06 July 2021

Hsk6 下 standard course textbook lesson 25 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 25   草船借箭   Borrowing arrows with thatched boat

Cǎo chuán jiè jiàn
Borrowing arrows with thatched boat

Sānguó shíqí, 


During the Three Kingdoms period, 

Dōng Wú dàjiàng Zhōuyú juédé zìjǐ hěn yǒu cái, 


Soochow General Zhou Yu felt that he was very talented, 

què zǒng bǐ bùguò Zhūgéliàng, xīnlǐ yīzhí bù fúqì.


but he was no better than Zhuge Liang, and he was not convinced.

Yītiān, Zhōuyú qǐng láile Zhūgéliàng, shuō:


One day, Zhou Yu invited Zhuge Liang and said, 

“Wǒmen jiù yào gēn cáocāo de jūnduì dǎzhàngle. 


"We are about to fight Cao Cao's army. 

Shuǐshàng zuòzhàn, yòng shénme wǔqì zuì hǎo?”


What kind of weapon is the best weapon for water warfare?"

Zhūgéliàng shuō: “Gōngjiàn.”


Zhuge Liang said: "Bows and arrows."

Zhōuyú shuō: “Zhè huà bù jiǎ. 


Zhou Yu said: "This is true. 

Kě xiànzài wǒmen quē jiàn, 


But now we are short of arrows. 

dāngwùzhījí shì gǎn zào shí wàn zhī jiàn, 


The most urgent task is to rush to build 100,000 arrows. 

zào jiàn de shì jiù yóu nín chéngbàn ba.”


You can do the task of building the arrows.  "

Zhūgéliàng shuō: 


Zhuge Liang said: 

“Nín wěituō de shì, dāngrán yào bàn hǎo. 


"Of course the things you entrust, must be done well.

Jiàn shénme shíhòu yòng?”


When do you use the arrow?"

Zhōuyú shuō: “Jíjiāng jiāozhàn, shí tiān zěnme yàng?”


Zhou Yu said: "It's about to fight, how about ten days?"

Zhūgéliàng shuō: “Shíjiān jǐnpò, sān tiān yě xíng.”


Zhuge Liang said: "Time is tight, and three days will do."

Zhōuyú shuō: “Zhè shì gōngwù, kě bùnéng kāiwánxiào.”


Zhou Yu said: "This is official business, so you can't make a joke."

Zhūgéliàng shuō: “Sān tiān zào bù hǎo jiàn, yuàn shòu chéngfá.”


Zhuge Liang said: "If I can't make arrows in three days, I'm willing to be punished."

Zhōuyú hěn gāoxìng, shè yàn kuǎndài Zhūgéliàng.


Zhou Yu was very happy and hosted a banquet in honor of Zhuge Liang.

Zhūgéliàng lín zǒushí dīngzhǔ zhōuyú:


Before leaving, Zhuge Liang told Zhou Yu: 

“Sān tiān yǐhòu, qǐng pài rén dào jiāng biān lái bān jiàn.”


"In three days, please send someone to the river to carry arrows."

Lǔ sù duì zhōuyú shuō:


Lu Su said to Zhou Yu: 

“Shí wàn zhī jiàn, sān tiān zěnme zào dé chéng? 


"How can you make one hundred thousand arrows in three days? 

Zhūgéliàng bù huì shuōhuà bù suànshù ba?”


Zhuge Liang doesn't know how to speak, doesn't it count?"

Zhōuyú shuō: 


Zhou Yu said: 

“Wǒ yòu méiyǒu bīpò tā, shì tā zìjǐ shuō de.


"I didn't persecute him, he said it himself.

Wǒ dé fēnfù xiàshǔ, 


I have to instruct my subordinates 

zào jiàn yòng de cáiliào, bùyào gěi tā zhǔnbèi qíquán, 


not to provide him with all the materials used to make the arrows, 

yě bùnéng gōngyìng chōngzú, 


nor to supply them in sufficient quantities, 

gùyì gěi tā tuōyán shíjiān.


and deliberately delay him.

Dào qíxiàn zào bù chū jiàn, tā jiùhuó gāi shòufále.


He deserves to be punished if he fails to produce arrows by the deadline.

Nǐ qù tàntīng tàntīng, tā shì zěnme dǎsuàn de, huílái xiàng wǒ huìbào.”


You go to inquire, what did he plan, come back and report to me."

Lǔ sù qù tànwàng zhūgéliàng, 


Lu Su went to visit Zhuge Liang, 

jiànmiàn hánxuān guòhòu, Zhūgéliàng shuō: 


and after the greeting, Zhuge Liang said: 

“Sān tiān, yào shí wàn zhī jiàn, nǐ děi bāng bāng wǒ.”


"Three days, you need 100,000 arrows, you have to help me."

Lǔ sù shuō: “Nǐ bùyào wéinán wǒ, wǒ zěnme bāng dé liǎo nǐ?”


Lu Su said: "Don't embarrass me, how can I help you?"

Zhūgéliàng shuō: “Nǐ jiè gěi wǒ èrshí tiáo chuán, měi tiáo chuánshàng yào sānshí míng shìbīng.


Zhuge Liang said: "You lend me twenty boats, each with thirty soldiers.

Chuányòng hēi bù zhēdǎng yánmì, 


The boat was tightly shielded with black cloth, 

zài bǎ cǎo kǔn chéng kǔnr, 


and then the straw was bundled into bundles, 

gòng yào yīqiān gè,  


a total of one thousand, 

pái zài chuán de cèmiàn, wǒ yǒuyòng.


lined on the side of the boat is useful for me.

Bùguò zhè shì jīmì, 


But this is a secret, 

nǐ děi tì wǒ bǎomì, 


you have to keep it secret for me, 

bùyào zǒulòu xiāoxī, 


don't leak the news, 

fǒuzé wǒ xìngmìng nánbǎo.”


otherwise my life will not be guaranteed."

Lǔ sù dāyìngle, huílái fù gào Zhōuyú, 


Lu Su agreed, and returned to report to Zhou Yu. 

guǒrán méi tí jiè chuán de shì, 


As expected, he didn't mention borrowing the ship, 

zhǐ shuō zào jiàn de cáiliào Zhūgéliàng dōu bùyòng.


only that Zhuge Liang didn't use the materials for making the arrow.

Zhōuyú chénsī liángjiǔ, 


Zhou Yu pondered for a long time, 

cāi bù chū Zhūgéliàng de yìtú, 


unable to guess Zhuge Liang's intentions, 

zhǐhǎo děngzhe.


so he had to wait.

Lǔ sù sīzì nòng lái èrshí tiáo kuài chuán, 


Lu Su privately obtained 20 clippers 

àn Zhūgéliàng shuō de ānpái tuǒdang.


and arranged them properly according to Zhuge Liang's words.

Tóu liǎng tiān, 


For the first two days, 

Zhūgéliàng nàr háo wú dòngjìng, 


there was no movement in Zhuge Liang. 

dì sān tiānguòle wǔyè, 


After midnight on the third day, 

Zhūgéliàng bǎ Lǔsù qǐng dào chuánshàng, 


Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su to the boat 

shuō: “Hé wǒ yīqǐ qù qǔ jiàn.”


and said, "Go get arrows with me."

Zhīhòu fēnfù yòng shéngsuǒ bǎ chuán lián zài yīqǐ, 


After that, he ordered the ship to be connected with ropes 

cháo cáocāo zhànlǐng de běi'àn kāi qù.


and headed towards the north bank occupied by Cao Cao.

Cǐ shí, dà wù fēngsuǒle jiāngmiàn, 


At this time, the fog blocked the river surface, 

bù yuǎn chù shénme dōu kàn bù qīng, 


and nothing could be seen not far away, 

chuán qiāoqiāo de kàojìnle cáocāo de zhùzhá dì.


and the ship quietly approached Cao Cao's station.

Shìbīng zài zhūgéliàng zhǐdìng de dìdiǎn, 


At the location designated by Zhuge Liang, 

jiāng chuán tóu cháo xī, chuánwěi cháo dōng, yī zì bǎi kāi.


the soldiers set the bow of the ship to the west and the stern to the east.

Chuánshàng de shìbīng fènlì qiāo gǔ, 


The soldiers on the ship beat the drums hard 

qí shēnggāo hǎn, shēngyīn néng duō xiǎngliàng jiù duō xiǎngliàng.


and shouted in unison, as loud as they could be.

Lǔ sù chījīng de shuō:


Lu Su said in surprise, 

“Cáo bīng chūlái zěnme bàn?”


"What should I do if Cao Bing comes out?"

Zhūgéliàng xiào dá: 


Zhuge Liang smiled and replied: 

“Wù zhème dà, cáocāo bù gǎn pàibīng chūlái.”


"The fog is so big that Cao Cao dare not send out soldiers."

Lǔ sù gēn Zhūgéliàng lái dào chuánshàng, 


Lu Su and Zhuge Liang came to the boat 

kàn dào cāng zhōng yǐ bǎi xià jiǔcài, 


and saw that the food and beverages were placed in the cabin, 

zhǐdé xīnshén bùdìng de yǔ Zhūgéliàng yǐnjiǔ.


so they had to drink with Zhuge Liang unsteadily.

Cáocāo tīng dào gǔ shēng hé jiàohǎn shēngxiǎng chéng yīpiàn, 


Cao Cao heard the sound of drums and shouts, 

zhǔfù xiàshǔ:


and asked his subordinates: 

“Jiāngshàng dà wù mángmáng, 


"The river is thick and foggy. 

wǒmen nòng bù qīng qíngkuàng, 


We can't figure out the situation. 

bùyào qīngyì chūbīng.”


Don't send troops lightly."



As a result, 

diàodòngle shàng wàn míng gōngjiàn shǒu yīqí cháo chuán lái gǔ shēng de fāngwèi fàng jiàn, 


tens of thousands of archers were mobilized to throw arrows toward the direction where the drum sound was heard, 

jiàn xiàng yǔdiǎn yīyàng luò zài chuánshàng.


and the arrows fell on the boat like raindrops.



After a while, 

Zhūgéliàng xiàlìng bǎ chuán diào guòlái, 


Zhuge Liang ordered the boat to fall over, 

chuán tóu cháo dōng, chuánwěi cháo xī.


with the bow facing east and the stern facing west.

Shìbīngmen qíngxù gāozhàng, 


The soldiers were in high spirits, 

yījiù qiāo gǔ gāo hǎn, 


still beating the drums and shouting, 

bījìn cáojūn qù shòu jiàn.


approaching Cao Jun to receive the arrow.

Cǎo chuán xìn?


Grass boat letter?



In the early morning, 

wù hái lóngzhàozhe jiāngmiàn, 


the fog was still covering the river, 

chuán liǎngbiān de cǎo kǔnr shàng chā mǎnle jiàn.


and the bales on both sides of the ship were full of arrows.

Zhūgéliàng mìnglìng shìbīng qǐchéng fǎnháng.


Zhuge Liang ordered the soldiers to set off and return.

Cáocāo zhīdao shàngdàngle, 


Cao Cao knew he had been fooled, 

kě Zhūgéliàng de chuán yǐjīng zǒu yuǎnle.


but Zhuge Liang's boat had already gone far.

Èrshí tiáo chuán kào àn de shíhòu, 


When the twenty boats docked, 

zhōuyú pài lái bān jiàn de rén yě dàole.


the people Zhou Yu sent to carry the arrows also arrived.

Dàzhì suànle suàn, 


After all, 

chuánshàng de jiàn gòngyǒu shí wàn duō zhī, 


there were more than 100,000 arrows on the ship, 

Zhūgéliàng yuánmǎn wánchéngle rènwù.


and Zhuge Liang successfully completed the task.

Lǔ sù jiànle zhōuyú, gàosù tā jiè jiàn de jīngguò.


Lu Su met Zhou Yu and told him how he borrowed the arrow.

Zhōuyú tànzhe qì shuō:


Zhou Yu sighed and said, 

“Āi, tā zhēnshi tiāncái, quèshí bǐ wǒ gāomíng!”


"Hey, he is really a genius, he is indeed better than me!"

Full Translation:

Using straw boats to borrow arrows

During the Three Kingdoms period, Soochow General Zhou Yu felt that he was very talented, but he was no better than Zhuge Liang, and he was not convinced. One day, Zhou Yu invited Zhuge Liang and said, "We are about to fight Cao Cao's army. 

What kind of weapon is the best weapon for water warfare?"

Zhuge Liang said: "Bows and arrows."

Zhou Yu said: "This is true. But now we are short of arrows. The most urgent task is to rush to build 100,000 arrows. You can do the task of building the arrows."

Zhuge Liang said: "Of course the things you entrust, must be done well. When do you use the arrow?"

Zhou Yu said: "It's about to fight, how about ten days?"

Zhuge Liang said: "Time is tight, and three days will do."

Zhou Yu said: "This is official business, so you can't make a joke."

Zhuge Liang said: "If I can't make arrows in three days, I'm willing to be punished."

Zhou Yu was very happy and hosted a banquet in honor of Zhuge Liang. Before leaving, Zhuge Liang told Zhou Yu: "In three days, please send someone to the river to carry arrows."

Lu Su said to Zhou Yu: "How can you make one hundred thousand arrows in three days? 

Zhuge Liang doesn't know how to speak, doesn't it count?"

Zhou Yu said: "I didn't persecute him, he said it himself. I have to instruct my subordinates not to provide him with all the materials used to make the arrows, nor to supply them in sufficient quantities, and deliberately delay him. He deserves to be punished if he fails to produce arrows by the deadline. You go to inquire, what did he plan, come back and report to me."

Lu Su went to visit Zhuge Liang, and after the greeting, Zhuge Liang said: "Three days, you need 100,000 arrows, you have to help me."

Lu Su said: "Don't embarrass me, how can I help you?"

Zhuge Liang said: "You lend me twenty boats, each with thirty soldiers. The boat was tightly shielded with black cloth, and then the straw was bundled into bundles, a total of one thousand, lined on the side of the boat is useful for me. But this is a secret, you have to keep it secret for me, don't leak the news, otherwise my life will not be guaranteed."

Lu Su agreed, and returned to report to Zhou Yu. As expected, he didn't mention borrowing the ship, only that Zhuge Liang didn't use the materials for making the arrow. Zhou Yu pondered for a long time, unable to guess Zhuge Liang's intentions, so he had to wait. Lu Su privately obtained 20 clippers and arranged them properly according to Zhuge Liang's words.

For the first two days, there was no movement in Zhuge Liang. After midnight on the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su to the boat and said, "Go get arrows with me." After that, he ordered the ship to be connected with ropes and headed towards the north bank occupied by Cao Cao. At this time, the fog blocked the river surface, and nothing could be seen not far away, and the ship quietly approached Cao Cao's station.

At the location designated by Zhuge Liang, the soldiers set the bow of the ship to the west and the stern to the east. The soldiers on the ship beat the drums hard and shouted in unison, as loud as they could be.

Lu Su said in surprise, "What should I do if Cao Bing comes out?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and replied: "The fog is so big that Cao Cao dare not send out soldiers."

Lu Su and Zhuge Liang came to the boat and saw that the food and beverages were placed in the cabin, so they had to drink with Zhuge Liang unsteadily. Cao Cao heard the sound of drums and shouts, and asked his subordinates: "The river is thick and foggy.  

We can't figure out the situation. Don't send troops lightly."

As a result, tens of thousands of archers were mobilized to throw arrows toward the direction where the drum sound was heard, and the arrows fell on the boat like raindrops.

After a while, Zhuge Liang ordered the boat to fall over, with the bow facing east and the stern facing west. The soldiers were in high spirits, still beating the drums and shouting, approaching Cao Jun to receive the arrow.

Grass boat letter?

In the early morning, the fog was still covering the river, and the bales on both sides of the ship were full of arrows. Zhuge Liang ordered the soldiers to set off and return. Cao Cao knew he had been fooled, but Zhuge Liang's boat had already gone far.

When the twenty boats docked, the people Zhou Yu sent to carry the arrows also arrived. After all, there were more than 100,000 arrows on the ship, and Zhuge Liang successfully completed the task. Lu Su met Zhou Yu and told him how he borrowed the arrow. Zhou Yu sighed and said, "Hey, he is really a genius, he is indeed better than me!"

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