03 July 2021

hsk3 lesson 13 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 13 我是走回来的 I walked back

Text 13-1   在家   At home

Xiǎo lì: Nǐ zhōngyú huíláile! Cóng nǎr mǎi huílái zhème duō dōngxi a? 

小丽: 你终于回来了!从哪儿买回来这么多东西啊?

Xiaoli: You are finally back! Where did you buy so many things?

Xiǎo gāng: Dōu shì cóng nà biān de shāngdiàn mǎi huílái de. 

小刚: 都是从那边的商店买回来的。

Xiaogang: They were all bought from the store over there.

Xiǎo lì: Zěnme hái mǎi hóngjiǔ huílái le? Shéi hē a? 

小丽: 怎么还买红酒回来了?谁喝啊?

Xiaoli: Why did you buy with red wine? Who drinks it?


Xiǎo gāng: Zhè shì gěi yéyé de lǐwù, míngtiān wǒmen yīqǐ sòng guòqù, kàn yéyé nǎinai. 

小刚: 这是给爷爷的礼物,明天我们一起送过去,看爷爷奶奶。

Xiaogang: This is a gift for grandpa. Tomorrow We will go to see grandpa and grandma to give it.


Xiǎo lì: Nà wǒ de lǐwù ne? Kuài ná chūlái ràng wǒ kàn kàn. 

小丽: 那我的礼物呢?快拿出来让我看看。

Xiaoli: What about my gift? Take it out and let me have a look.                                          

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒ bùshì yǐjīng huílái le ma?

小刚: 我不是已经回来了吗?

Xiaogang: Haven't I already come back?

Text 13-2   在家   At home

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ jīntiān kànjiàn nǐ hé yīgè nǚ de jìnle kāfēi diàn, tā shì shéi a? 

小丽: 我今天看见你和一个女的进了咖啡店,她是谁啊?

Xiaoli: I saw you and a woman entering the coffee shop today. Who was she?

Xiǎo gāng: Tā shì wǒ jīntiān zài lùshàng yùdào de yīgè lǎo tóngxué. 

小刚: 她是我今天在路上遇到的一个老同学。

Xiaogang: She was an old classmate I met on the road today.

Xiǎo lì: Nǐmen jiù yīqǐ qù hē kāfēi le? 

小丽: 你们就一起去喝咖啡了?

Xiaoli: Did you guys go for coffee together?

Xiǎo gāng: Shì a, yībiān hē kāfēi yībiān shuōle xiē guòqù de shì. 

小刚: 是啊,一边喝咖啡一边说了些过去的事。

Xiaogang: Yes, to talk about the past while drinking coffee.


Xiǎo lì: Nǐ huílái dé zhème wǎn. Shì shuōle hěnduō guòqù de shì ma? 

小丽: 你回来得这么晚。是说了很多过去的事吗?

Xiaoli: You came back so late. Did you talk a lot about the past?


Xiǎo gāng: Bùshì. Méiyǒu gōnggòng qìchē le, wǒ shì zǒu huílái de.

小刚: 不是。没有公共汽车了,我是走回来的。

Xiaogang: No. There were no buses. I walked back.

Text 13-3   在打电话   On the phone

Tóngshì: Xiǎo lì, zhōumò nǐ yībān gēn Xiǎo gāng chūqù kàn diànyǐng ma? 

同事: 小丽,周末你一般跟小刚出去看电影吗?

Colleague: Xiaoli, do you usually go out to the movies with Xiaogang on weekends?

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ hěn shǎo qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn diànyǐng, wǒ gèng yuànyì zàijiā kàn diànshì. 

小丽: 我很少去电影院看电影,我更愿意在家看电视。

Xiaoli: I rarely go to the cinema to watch movies, I prefer to watch TV at home.

Tóngshì: Kàn diànshì yǒu shénme yìsi a? 

同事: 看电视有什么意思啊?

Colleague: Watching TV is interesting?


Xiǎo lì: Kěyǐ yībiān chī yībiān kàn, zuò jiǔle hái kěyǐ zhàn qǐlái xiūxi yīhuìr. 

小丽: 可以一边吃一边看,做久了还可以站起来休息一会儿。

Xiaoli: You can watch while eating. After doing it for a long time, you can stand up and rest for a while.


Tóngshì: Nǐ yīnggāi duō chūqù zǒu zǒu, zhèyàng nǐmen de shēnghuó huì gèng yǒuyìsi. 

同事: 你应该多出去走走,这样你们的生活会更有意思。

Colleague: You should go out more, so that your life will be more interesting.


Xiǎo lì: Yǒu tā zài, wǒ de shēnghuó yǐjīng hěn yǒuyìsi le.

小丽: 有他在,我的生活已经很有意思了。

Xiaoli: With him, my life is already very interesting.

Text 13-4

Gāng jiéhūn de shíhòu, 


When I just got married, 

wǒ zhàngfu shì zhōngxué lǎoshī, 


my husband was a middle school teacher. 

tā xǐhuan měitiān zǎoshang qǐchuáng hòu, yībiān chī zǎofàn yībiān kàn bàozhǐ. 


He liked to read the newspaper while eating breakfast every morning after he got up.  

Shí nián guòqù le, xiànzài tā yǐjīng shì xiàozhǎng le, 


Ten years have passed and he is now a principal. 

yīnwèi tài máng, 


Because he is too busy, 

měitiān zǎoshang wǒ qǐchuáng hòu dōu kàn bù dào tā, 


I can't see him every morning after I get up. 

wǎnshàng hěn wǎn tā cái huí dào jiā. 


He doesn't get home until late at night.  

Wǒ zhēn pà tā lèi huài le. 


I'm really afraid he is exhausted.  

Xīwàng tā néng shǎo yīxiē huìyì, 


I hope he can have fewer meetings 

duō yīxiē xiūxi, 


and more rest, 

kěyǐ jīngcháng hé wǒ hái yǒu háizi zài yīqǐ.


so he can be with me and my children more often.

hsk 3 lesson 13 audio 👇

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