08 June 2021

Hsk6 上 lesson 10 pinyin and English translation | 全球化视野中的中国饮食 Chinese food in the global context

Chinese food in the global context

Rènhé yīgè mínzú de yǐnshí dōu bùjǐn jǐn wèi yǐnshí, 


The diet of any nation is more than just diet, 

tā yùncángzhe zhège mínzú de jīngshén yǔ tèzhēng, 


it contains the spirit and characteristics of this nation, 

chuándázhe zhège mínzú de wénhuà chuántǒng.


and conveys the cultural traditions of this nation.

Zhōngguó de yǐnshí wénhuà lìjīng shù qiān nián, shǐzhōng jùyǒu mèilì, 


China's food culture has been fascinating for thousands of years, 

shì yīnwèi tā bùjǐn mínzú tèxìng xiānmíng, 


because it not only has distinctive national characteristics, 

érqiě shànyú xīshōu bùtóng guójiā, bùtóng qūyù, bùtóng mínzú de yōuyì zhī chù, 


but is also good at absorbing the advantages of different countries, regions, and ethnic groups, 

yǐzhì huīhuáng zhìjīn.


and has even been brilliant to this day.

Zhōngguó wénhuà de héxīn shì yīgè “hé” zì.

中国文化的核心是一个 “和” 字。

The core of Chinese culture is the word "harmony".  

“Hé” bāohán “zhōng hé” “héxié” zhī yì.

“和” 包含 “中和” “和谐” 之意。

"Harmony" includes the meaning of "neutralization" and "harmony".

“Zhōng hé” de yìsi jiùshì zhé zhōng, tiáohé xìng zhí bùtóng de shìwù.

“中和” 的意思就是折中、调和性质不同的事物。

"Neutralization" means to compromise and harmonize things with different properties.

Yuánběn zhōnghuá yǐnshí zhōng de dàliàng shíwù láizì liáokuò de tǔdì, 


Originally, a large amount of food in the Chinese diet came from the vast land, 

gāoshān shàng de fēiqín zǒushòu, 


the birds and beasts on the mountains, 

húbó, xiǎo xī zhōng de yītiáo yú, 


a fish in a lake or stream,

qiūlíng shàng zhòngzhí de yī kē cài, jīngguò jīngxīn gòusī, qiǎomiào pēngrèn, 


and a vegetable planted on the hills were carefully conceived and cooked ingeniously, 

jíbiàn jǐn wéi yī cān sùshí, yě kěyǐ ràng nǐ jǐn xiǎng rénjiān měiwèi.


Even if it's just a vegetarian meal, you can enjoy the deliciousness of the world.

Hàn táng yǐhòu, 


After the Han and Tang Dynasties, 

zhōng yà jí dōngnányà de shíwù jìnrùle zhōnghuá yǐnshí tǐxì, 


the food of Central Asia and Southeast Asia entered the Chinese diet system, 

jí dà de fēngfùle zhōngguó shíwù de pǐnzhǒng; 


which greatly enriched the variety of Chinese food. 



In modern times, 

xīfāng yǐnshí sīxiǎng yǔ fāngshì dédào rènkě, 


Western dietary ideas and methods have been recognized, 

jùyǒu xiàndài tèzhēng de zhōnghuá yǐnshí xíngtài zhújiàn xíngchéng.


and the Chinese diet with modern characteristics has gradually formed.

Zài shícái zāipéi fāngmiàn, 


In terms of food cultivation, 

zhōnghuá yǐnshí jiānchí yǐ běnguó wùchǎn wèi jīběn yuánliào, 


the Chinese diet insists on using domestic products as the basic raw materials, 

tóngshí hélǐ yǐnjìn, péiyù wàilái pǐnzhǒng, 


while rationally introducing and cultivating foreign varieties, 

bǐrú kāfēi, níngméng, mángguǒ děng, 


such as coffee, lemons, and mangoes,

fánshì lìshǐ bùgòu yōujiǔ de wàilái shípǐn, 


For foreign foods that are not long enough in history, 

rénmen yībān cóng shíwù míngchēng shàng jiù néng lìjí qīngxī de fēnbiàn chū tā de yáng shēnfèn.


People generally can clearly distinguish its foreign identity from the name of the food.

Zhìyú zhōngcān zhōng shǐyòng pínlǜ zuìgāo de cōng, jiāng, suàn děng tiáoliào, 


As for the seasonings such as onion, ginger and garlic, which are most frequently used in Chinese food, 

yīn qí jìnrù zhōnghuá yǐnshí niándài jiǔyuǎn, xǔduō zhōngguó rén shènzhì bǎ tā dàngchéngle zhèngzōng de Zhōngguó shícái.


many Chinese people even regard it as authentic Chinese ingredients because they have been in the Chinese diet for a long time.

Zài jiāgōng guòchéng zhōng, 


During the process,

Zhōngguó rén zhàoyàng kěyǐ yòng zhōngguó fāngshì pēngrèn wàilái shícái, 


the Chinese can still cook foreign ingredients in a Chinese way 

shǐ tā měiwèi yòu rén.


to make it delicious and attractive.

Ér zhè yīqiè délì yú zhōngguó rén nénggòu chōngfèn rènshí yìyù shíwù de nèizài jiàzhí, 


All this is due to the fact that Chinese people can fully understand the intrinsic value of exotic foods, 

yǐ kāifàng xìng de sīwéi hé línggǎn, chuàngxīn shì de bǎ wàilái shíwù gǎibiàn wéi zhōngguó yǐnshí chéngfèn.


and innovatively change foreign foods into Chinese dietary ingredients with open thinking and inspiration.

Zài jiùcān fāngshì shàng, 


In terms of dining styles, 

zhōnghuá yǐnshí wénhuà tóngyàng xiǎnshìzhe bù páichì yìyù wénhuà de tàidù, 


Chinese food culture also shows an attitude of not rejecting foreign cultures, 

bǐrú zhōngcān “hé cān zhì” de xíngchéng.

比如中餐 “合餐制” 的形成。

For example, the formation of Chinese food "combined meal system".

Xiānqín zhì táng dài, 


From the pre-Qin to the Tang dynasty, 

Zhōngguó cǎiyòng fēncān shì fāngshì jiùcān.


China adopted a split-meal approach for dining.

Nánběicháo shíqí, 


During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, 

yī zhǒng kě suíyì zhé qǐlái, chēng zuò hú chuáng de zuòjù 


A seat that can be folded up at will, called a Hu bed

hé yī zhǒng jiào dà de cānzhuō kāishǐ zài zhōngyuán dìqū liúxíng, 


and a larger dining table began to be popular in the Central Plains. 

zhèxiē qìjù de tuīguǎng, 


The promotion of these appliances, 

dǎpòle guì zuò ér shí de júxiàn, 


broke the limitation of kneeling and eating, 

xíngchéngle wéi zuò hé cān de xíngshì.


and formed a form of sitting and eating together.

Dāngrán, duì “hé cān zhì” de quánmiàn jiēshòu yǔ wénhuà rèntóng, gēnběn shàng yǔ “hé” wénhuà shì xiāngtōng de.

当然,对 “合餐制” 的全面接受与文化认同,根本上与“和”文化是相通的。

Of course, the overall acceptance and cultural identity of the "co-dining system" are fundamentally connected with the "harmony" culture.

Kěyǐ shuō,  


It can be said that 

zhōnghuá yǐnshí wénhuà zì dànshēng zhī rì qǐ, 


Since the birth of Chinese food culture,

jiù miànxiàng shìjiè, biān jìchéng, biān gǎigé, 


It facing the world, inheriting, reforming, 

bùduàn yǐnjìn xīn yuánsù,


and constantly introducing new elements,

zhè yěshì qí chōngmǎn huólì de àomì suǒzài.


This is also the secret of its vitality.

Gǎibiān zì “lùn quánqiú huà shìyě zhōng de Zhōngguó yǐnshí”, zuòzhě: Xiàoxiàngdōng


Adapted from "On Chinese Food in the Perspective of Globalization", author: Xiao Xiangdong

Full translation

Chinese food in the global context

The diet of any nation is more than just diet, it contains the spirit and characteristics of this nation, and conveys the cultural traditions of this nation. China's food culture has been fascinating for thousands of years, because it not only has distinctive national characteristics, but is also good at absorbing the advantages of different countries, regions, and ethnic groups, and has even been brilliant to this day. 

The core of Chinese culture is the word "harmony".  "Harmony" includes the meaning of "neutralization" and "harmony". "Neutralization" means to compromise and harmonize things with different properties.

Originally, a large amount of food in the Chinese diet came from the vast land, the birds and beasts on the mountains, a fish in the lakes and streams, and a vegetable planted on the hills were carefully conceived and cooked ingeniously, Even if it's just a vegetarian meal, you can enjoy the deliciousness of the world.

After the Han and Tang Dynasties, the food of Central Asia and Southeast Asia entered the Chinese diet system, which greatly enriched the variety of Chinese food. In modern times, Western dietary ideas and methods have been recognized, and the Chinese diet with modern characteristics has gradually formed.

In terms of food cultivation, the Chinese diet insists on using domestic products as the basic raw materials, while rationally introducing and cultivating foreign varieties, such as coffee, lemons, and mangoes, for foreign foods that are not long enough in history, people generally can clearly distinguish its foreign identity from the name of the food.

As for the seasonings such as onion, ginger and garlic, which are most frequently used in Chinese food, many Chinese people even regard it as authentic Chinese ingredients because they have been in the Chinese diet for a long time.

During the process, the Chinese can still cook foreign ingredients in a Chinese way to make it delicious and attractive. All this is due to the fact that Chinese people can fully understand the intrinsic value of exotic foods, and innovatively change foreign foods into Chinese dietary ingredients with open thinking and inspiration.

In terms of dining styles, Chinese food culture also shows an attitude of not rejecting foreign cultures, for example, the formation of Chinese food "combined meal system". From the pre-Qin to the Tang dynasty, China adopted a split-meal approach for dining.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a seat that can be folded up at will, called a Hu bed and a larger dining table began to be popular in the Central Plains. The promotion of these appliances, broke the limitation of kneeling and eating, and formed a form of sitting and eating together. Of course, the overall acceptance and cultural identity of the "co-dining system" are fundamentally connected with the "harmony" culture.

It can be said that since the birth of Chinese food culture,it facing the world, inheriting, reforming, and constantly introducing new elements, this is also the secret of its vitality.

Hsk6 lesson 10 audio with pinyin and English translation | hsk6 standard course textbook

Mandrin Academy: Hsk6 上 lesson 10 pinyin and English translation | 全球化视野中的中国饮食 Chinese food in the global context

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