19 June 2021

hsk5 上 lesson 6 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 6   除夕的由来 Origin of Chuxi

Zài zhōngguó, rénmen bǎ nónglì shí'èr yuè sānshí rì zhè yī nián zhōng de zuìhòu yītiān jiào zuò chúxī, 

在中国, 人们把农历十二月三十日这一年中的最后一天叫作除夕, 

In China, people call the last day of the year on December 30 of the lunar calendar as New Year’s Eve. 

zhè yītiān, quánjiā rén huì yīqǐ chī nián yèfàn, shǒusuì.

这一天, 全家人会一起吃年夜饭, 守岁。

On this day, the whole family will eat New Year’s Eve dinner together to keep the year old.

Dànshì, rénmen wèishéme yào bǎ nián sānshí jiào zuò chúxì ne?

但是, 人们为什么要把年三十叫作除夕呢?

But why do people call New Year's Eve as Chuxi?

Chuánshuō zài hěnjiǔ yǐqián, yǒu gè jiào zuò “xī” de guàiwù, jīngcháng chūlái shānghài bǎixìng, bǎixìng duì qí hèn zhī rùgǔ, dànshì yòu shífēn wúnài.

传说在很久以前, 有个叫作 “夕” 的怪物, 经常出来伤害百姓, 百姓对其恨之入骨, 但是又十分无奈。

A folktale from a long time ago, there was a monster called "xi", often come out to hurt the people, the people hate it into the bone, but very helpless.

Dāngshí yǒu gè yīngxióng jiào zuò qīláng, 


At that time, there was a hero named Qi Lang. 

tā yīngjùn gāodà, lì dà wúbǐ.


He was handsome, tall, and extremely powerful.

Qīláng hái yǒu yītiáo gǒu, 


Qilang also has a dog. 

zhè tiáo gǒu fēicháng yǒnggǎn, wúlùn yǎo zhù shénme dōu bù huì sōngkǒu.

 这条狗非常勇敢, 无论咬住什么都不会松口。

This dog is very brave and will not let go no matter what it bites.

Yītiān, qīláng cóng wàibian huílái, kàn dào línjū jiā nǚhái de wàigōng zuò zài lù biān kū, 

一天, 七郎从外边回来, 看到邻居家女孩的外公坐在路边哭, 

One day, Qilang came back from outside and saw the grandpa of the girl next door sitting on the roadside crying, 

yúshì shàng qián xúnwèn, yī wèn cái zhīdao, yuánlái tiānzhēn kě'ài de nǚhái bèi “xī” chī diàole.

于是上前询问, 一问才知道, 原来天真可爱的女孩被 “夕”吃掉了。

so he asked and found out that the innocent and cute girl was eaten by Xi.

Qīláng àn'àn xiàdìng juéxīn yīdìng yào shā sǐ “xī”, 

七郎暗暗下定决心一定要杀死 “夕”, 

Qilang secretly made up his mind to kill "Xi" 

tì bǎixìng chú diào zhège zhìzào zāihài de dōngxi.


and get rid of this disaster-causing thing for the people.

Yúshì qīláng dàizhe tā de gǒu chūfāle, 


So Qilang took his dog and set off. 

tā dàochù dǎtīng “ta” de xiāoxī, dànshì yīzhí zhǎobudào tā.

他到处打听 “タ” 的消息, 但是一直找不到它。

He asked about "Xi" everywhere, but couldn't find it.

Zhèyàngguòle chàbùduō yī nián, zhè tiān zhènghǎo shì dà nián sānshí, qīláng lái dàole yīgè rènào de chéngzhèn.

这样过了差不多一年, 这天正好是大年三十, 七郎来到了一个热闹的城镇。

After almost a year, it happened to be New Year’s Eve, and Qilang came to a bustling town.

Zhè yī niánlái, qīláng suīrán méiyǒu zhǎodào “ta”, dànshì liǎojiě dàole hěnduō guānyú “xī” de qíngkuàng:

这一年来, 七郎虽然没有找到 “タ”, 但是了解到了很多关于 “夕” 的情况:

Over the past year, qilang has not found "Xi", but learned a lot about the "Xi" situation:

Tā yībān zài tàiyáng luòshān hòu chūlái hài rén, 


It usually comes out to harm people after the sun sets, 

dào tiānliàng qián yòu huì táo dé lián yǐngzi dōu zhǎo bùzháole; 


and before dawn will escape so that can't even find it's shadow; 

cǐwài, tā hái tèbié hàipà shēngxiǎng.

此外, 它还特别害怕声响。

in addition, it is particularly afraid of noise.

Yúshì qīláng gàosù zhèlǐ de bǎixìng, “xī” shuō bu dìng wǎnshàng yào chūlái shānghài dàjiā, 

于是七郎告诉这里的百姓, “夕” 说不定晚上要出来伤害大家, 

So Qilang told the people here, "Xi" might come out to hurt everyone at night, 

ràng dàjiā jīn wǎn áoyè děngzhe, yī jiàn dào “xī” jiù gǎn jǐn qiāodǎ dōngxi, dàjiā yì qǐ bǎ “xī” shādiào.

让大家今晚熬夜等着, 一见到 “夕” 就赶緊敲打东西, 大家一起把 “夕” 杀掉。

he ask everyone to stay up tonight and wait, as soon as they see "Xi", they will bang on things quickly, and everyone will drop "Xi" together.

Tàiyáng hěn kuài luòshānle, dàole wǎnshàng, “Xī” guǒrán chūláile.

太阳很快落山了, 到了晚上, “タ” 果然出来了。

The sun soon set, and in the evening, the "Xu" really came out.

Tā xiǎng chī yī hù rénjiā de gūniáng, bèi zhè jiārén fāxiàn le, 

它想吃一戶人家的姑娘, 被这家人发现了, 

It wanted to eat a girl from a family, but was discovered by the family, 

yúshì tāmen lìkè qiāo xiǎngle jiā zhòngdì guō hé pénzi, gēnzhe zhěnggè zhènzi dōu xiǎngle qǐlái.

于是他们立刻敲响了家中的锅和盆子, 跟着整个镇子都响了起来。

So they immediately rang the pots and pans in their homes, and the whole town rang.

“Xī” xià de shénme shì de, jímáng wǎng wàitáo.

“夕” 吓得什么似的, 急忙往外逃。

"Xi" was frightened, and hurriedly fled.

Qīláng de gǒu zhuī shàngle “xī”, bìng sǐsǐ de yǎo zhùle tā.

七郎的狗追上了 “夕”, 并死死地咬住了它。

Qilang's dog caught the "Xi" and bit it firmly.

Qīláng pǎo shàng qián qù, yī jiàn shè sǐle “xī” chú diào “xī” yǐhòu, bǎixìng fēnfēn duì qīláng biǎodá xièyì.

七郎跑上前去, 一箭射死了 “夕” 除掉 “夕” 以后, 百姓纷纷对七郎表达谢意。

Qilang ran forward and shot "Xi" with one arrow. After getting rid of "Xi", the people expressed their gratitude to Qilang.

Yóuyú zhè yītiān hěn yǒu yìyì, 


Because this day is very meaningful, 

yúshì rénmen jiù zài měinián de nián sānshí zhè tiān wǎnshàng, 


so on the night of the New Year's Eve every year, 

réngrán xiàng nèitiān yīyàng zhěng wǎn bù shuìjiào, qiāodǎ chū xiǎngshēng.

仍然像那天一样整晚不睡觉, 敲打出响声。

people still stay up all night like that day, making noises.

Jiù zhèyàng yī dàidài chuán xiàlái, 


Passed down from generation to generation in this way, 

xíngchéngle chúxì yè shǒu suì, fàng biānpào de fēngsú.


the custom of keeping watch and setting off firecrackers was formed on New Year's Eve.

Full Translation:

Origin of Chuxi

In China, people call the last day of the year on December 30 of the lunar calendar as New Year’s Eve. On this day, the whole family eat New Year’s Eve dinner together to keep the year old. But why do people call New Year's Eve as Chuxi?

A folktale from a long time ago, there was a monster called "xi", often come out to hurt people, the people hate it into the bone, but very helpless. At that time, there was a hero named Qi Lang. He was handsome, tall, and extremely powerful. Qilang also has a dog. This dog was very brave and if it bites anything it didn't leave that.

One day, Qilang came back from outside and saw the grandpa of the girl next door sitting on the roadside crying, so he asked and found out that the innocent and cute girl was eaten by Xi. Qilang secretly made up his mind to kill "Xi" and get rid of this disaster-causing thing for the people. So Qilang took his dog and set off. 

He asked about "Xi" everywhere, but couldn't find it. After almost a year, it happened to be New Year’s Eve, and Qilang came to a bustling town. Over the past year, qilang has not found "Xi", but learned a lot about the situation of "Xi": It usually comes out to harm people after the sun sets, and before dawn will escape so that no one can even find it's shadow; in addition, it is particularly afraid of noise. So Qilang told the people here, "Xi" might come out to hurt everyone at night, he ask everyone to stay up tonight and wait, as soon as they see "Xi", they will bang on things quickly, and everyone will drop "Xi" together.

The sun soon set, and in the evening, the "Xi" really came out. It wanted to eat a girl from a family, but was discovered by the family, So they immediately rang the pots and pans in their homes, and the whole town rang. "Xi" was frightened, and hurriedly fled. Qilang's dog caught the "Xi" and bit it firmly. Qilang ran forward and shot "Xi" with one arrow. After getting rid of "Xi", the people expressed their gratitude to Qilang.

Because this day is very meaningful, so on the night of the New Year's Eve every year, people still stay up all night like that day, making noises. Passed down from generation to generation in this way, the custom of keeping watch and setting off firecrackers was formed on New Year's Eve.


最后一天     zuìhòuyītiān

final day

年夜饭     niányèfàn

family reunion dinner on lunar New Year's Eve

很久以前     Hěn jiǔ yǐqián

long ago


恨之入骨     hènzhī-rùgǔ

hate sb. to the marrow of one's bones; bitterly hate

力大无比     lìdàwúbǐ

having matchless strength

下定决心     xiàdìng juéxīn

make up one’s mind; resolute; determined

一定要     yīdìngyào


找不到     zhǎobudào

can't find

大年三十     dàniánsānshí

last day of the lunar year; Chinese New Year's Eve

找不着     zhǎobuzháo

to be unable to find

中的     zhòngdì

hit the mark; hit the nail on the head

跟着     gēnzhe


似的     shìde

[after a noun, pronoun, or verb to indicate similarity]

有意义     yǒuyìyì

to make sense; meaningful; significant

放鞭炮     fàngbiānpào

set off firecrackers; light firecrackers

HSK 5上 lesson 6 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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