23 June 2021

hsk 5 lesson 14 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 14   京的四合院  
Quadrangle Courtyards in Beijing

Jīng de sìhéyuàn
Quadrangle Courtyards in Beijing

Sìhéyuàn, shì zhōngguó huáběi dìqū mínjū zhōng de yī zhǒng zǔhé jiànzhú xíngshì.

四合院, 是中国华北地区民居中的一种组合建筑形式。

Siheyuan is a combined architectural form of residential buildings in North China.

Suǒwèi sì hé, “sì” zhǐ dōng, xī, nán, běi sìmiàn, 

所谓四合, “四” 指东、西、南、北四面, 

The so-called "four-in-one" refers to the east, west, south, and north sides. 

“hé” jiùshì sìmiàn fángwū wéi zài yīqǐ, 

“合” 就是四面房屋围在一起, 

"combined" means that houses on all sides are surrounded by houses 

zhōngjiān xíngchéng yīgè fāngxíng de yuànzi.


forming a square yard in the middle.

Sìhéyuàn zài zhōngguó hànzú mínjū zhōng lìshǐ zuì yōujiǔ, fēnbù zuì guǎngfàn.


Siheyuan has the longest history and the most widespread distribution among the dwellings of the Han nationality in China.

Bùguò, zhǐyào rénmen yī tí dào sìhéyuàn, 

不过, 只要人们一提到四合院, 

However, when people mention Siheyuan, 

biàn zìrán huì xiǎngdào běijīng sìhéyuàn, 


they will naturally think of Beijing Siheyuan.

zhè shì yīnwèi chuántǒng de běijīng sìhéyuàn dōu yǒuyī tào gùdìng de yàngshì, 


This is because the traditional Beijing Siheyuan has a set of fixed styles, 

shífēn jùyǒu dàibiǎo xìng, 


which is very representative. 

zài gè zhǒng gè yàng de sìhéyuàn zhōng, 


Among all kinds of Siheyuan, 

Běijīng sìhéyuàn kěyǐ dàibiǎo qí zhǔyào tèdiǎn.


Beijing Siheyuan can represent its main Features.

Běijīng yǒu gè zhǒng guīmó de sìhéyuàn.


There are courtyards of various sizes in Beijing.

Zuì jiǎndān de sìhéyuàn zhǐyǒu yīgè yuànzi, 


The simplest quadrangle courtyard has only one courtyard, 

bǐjiào fùzá de yǒu liǎng sān gè, 


and the more complicated ones have two or three, 

ér yǒu qián rénjiā de, 


while those of the rich are 

tōngcháng shì yóu hǎojǐ zuò sìhéyuàn bìngliè zǔchéng de.


usually composed of several quadrangular courtyards side by side.

Dàmén yībān kāi zài dōngnán jiǎo huò xīběi jiǎo, 


The gate generally opens in the southeast or northwest corner. 

yuàn zhōng de běi fáng shìzhèng fáng, 


The north house in the courtyard is the main house, 

bǐ qítā fángwū de guī mú dà, 


which is larger in scale than other houses. 

yībān bāokuò zhǎngbèi de wòshì 


It generally includes the elder's bedroom 

hé jùbèi rìcháng qǐjū, 


and the living room 

jiēdài kèrén děng gōngnéng de kètīng.


with functions such as daily living and receiving guests.

Yuànzi de liǎngbiān shì dōngxī xiāngfáng, 


On both sides of the yard are east and west wing rooms, 

shì wǎnbèimen shēnghuó de dìfāng.


where the younger generation lives.

Zài zhèng fáng hé xiāngfáng zhī jiān jiàn yǒu zǒuláng, 


There is a corridor between the main room and the wing room 

kěyǐ gōng rén xíngzǒu hé xiūxí.


for people to walk and rest.

Yuànzi shì shí fèn lǐxiǎng de shìwài shēnghuó kōngjiān.


The yard is an ideal outdoor living space.

Yǒu de rénjiā xǐhuan zhǒng cǎo, yǎng huā, zhǒng zhúzi, 


Some people like to grow grass, flowers, and bamboo, 

yǒu de rénjiā zé xǐhuan yòng dà pén yǎng jīnyú.


while others like to raise goldfish in large pots.

Yuànzi bùjǐn lā jìnle rén yǔ zìrán de guānxì, 


The yard not only closes the relationship between man and nature, 

yě ràng jiālǐ rén zài cǐ dédàole gǎnqíng de jiāoliú, 


but also allows family members to get emotional exchanges here, 

duì chuàngzào shēnghuó qíngqù qǐle hěn dà zuòyòng, 


which plays a great role in creating the interest of life, 

yīn'ér zuìwéi rénmen suǒ xǐ'ài.


so it is most loved by people.

Zhǐyào guānbì qǐ dàmén, 


As long as the gate is closed, 

sìhéyuàn nèi biàn xíngchéng yīgè fēngbì shì de xiǎo huánjìng.


a closed small environment is formed in the courtyard.

Zhù zài sìhéyuàn lǐ de rén 


People who live in courtyards 

bù cháng yǔ zhōuwéi de línjū dǎjiāodào.


don't often deal with neighbors around them.

Zài xiǎo yuàn lǐ, 


In the small courtyard, 

yījiā rénguòzhe yǔ shì wú zhēng de rìzi, 


the family leads a life inconsistent with the world 

chōngfèn xiǎngshòu jiātíng de lèqù, 


and fully enjoys the fun of the family, 

zìrán yǒuyī zhǒng lìng rén gǎndào zìzài qīnqiè de qìfēn.


naturally there is a kind of comfortable and friendly atmosphere.

Dàn yěyǒu duō hù hé zhù yīzuò sìhéyuàn de qíngkuàng, 


However, there are also cases where multiple households live in a quadrangle courtyard, 

bèi chēng wèi “dàzáyuàn”, 

被称为 “大杂院”, 

which is called a "large compound courtyard", 

zhùhù duō wèi pǔtōng láodòng rénmín.


and the residents are mostly ordinary working people.

Línlǐ zhī jiān yǒushí suīrán yěyǒu máodùn, 


Although sometimes there are conflicts between neighbors, 

dàn gèng duō shíhòu shì hù bāng hùzhù, 


but more often they help each other, 

bùshì qīnrén shèngguò qīnrén, 


not relatives are better than loved ones, 

zhè zhǒng nóng nóng de qínggǎn shì xǔduō lǎo běijīng rén wúfǎ wàngjì de.


this kind of strong emotion is not forgotten by many old Beijingers.

Gǎibiān zì bǎidù wénkù “jiànzhú xīnshǎng zhī sìhéyuàn”


Adapted from Baidu Library "Architectural Appreciation Siheyuan"

Full Translation:

Quadrangle Courtyards in Beijing

Siheyuan is a combined architectural form of residential buildings in North China. The so-called "four-in-one" refers to the east, west, south, and north sides. "combined" means that houses on all sides are surrounded by houses forming a square yard in the middle. Siheyuan has the longest history and the most widespread distribution among the dwellings of the Han nationality in China.

However, when people mention Siheyuan, they will naturally think of Beijing Siheyuan. This is because the traditional Beijing Siheyuan has a set of fixed styles, which is very representative. Among all kinds of Siheyuan, Beijing Siheyuan can represent its main Features. There are courtyards of various sizes in Beijing.

The simplest quadrangle courtyard has only one courtyard, and the more complicated ones have two or three, while those of the rich are usually composed of several quadrangular courtyards side by side. The gate generally opens in the southeast or northwest corner. The north house in the courtyard is the main house, which is larger in scale than other houses. 

It generally includes the elder's bedroom and the living room with functions such as daily living and receiving guests. On both sides of the yard are east and west wing rooms, where the younger generation lives.

There is a corridor between the main room and the wing room for people to walk and rest. The yard is an ideal outdoor living space.

Some people like to grow grass, flowers, and bamboo, while others like to raise goldfish in large pots. The yard not only closes the relationship between man and nature, but also allows family members to get emotional exchanges here, which plays a great role in creating the interest of life, so it is most loved by people. As long as the gate is closed, a closed small environment is formed in the courtyard.

People who live in courtyards don't often deal with neighbors around them. In the small courtyard, the family leads a life inconsistent with the world and fully enjoys the fun of the family, naturally there is a kind of comfortable and friendly atmosphere. However, there are also cases where multiple households live in a quadrangle courtyard, which is called a "large compound courtyard", and the residents are mostly ordinary working people.

Although sometimes there are conflicts between neighbors, but more often they help each other, not relatives are better than loved ones, this kind of strong emotion is not forgotten by many old Beijingers.

hsk 5 上 lesson 14 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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