01 July 2021

hsk 5 下 lesson 24 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 24   支教行动   Volunteer teaching

Zhījiào xíngdòng
Volunteer teaching

Lái Yúnnán zhījiào yī nián duō, 


After coming to Yunnan to teach for more than a year, 

Hǎolínshuò lǎoshī zìjǐ yě jì bù qīng yǒu duōshǎo cì jiāfǎngle.


Ms. Hao Linshuo couldn't remember how many home visits she had.

Gāng dào shí, yī wèi jiào Zhàofúgēn de nánshēng yǐnqǐle tā de zhùyì.


When she first arrived, a boy named Zhao Fugen caught her attention.

Tā shàngkè cóng bù fāyán, hěnduō kè bù jígé, 


He never speaks in class, fails many classes, 

píngshí yě jīhū bù hé tóngxué jiāowǎng.


and rarely interacts with his classmates.

Hǎo lǎoshī jiāfǎng hòu dé zhī, 


Teacher Hao learned after his home visit 

Zhàofúgēn de fùqīn qùshìle, 


Zhao Fugen’s father had passed away 

jiějie zàiwài dǎgōng, 


and his sister was working outside. 

tā jiālǐ hěn qióng, 


His family was very poor 

hái dé bāngzhe māma zuò jiāwù, 


and he had to help his mother with housework. 

shìgè tǐtiē xiàoshùn de háizi.


He was a filial child.

“Hé tā māma liáotiān cái zhīdao tā hěn xǐhuan tiàowǔ,” 


"Only when chatted with his mother she came to know that he likes dancing,"  

Hǎo lǎoshī shuō, “wǒ juédé zhè shìgè jīhuì!” 


Teacher Hao said, "I think this is an opportunity!" 

Tā gǔlì Fúgēn zài xuéxiào yìshù jié shàng biǎoyǎn, 


She encouraged Fugen to perform at the school art festival 

měi zhōu'èr dàizhe tā yīqǐ qù zhǎo yīnyuè lǎoshī páiliàn.


and took him to rehearse with a music teacher every Tuesday.

Biǎoyǎn shí, 


During the performance, 

Fúgēn de húdié wǔ déliǎo wǔdǎo zǔ de guànjūn, 


Fukun’s butterfly dance won the champion of the dance group. 

tái xià de tóngxuémen gǔ qǐ zhǎng lái, 


The students in the audience clapped 

qí shēng de hǎnzhe “Fúgēn” de míngzì······


and shouted the name of "Fukun" in chorus...

Zhīhòu, Zhàofúgēn xuéxí yònggōngle, 


After that, Zhao Fugen studied hard 

chéngjī yě zhújiàn jìnbù.


and his grades gradually improved.

Tā xiěle yī piān tímù wèi “nèitiān de wǔdǎo hé zhǎngshēng” de zuòwén, 


He wrote an essay titled "Dancing and Applause That Day", 

déle quán bān zuìgāo fēn, 


and got the highest score in the class. 

tā lǎngdúle zìjǐ de zuòwén:


He read his essay aloud: 

“Hǎo lǎoshī lái dào wǒjiā, 


"Ms. Hao came to my home. 

nà shì dì yī cì yǒu lǎoshī lái.


That was the first time a teacher came.

Tā fēicháng wēnróu······


She is very gentle...

Wǒ yǒngyuǎn dōu wàng bùliǎo nà rèliè de zhǎngshēng 


I will never forget the warm applause 

hé tóngxuémen sòng wǒ de táng, tián tián de.


and the sweets that my classmates gave me are sweet.

Wǒ gǎnjué zài xuéxiào yěyǒu rén ài wǒle, 


I feel that someone loves me at school, 

wǒ kāishǐ yǒu yǒngqì·····.”


and I start to have the courage..."

Hǎo lǎoshī fāxiàn, 


Teacher Hao discovered that 

shānli de qīng zhuàngnián dōu chūqù chuǎngshìjiè, 


the young and middle-aged people in the mountains went out to enter the world, 

zhǐyǒu lǎorén, háizi liúshǒu,


and only the elderly and children stayed behind. 

“tāmen chūqùle hái huílái ma?


"Do they come back after they go out?"

Dàshān yǐhòu shéi lái fùzé”?


Who will be responsible after Dashan"?

Yúshì, hǎo lǎoshī zǔzhīle yīgè 8 zhōu de yánjiū xíng xuéxí huódòng, 


Therefore, Miss. Hao organized an 8-week research-based learning activity 

zhǔtí shì “ràng jiāxiāng de míngtiān gèng měihǎo”.


with the theme "Make the Hometown's Tomorrow Better".

Tā gǔlì xuéshēng xúnzhǎo cūnzi de wèntí, 


She encourages students to look for problems in the village, 

tōngguò liǎojiě lìshǐ dìlǐ qíngkuàng, 


through understanding the historical and geographical situation, 

cǎifǎng cūnlǐ de lǎorén, xiǎozǔ tǎolùn děng, 


interviewing the elderly in the village, and group discussions  

zuìzhōng tíchū jiějué fāng'àn. 


finally propose solutions. 

Tā hé qítā zhìyuàn zhě lìyòng wǔxiū, 


She and other volunteers use free time 

zhōumò děng kòngxián shíjiān gěi xuéshēngmen zhǐdǎo hé péixùn.


such as lunch breaks and weekends to guide and train students.

Xuéshēngmen shuō:


The students said: 



"In the past, 

wǒmen zǒng rènwéi jiànshè jiāxiāng shì dàrén de shì, 


we always thought that building a hometown was a matter of adults, 

yòng bùzháo wǒmen cāoxīn.


and we didn't need to worry about it.

Bùguò, xiànzài wǒmen míngbáile, 


However, now we understand that 

jiànshè jiāxiāng, rén rén yǒu zé, 


building a hometown is everyone’s responsibility, 

wǒmen yě yào chéngdān zhège yìwù.


and we also have to bear this obligation.

Zhège rènwù hěn jiānjù, wǒmen yào jǐn zi jǐ zuìdà de lìliàng.”


This task is very difficult, and we must do our best.  "

Hǎolínshuò juédé zìjǐ de shōuhuò yuǎn duō yú gěi háizimen de.


Hao Linshuo felt that she had gained far more than for the children.

“Bùguǎn yǐhòu zài nǎr, 


"No matter where I am in the future, 

wǒ dōu huì jìxù yòng wǒ de lìliàng yǐngxiǎng shānli de háizimen, 


I will continue to use my power to influence the children in the mountains, 

yīnwèi tāmen shì guójiā de wèilái yǔ xīwàng.”


because they are the future and hope of the country."

Gǎibiān zì “měilì Zhōngguó”(Teach For China) guānwǎng, tímù zì nǐ

改编自“美丽中国”(Teach For China)官网,题目自拟

Adapted from the official website of "Teach For China" (Teach For China), the title is self-made

Full Translation:

Volunteer teaching

After coming to Yunnan to teach for more than a year, Ms. Hao Linshuo couldn't remember how many home visits she had.  When she first arrived, a boy named Zhao Fugen caught her attention. He never speaks in class, fails many classes, and rarely interacts with his classmates.  

Teacher Hao after his home visit knew that Zhao Fugen’s father had passed away and his sister was working outside. His family was very poor and he had to help his mother with housework. He was a filial child.  

"Only when she chatted with his mother she came to know that he likes dancing," Teacher Hao said, "I think this is an opportunity!" She encouraged Fugen to perform at the school art festival and took him to rehearse with a music teacher every Tuesday.  

During the performance, Fukun’s butterfly dance won the champion of the dance group. The students in the audience clapped and shouted the name of "Fukun" in chorus...

After that, Zhao Fugen studied hard and his grades gradually improved.  

He wrote an essay titled "Dance and Applause That Day", and got the highest score in the class. He read his essay aloud: "Ms. Hao came to my house. 

That was the first time a teacher came. She was very gentle.  ·····I will never forget the warm applause and the sweets that my classmates gave me are sweet. I feel that someone at school loves me, and I begin to have courage..."

Teacher Hao discovered that all the young and middle-aged people in the mountains went out to venture into the world, and only the elderly and children stayed behind. “Will they come back after they go out? Who will be responsible after Dashan”?  

Therefore, Miss. Hao organized an 8-week research-based learning activity with the theme "Make the Hometown's Tomorrow Better". She encourages students to look for problems in the village, and finally propose solutions through understanding the historical and geographical situation, interviewing the elderly in the village, and group discussions.  

She and other volunteers use free time such as lunch breaks and weekends to guide and train students. The students said: "In the past, we always thought that building a hometown was a matter for adults, and we didn’t need to worry about it. However, now we understand that building a hometown is everyone’s responsibility, and we have to bear this obligation. This task is very difficult. We have to do our best."

Hao Linshuo felt that she had gained far more than for the children. "No matter where I am in the future, I will continue to use my power to influence the children in the mountains, because they are the future and hope of the country."

Adapted from the official website of "Teach For China" (Teach For China), the title is self-made

hsk5下 lesson 24 audio with pinyin and English translation

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