TV host, I often use the "peak-to-end law" in my work.

For example, when doing a program, we would rather focus more on the closing ceremony than the opening ceremony, so that we can strengthen the audience's impression of the program. Although many people do not understand the "peak-end law", they can understand the importance of this approach from experience.

HSK 5 lesson 17 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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