23 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 18 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 18   神奇的丝瓜
The magical towel gourd

Shénqí de sīguā
The magical towel gourd

Shénqí de sīguā


The magical towel gourd

Chūntiān, háizimen zài lóu páng kòng dìshàng kāi chū yīgè xiǎo xiǎo de huāyuán, 


In spring, the children opened a small garden on the open space next to the building, 

suíjí zhǒng shàngle yī kē shù, 


and immediately planted a tree, 

jǐ zhū huā hé jǐ lì sīguā zhǒngzi.


a few flowers, and a few loofah seeds.

Tǔrǎng bùshì hěn féiwò, 


The soil is not very fertile, 

dàn yǒu shuǐ de zīrùn, yángguāng de zhàoyào, méi jǐ tiān, sīguā jiù cóng tǔ lǐ màole chūlái, 


but with water and sunshine, the loofah popped out of the soil within a few days, 

jiēzhe wǒ jīngyà de fāxiàn, tā hǎoxiàng měi shí měi kè dōu zài zhǎng dà.


and then I was surprised to find that it seemed to be growing all the time.

Kànzhe sīguā, 


Looking at the loofah, 

wǒ xīnzhōng nánmiǎn bu jiě: 


I couldn't help but wonder: 

Gǔrén shì zěnme xiǎng de, 


what did the ancients think, 

lèng shì biān chū gè bámiáozhùzhǎng de gùshì lái?


stupefied to make up a story to promote growth?

Yàoshi wǒ, nìngyuàn yòng bié de bǐyù.


If it were me, I would rather use another metaphor.

Bù jiě guī bù jiě, 


Confused and puzzled, 

wǒ měitiān gōngzuò píjuànle, 


I am tired from work every day, 

dōu yào qù kàn kàn nà jǐ kē sīguā.


so I have to look at those loofahs.

Sīguā zhǎng dé hěn kuài, 


The loofah grows very fast, 

zhuǎnyǎn jiān, 


and in a blink of an eye, 

guā jīng yǐjīng pá shàngle wǒmen zhè chuáng lóu dǒuqiào de lóu qiáng.


the gourd stem has climbed up the steep wall of our building.

Jiēzhe, tā cóng yī lóu pá shàngle èr lóu, 


Then, it climbed from the first floor to the second floor, 

yòu cóng èr lóu pá shàngle sān lóu.


and from the second floor to the third floor.

Guā jīng zhǐyǒu xì shéng yībān cū, 


The gourd stem is as thick as a string, 

què néng shūsòng zúgòu de shuǐfèn hé yǎngliào, 


but it can transport enough water and nutrients 

shǐdé guā jīng tǐngbá, yèzi màoshèng.


to make the melon stem upright and leaves lush.

Nà fùgài zài shuǐní qiáng miàn shàng de yīpiàn nóng lǜ xiǎndé zhāoqì péngbó, 


The thick green covering the concrete wall appeared vigorous, 

chōngmǎnle shēngjī yǔ huólì.


full of vitality and energy.

Yòuguòle jǐ tiān, 


After a few more days, 

sīguā kāihuāle, 


the loofah blossomed, 

huángsè de huābàn diǎnzhuì zài lǜyè zhī jiān, 


and the yellow petals were dotted among the green leaves, 

yánsè xiétiáo, róuhé jīngzhì.


the colors were harmonious, soft and delicate.

Zàiguò jǐ tiān, huánghuā biàn chéngle xiǎo xiǎo de sīguā.


In a few days, the yellow flower turned into a little loofah.

Guā yuè zhǎng yuè zhǎng, fènliàng yě yuè lái yuè zhòng.


The longer the gourd, the longer the weight becomes heavier.

Tā xuánguà zài kōngzhōng, 


It hangs in the air, 

xì xì de guā jīng hǎoxiàng fùdān bù qǐ guā de zhòngliàng, 


and the thin gourd stem seems to be unable to bear the weight of the gourd, 

shíkè dōu yào zhuìluò xiàlái, 


and it has to fall down all the time, 

wǒ de xīn yě biàn dé chén chóng qǐlái.


and my heart also becomes heavier.

Bùjiǔ jiù zhèngmíng, wǒ de dānxīn shì duōyú de.


It soon proved that my worries were unnecessary.

Zuìchū zhǎng chūlái de guā hǎoxiàng hěn yǒu jiézhì, 


At first, the gourds that grew out seemed to be very restrained, 

zhǎng dào yīdìng chéngdù jiù bù cháng le, 


and they didn't grow to a certain extent, 

ér sān lóu nà jiā de chuāngwài, yòu zhǎng chūlái liǎng gè guā.


but two more gourds grew out of the window of the third floor home.

Zhè liǎng gè guā kāishǐ zhǐyǒu xiǎo gūniáng de biànzi yībān cūxì, 


These two gourds were only as thick as a girl’s braids at first, 

bùjiǔ jiù zhǎng dé rú xiǎohái bìbǎng yībān cūle.


and soon grew as thick as a child’s arm.

Hē, zhè liǎng gè guā jiā qǐlái kǒngpà yǒu wǔliù jīnle, 


Oh, these two gourds add up to five or six catties. 

nà yī gēn xì xì de jīng zěnme chéngdān dé zhù ne?


How can that thin stem be able to bear it?

Wǒ de dānxīn yǔrìjùzēng.


My worries are increasing day by day.

Méiguò jǐ tiān, wǒ fāxiàn wǒ yòu cuòle, 


A few days later, I found out that I was wrong again. 

liǎng gè guā bùzhī shénme shíhòu wānle qǐlái, 


The two gourds bent up at some point 

shūshufufu de tǎng zàile nà jiā de chuāngtái shàng.


and lay comfortably on the windowsill of that house.

Méi jǐ tiān, 


Within a few days, 

nà liǎng gè dà guā xiàmiàn de guā jīng mòshāo shàng, yòu zhǎng chūlái yīgè guā, 


another gourd grew from the ends of the stems under the two big gourds, 

chuízhí de diào zài nàlǐ, zài fēng zhōng huǎng lái huǎng qù.


which hung vertically there, dangling in the wind.

Wǒ duàndìng: 


I concluded: 

Zhège guā shàngmiàn gòu bù dào chuāngtái, 


The top of this gourd cannot reach the window sill, 

xiàmiàn yěshì kōng de, 


and the bottom is empty. 

zǒng yǒu yītiān, guā jīng huì jīnbuzhù guā de fènliàng, 


One day, the stem of the gourd will be unable to restrain the weight of the gourd, 

liántóng shàngmiàn de liǎng gè dà guā yīqǐ zhuìluò dào dìshàng.


and it will fall to the ground together with the two large gourds above.

Zhè tiān yīzǎo, wǒ què kàn dàole qíjī, 


Early that morning, I saw a miracle. 

nàgè wǒ duàndìng huì zhuìluò xiàlái de guā, 


The gourd that I was determined to fall was 

yǐjīng tǎng zàile yīgè āotú bùpíng de táizi shàng, 


already lying on an uneven table 

nàgè táizi shì jiāgù qiáng tǐ shí xiūjiàn de.


that was built when the wall was reinforced.

Zhēnshi bùkěsīyì! 


It's incredible!  

Wǒ páihuái zài sīguā xiàmiàn, 


I hover under the loofah, 

wǒ juédé sīguā yǒu sīxiǎng, 


I think the loofah has thoughts, 

néng kǎolǜ wèntí, 


can consider problems, 

érqiě hái yǒu xíngdòng.


and also has actions.

Tā néng ràng dà guā tíngzhǐ shēngzhǎng; 


It can stop the growth of the big gourd; 

tā néng gěi guā zhǎodào chéngdān zhòngliàng de dìfāng.


it can find a place to bear the weight for the gourd.

Rúguǒ zhēnshi zhèyàng, 


If this is the case, 

sīguā yòng shénme lái sīkǎo ne?


what does the loofah use to think about?

Sīguā kào shénme lái zhǐdǎo zìjǐ de xíngdòng ne? 


What does the loofah rely on to guide its actions?  

Wǒ xiǎngle yòu xiǎng, 


I thought and thought, 

yuè xiǎng yuè hútú, 


the more I thought about it, the more confused I was, 

ér sīguā què yīrújìwǎng de hánxiào miàn duì qiū yáng.


but the loofah faced sun time with a smile as always.

Gǎibiān zì jìxiànlín tóngmíng wénzhāng


Adapted from Ji Xianlin's article of the same name

Full Translation:

The magical loofah 

  In spring, the children opened a small garden on the open space next to the building, and immediately planted a tree, a few flowers, and a few loofah seeds. The soil is not very fertile, but with water and sunshine, the loofah popped out of the soil within a few days, and then I was surprised to find that it seemed to be growing all the time. Looking at the loofah, I couldn't help but wonder: what did the ancients think, stupefied to make up a story to promote growth? If it's me, would rather use another analogy.  

  Confused and puzzled, I am tired from work every day, so I have to look at those loofahs. The loofah grows very fast, and in a blink of an eye, the gourd stem has climbed up the steep wall of our building. Then, it climbed from the first floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the third floor. The gourd stem is as thick as a string, but it can be transported sufficient water and nutrients make the gourd stems upright and leaves lush.  

  The thick green covering the concrete wall appeared vigorous, full of vitality and energy. After a few more days, the loofah blossomed, and the yellow petals were dotted among the green leaves, the colors were harmonious, soft and delicate. In a few days, the yellow flower turned into a little loofah. The longer the gourd, the longer the weight becomes heavier. It hangs in the air, and the thin gourd stem seems to be unable to bear the weight of the gourd, and it has to fall down all the time, and my heart also becomes heavier.  

  It soon proved that my worries were unnecessary. At first, the gourds that grew out seemed to be very restrained, and they didn't grow to a certain extent, but two more gourds grew out of the window of the third floor home. These two gourds were only as thick as a girl’s braids at first, and soon grew as thick as a child’s arm. 

  Oh, these two gourds add up to five or six catties. How can that thin stem be able to bear it? My worries are increasing day by day. A few days later, I found out that I was wrong again. The two gourds bent up at some point and lay comfortably on the windowsill of that house.  

  Within a few days, another gourd grew from the ends of the stems under the two big gourds, which hung vertically there, dangling in the wind. I concluded: The top of this gourd cannot reach the window sill, and the bottom is empty. One day, the stem of the gourd will be unable to restrain the weight of the gourd, and it will fall to the ground together with the two large gourds above.  

  Early that morning, I saw a miracle. The gourd that I was determined to fall was already lying on an uneven table that was built when the wall was reinforced. It's incredible! I hover under the loofah I, I think the loofah has thoughts, can consider problems, and also has actions. 

  It can stop the growth of the big gourd; it can find a place to bear the weight for the gourd. If this is the case, what does the loofah use to think about? What does the loofah rely on to guide its actions? I thought and thought, the more I thought about it, the more confused I was, but the loofah faced suntime with a smile as always.

  Adapted from Ji Xianlin's article of the same name

hsk 6 上 lesson 18 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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