23 June 2021

hsk 5 lesson 15 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 15   纸上谈淡兵  
Being an Armchair Strategist

Zhǐ shàng tán dàn bīng
Being an Armchair Strategist

Liǎng qiān qībǎi duō nián qián de zhànguó mòqí, 


At the end of the Warring States period more than 2,700 years ago, 

zhào guó míngjiàng Zhào shē yǒu gè érzi jiào Zhào kuò, 


Zhao She, a famous general in the country of Zhao, had a son named Zhao Kuo. 

tā cóngxiǎo dú le bù shǎo bīngshū, 


He read a lot of military books since he was a child 

gēn biérén tánlùn qǐ jūnshì lái, 


and talked about military affairs with others. 

méiyǒu rén shuō déguò tā, 


No one can tell him, 

jiùshì fùqīn Zhào shē yě nàn bù zhù tā.


even his father Zhao She can't resist him.

Zhào kuò yīncǐ hěn jiāo'ào, 


Zhao Kuo was very proud of this, 

zì yǐwéi tiānxià wúdí, 


thinking that he was invincible in the world, 

lián fùqīn yě bù fàng zài yǎn lǐ.


even his father was nothing in his eyes.

Dànshì Zhào shē xīnlǐ míngbái, 


But Zhao She knew in his heart that 

zìjǐ de érzi suīrán duì jūnshì lǐlùn dōu hěn liǎojiě, 


although his son had a good understanding of military theory, 

dànshì méiyǒu shíjì zuòzhàn de jīngyàn, 


he had no experience in actual combat 

xiǎngfǎ hěn bù fúhé shíjì.


and his ideas were very unrealistic.

Tā céngjīng tōutōu duì qīzi shuō: 


He once said secretly to his wife: 

“Érzi de máobìng shì zhǐ huì jiǎng dà dàolǐ,  


"The son's fault is that he can only be rational, 

quēfá shíjì duànliàn,


Lack of physical exercise, 

bùnéng dāng dàjiàng.


and cannot be a general.

Rúguǒ ràng tā dāngle dàjiàng, 


If you let him become a general, 

chízǎo huì hàile zhào guó.


sooner or later Zhao Guo will be killed.

Jǐ nián hòu, Zhào shē qùshìle.


A few years later, Zhao She passed away.

Zhè yī nián zhènghǎo qín guó jūnduì lái dǎ zhào guó, 


This year, Qin's army came to fight against Zhao, 

zhào guó pài lǎojiàng Lián Pǒ dài 20 wàn dàjūn yíngzhàn.


and Zhao's veteran Lian Po brought 200,000 troops to fight.

Lián pǒ gēnjù dí qiáng wǒ ruò de xíngshì, 


According to the situation of the enemy's strength and our weakness, 

mìnglìng shìbīngmen jiānshǒu zhèndì, 


Lian Po ordered the soldiers to stand firm 

juéduì bùkě zhǔdòng chūzhàn.


and never take the initiative to fight.

Qín jūn duō cì tiǎozhàn, 


Qin Jun challenged him many times, 

mà tā shì dǎnxiǎoguǐ, 


calling him a coward, 

tā háishì bù chūbīng.


but he still didn't send troops.

Zhège bànfǎ guǒrán fēicháng yǒuxiào, 


This method was indeed very effective 

chénggōng de bǎ qín jūn lán zàile guómén zhī wài.


and successfully blocked Qin Jun from the country.

Jiànjiàn de, qín jūn wúfǎ kuàisù qǔdé shènglì, 

渐渐地, 秦军无法快速取得胜利, 

Gradually, the Qin army was unable to win quickly, 

liángshí yě kuài méile, 


and the food was almost gone, 

yǒuxiē jiānchí bù zhùle.


and some could not hold on.

Qín rén shēn zhī Lián pǒ shànyú yòngbīng, 


The people of Qin knew that Lianpo was good at using troops. 

rúguǒ xiǎng zài duǎnqí nèi dǎbài zhào guó, 


If he wanted to defeat Zhao Guo in a short time, 

bìxū xiǎng bànfǎ jiào zhào guó bǎ Lián pǒ diào huíqù.


he must find a way to get Zhao Guo to transfer Lianpo back.

Yúshì, tāmen zài zhào guó sìchù sànbù yáoyán, 

于是, 他们在赵国四处散布谣言, 

As a result, they spread rumors around Zhao State, 

shuō qín jūn zuì pà zhào kuò, 


saying that Qin Jun was most afraid of Zhao Kuo, 

bié de rén dōu bù fàng zài yǎn lǐ.


and other people ignored it.

Zhè shí, zhàowángzhèng yīn Lián pǒ bì mén bù zhàn ér shēngqì ne, 

这时, 赵王正因廉颇闭门不战而生气呢, 

At this time, Zhao Wangzheng was angry because Lianpo closed his door and did not fight. 

tīng dào wàimiàn dì nàxiē yáoyán, 


Hearing the rumors outside, 

guǒrán shàngdàngle, 


he was really fooled. 

tā pài Zhào kuò qù huàn huí Lián pǒ.


He sent Zhao Kuo to exchange for Lianpo.

Zhào kuò de mǔqīn zàisān zǔzhǐ zhào wáng rènmìng érzi wéi dàjiàng, 


Zhao Kuo's mother repeatedly prevented King Zhao from appointing her son as a general, 

shuō tā hái méiyǒu dúlì dài bīng zuòzhàn de zīgé.


saying that he did not have the qualifications to lead troops independently.

Kěshì, hútú de zhào wáng nǎlǐ tīng dé jìnqù! 

可是, 糊涂的赵王哪里听得进去! 

But, how can the confused King Zhao hear?

Gōngyuán qián 260 nián, Zhào kuò dài bīng chūzhàn.

公元前260年, 赵括带兵出战。

In 260 BC, Zhao Kuo led troops to battle.

Yīzhí mángmù zìxìn, 


Having been blindly confident 

qīngshì qín jūn de 


and despising the Qin army, 

tā wánquán gǎibiànle lián pǒ de zuòzhàn fāng'àn, 


he completely changed Lian Po's combat plan.

sǐ bān bīngshū shàng de lǐlùn, 


According to the theory in the books, 

zhǔdòng jìngōng qín jūn, 


he took the initiative to attack the Qin army,

jiéguǒ shù shí wàn zhào jūn quánbù bèi shā, 


As a result, hundreds of thousands of Zhao army were killed 

diūdiàole bǎoguì de shēngmìng.


and lost precious lives.

Zhè jiùshì chéngyǔ “zhǐshàngtánbīng” de gùshì.

这就是成语 “纸上谈兵”的故事。

This is the story of the idiom "fight only on paper".

Xiànzài chángyòng zhège chéngyǔ fèngcì nàxiē zhǐ huì kōngtán lǐlùn de rén, 


Nowadays, this idiom is often used to taunt those who can only talk about theory, 

tíxǐng dàjiā zuòshì yīdìng yào línghuó, 


reminding everyone to be flexible in doing things, 

yào zhùyì lǐlùn liánxì shíjì.


and to pay attention to combining theory with practice.

Full Translation:    

Being an Armchair Strategist

At the end of the Warring States period more than 2,700 years ago, Zhao She, a famous general in the country of Zhao, had a son named Zhao Kuo. He read a lot of military books since he was a child and talked about military affairs with others. No one can tell him, even his father Zhao She can't resist him.

Zhao Kuo was very proud of this, thinking that he was invincible in the world, even his father was nothing in his eyes. But Zhao She knew in his heart that although his son had a good understanding of military theory, he had no experience in actual combat and his ideas were very unrealistic.

He once said secretly to his wife: "The son's fault is that he can only be rational, lack of physical exercise, and cannot be a general. If you let him become a general, sooner or later Zhao Guo will be killed. A few years later, Zhao She passed away.

This year, Qin's army came to fight against Zhao, and Zhao's veteran Lian Po brought 200,000 troops to fight. According to the situation of the enemy's strength and our weakness, Lian Po ordered the soldiers to stand firm and never take the initiative to fight. Qin Jun challenged him many times, calling him a coward, but he still didn't send troops.

This method was indeed very effective and successfully blocked Qin Jun from the country. Gradually, the Qin army was unable to win quickly, and the food was almost gone, and some could not hold on. The people of Qin knew that Lianpo was good at using troops. If he wanted to defeat Zhao Guo in a short time, he must find a way to get Zhao Guo to transfer Lianpo back.

As a result, they spread rumors around Zhao State, saying that Qin Jun was most afraid of Zhao Kuo, and other people ignored it. At this time, Zhao Wangzheng was angry because Lianpo closed his door and did not fight. Hearing the rumors outside, he was really fooled. He sent Zhao Kuo to exchange for Lianpo.

Zhao Kuo's mother repeatedly prevented King Zhao from appointing her son as a general, saying that he did not have the qualifications to lead troops independently. But, how can the confused King Zhao hear?In 260 BC, Zhao Kuo led troops to battle. Having been blindly confident and despising the Qin army, he completely changed Lian Po's combat plan. 

He took the initiative to attack the Qin army according to the theory in the books. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Zhao army were killed and lost precious lives. This is the story of the idiom "fight only on paper".

Nowadays, this idiom is often used to taunt those who can only talk about theory, reminding everyone to be flexible in doing things, and to pay attention to combining theory with practice.

hsk 5 上 lesson 15 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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