19 June 2021

hsk5 上 lesson 5 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 5   济南的泉水  Spring Water in Ji'nan

Jǐnán de quánshuǐ, lìshǐ yōujiǔ, 

济南的泉水, 历史悠久, 

Jinan's spring water has a long history, 

zuìzǎo de wénzì jì zài kěyǐ tuī dào 3000 duōnián qián.


and the earliest written records can be pushed back to more than 3,000 years ago.

Xǔduō wénrén dōu duì tā de shēngyīn, yánsè, xíngzhuàng, wèidào jìnxíngguò miáoxiě, 


Many literati have described its sound, color, shape, and taste, 

liú xiàle xǔduō zànměi quánshuǐ de shīwén.


and left many poems praising the spring water.

Ér jǐnán de lǎobǎixìng zhù zài quán biān, hēzhe zhè tiánměi de quánshuǐ, 

而济南的老百姓住在泉边, 喝着这甜美的泉水, 

The ordinary people of Jinan live by the spring and drink this sweet spring water. 

zìrán duì tā chōngmǎn gǎnjī zhī qíng, 


Naturally, they are grateful for it, 

cóng'ér yě chǎnshēngle xǔduō guānyú quánshuǐ de měilì chuánshuō.


which has produced many beautiful legends about spring water.

Xiāngchuán hěnjiǔ yǐqián, 


According to legend, a long time ago, 

jǐnán chéng li yǒu gè shànliáng de qīngnián, míng jiào bào quán, 

济南城里有个善良的青年, 名叫鲍全, 

there was a kind-hearted young man named Bao Quan in Jinan. 

tā xuéxí yīshù, jiùle hěnduō rén.

他学习医术, 救了很多人。

He studied medicine and saved many people.

Yīcì, tā zài lù biān jiùle yī wèi yūn dǎo de lǎorén, bìng bǎ lǎorén jiē huí jiā zhàogù.

一次, 他在路边救了一位晕倒的老人, 并把老人接回家照顾。

Once, he rescued a fainted old man on the side of the road and took the old man home to take care of him.

Zhè lǎorén qíshí shì dōnghǎi lóngwáng de gēge.


This old man was actually the brother of the Dragon King of East China Sea.

Tōngguò lǎorén de jièshào, bào quán cóng lóngwáng nàr qiú dàole zhìbìngjiùrén de báiyù hú.

通过老人的介绍, 鲍全从龙王那儿求到了治病救人的白玉壶。

Through the introduction of the old man, Bao Quan obtained a white jade pot from the Dragon King for healing and saving lives of patients.

Wèi le bù bèi huàirén qiǎng zǒu, tā bǎ hú mái rù dìxià cángle qǐlái, 

为了不被坏人抢走, 他把壶埋入地下藏了起来, 

In order not to be snatched by the bad guys, he buried the pot in the ground and hid it, 

yúshì jiù biàn chéngle jīntiān yǒu “tiānxià dì yī quán” měi míng de bào tū quán.

于是就变成了今天有 “天下第一泉” 美名的趵突泉。

so it became the Baotu Spring, which has the reputation of "the best spring in the world" today.

Rújīn de jǐnán shì qū nèi, fēnbùzhe dà dàxiǎo xiǎo qībǎi duō gè tiānrán quán, zhè zài guónèi wài chéngshì zhōng shì jíwéi shǎo yǒu de.

如今的济南市区内, 分布着大大小小七百多个天然泉, 这在国内外城市中是极为少有的。

There are more than 700 natural springs, large and small, in the urban area of Jinan.

Yǒu rúcǐ zhī duō de quán, míngzi dāngrán yě shàobùliǎo.

有如此之多的泉, 名字当然也少不了。

There are so many springs, and of course their names are indispensable.

Jǐnán quánshuǐ de yōuměi, hái kě cóng nà dútè de míngzì shàng fǎnyìng chūlái, 

济南泉水的优美, 还可从那独特的名字上反映出来, 

The beauty of Jinan spring water can also be reflected in the unique names, 

rú: Yǐ rénmíng mìngmíng de shùn quán, yǐ dòngwù mìngmíng de hēi hǔ quán, yǐ xíngzhuàng mìngmíng de zhēnzhū quán, děng děng.

如: 以人名命名的舜泉, 以动物命名的黑虎泉, 以形状命名的珍珠泉,等等。

such as: Shun Spring named after a person, Black Tiger Spring named after an animal, Pearl Spring named after a shape, and so on.

Shuō dào zhèlǐ, nín yěxǔ yào wèn, zhème duō, zhème hǎo de quánshuǐ shì rúhé xíngchéng de ne?

说到这里, 您也许要问, 这么多、这么好的泉水是如何形成的呢?

Having said that, you may want to ask, how did so many and such good springs form?

Jǐnán de quánshuǐ, láizì yú jǐnán shì yǐ nán de guǎngdà shānqū, 

济南的泉水, 来自于济南市以南的广大山区, 

The spring water in Jinan comes from the vast mountainous area south of Jinan City. 

zhèxiē shānqū de yánshí shì dàyuē sì yì nián qián xíngchéng de yī céng hòu hòu de shíhuīyán.


The rocks in these mountainous areas is a thick layer of limestone formed about 400 million years ago.

Zài zhè zhǒng shíhuīyán dìqū, lùdì biǎomiàn de shuǐ hěn róngyì jìnrù dìxià.

在这种石灰岩地区, 陆地表面的水很容易进入地下。

In this limestone area, water from the surface of the land can easily enter the ground.

Shānqū de shíhuīyán céng, yǐ dàyuē sānshí dù de jiǎodù, yóu nán xiàng běi xié, yīncǐ dàliàng de dìxiàshuǐ xiàng jǐnán yùndòng.

山区的石灰岩层, 以大约三十度的角度, 由南向北斜, 因此大量的地下水向济南运动。

The limestone layer in the mountainous area slopes from south to north at an angle of about 30 degrees, so a large amount of groundwater moves towards Jinan.

Ér jǐnán shì qū de dìxià yánshí biàn wèile huǒchéngyán, dìxiàshuǐ liú dào zhèlǐ, 

而济南市区的地下岩石变为了火成岩, 地下水流到这里, 

The underground rocks in the urban area of ​​Jinan turned into igneous rocks, and groundwater flowed here. 

pèng dào huǒchéngyán dǎngzhùle lù, jiù jīxù qǐlái, yuè jī yuè duō.

碰到火成岩挡住了路, 就积蓄起来, 越积越多。

When the igneous rocks blocked the way, they accumulated and accumulated more and more.

Tā wú chù kě liú, jiù dé lìng zhǎo chū lù.

它无处可流, 就得另找出路。

It has nowhere to flow, so you have to find another way.

Jǐnán jiù chéng yīdài, dìshì dī, yǒu de dìfāng shènzhì dīguòle dìxiàshuǐ de shuǐmiàn, 

济南旧城一带, 地势低, 有的地方甚至低过了地下水的水面, 

In the old city of Jinan, the terrain is low, and in some places it is even lower than the surface of the groundwater. 

dìxiàshuǐ jiù chōng chū dìbiǎo, xíngchéngle zhòngduō de quánshuǐ.

地下水就冲出地表, 形成了众多的泉水。

The groundwater rushes out of the ground and forms numerous springs.

Zhè jiùshì jǐnán “quánchéng” měi míng dé lái de yuányīn.

这就是济南 “泉城” 美名得来的原因。

This is the reason why Jinan's "Spring City" is so famous.

Full Translation:

Spring Water in Ji'nan

Jinan's spring water has a long history, and the earliest written records can be pushed back to more than 3,000 years ago.  

Many literati have described its sound, color, shape and taste, and left many poems praising the spring water. The common people of Jinan live by the spring and drink this sweet spring water. Naturally, they are grateful for it, which has produced many beautiful legends about spring water.

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a kind-hearted young man named Bao Quan in Jinan. He studied medicine and saved many people. Once, he rescued an old man who fainted on the side of the road and took the old man home to take care of him.  This old man was actually the brother of the Dragon King of East China Sea. Through the introduction of the old man, Bao Quan obtained a white jade pot from the Dragon King for healing and saving lives. In order not to be snatched by the bad guys, he buried the pot underground and hid it, so it became the Baotu Spring, which has the reputation of "the best spring in the world" today.

Nowadays, there are more than 700 natural springs, large and small, in the urban area of ​​Jinan, which is extremely rare in cities at home and abroad. There are so many springs, and of course their names are indispensable. The beauty of Jinan spring water can also be reflected in the unique names, such as: Shunquan named after a person, Black Tiger Spring named after an animal, Pearl Spring named after a shape, and so on.

Having said that, you may want to ask, how did so many and such good springs form? The springs in Jinan come from the vast mountainous areas south of Jinan City. The rocks in these mountainous areas is a thick layer of limestone formed about 400 million years ago. In this limestone area, water from the surface of the land can easily enter the ground. The limestone layer in the mountains slopes from south to north at an angle of about thirty degrees, so a large amount of groundwater moves towards Jinan.

The underground rocks in the urban area of ​​Jinan became igneous rocks, and groundwater flowed here. When the igneous rocks blocked the road, they accumulated and accumulated more and more. It has nowhere to flow, so it has to find another way. 

In the old city of Jinan, the terrain is low, and in some places it is even lower than the surface of the groundwater. The groundwater rushes out of the ground and forms numerous springs. This is why Jinan's "Spring City" got its reputation.




to name sth after a person; named after




the first under heaven—unequalled; peerless




cure the sickness to save the patient


Hěn jiǔ yǐqián

long ago


lìshǐ yōujiǔ

have a long history

HSK 5上 lesson 5 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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