19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 3 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 3   一盒月饼   

A box of moon cakes

Hé yuèbǐng


A box of moon cakes

Qīngchén shàngbān, zǒu dào gōngsī lóu xià, 

清晨上班, 走到公司楼下, 

When I went to work early in the morning, I walked downstairs to the company. 

yíngmiàn zhànzhe yī wèi nóngmín gōng múyàng de nánrén, 


A man who looked like a migrant worker stood facing me. 

tā dǎliangle wǒ yī fān, 


He looked at me for a while, 

dào zuǐ biān de huà yòu bù shuōle.


he stopped his words to mouth.

Wǒ tíng zhù jiǎobù, yíhuò de wèn: 

我停住脚步, 疑惑地问: 

I stopped and asked suspiciously: 

“Nín yǒushì ma?”


"Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Tā cuō zhuóshǒu, chíyí de shuō: 

他搓着手, 迟疑地说: 

He rubbed his hands and said hesitantly: 

“Yǒu jiàn shì xiǎng bàituō nǐ.”


"I have something to ask you."

“Nín shuō ba, zhǐyào néng bāng de, wǒ yīdìng bāng.”

“您说吧, 只要能帮的, 我一定帮。”

"Go ahead, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Zhè huí lún dào wǒ dǎliang tāle: 


This time it’s my turn to look at him: 

Bǎojīngcāngsāng de liǎn shàngliú lùchū pǔshí;


The vicissitudes of life showed simplicity on his face;

yīshuāng guòyú cāoláo de dàshǒu; 


a pair of overworked hands; 

húxū qǐmǎ yīgè xīngqí méi guāle; 


his beard has not been shaved for at least a week; 

nánfāng kǒuyīn.


a southern accent.

Guǒrán, tā láizì nánfāng de yīgè xiāngzhèn, 

果然, 他来自南方的一个乡镇, 

Sure enough, he came from a town in the south. 

yuánxiān shi cáiféng, 


He used to be a tailor 

xiànzài zài wǒmen pángbiān de gǎngkǒu gān huó.


and now works in the port next to us.

Tā nǚ'ér zài Shànghǎi, 


His daughter is in Shanghai, 

zhōngqiū jié kuài dàole, 


and the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. 

yào gěi tā jì hé yuèbǐng, 


She wants to send him a box of mooncakes, 

kě tā báitiān zài gōngdì, dìzhǐ méi fǎ xiě, 

可他白天在工地, 地址没法写, 

but he is at the construction site during the day and cannot write the address. 

xiǎng qǐng wǒ bāng tā dài shōu yīxià.


He wants me to help him collect it.

“Zhège máng hǎo bāng, 


"This is a great help, 

nín bùpà wǒ bǎ shōu dào de yuèbǐng gěi chīle?"


Are you afraid that I will eat the moon cakes I received?"

Wǒ bàn kāiwánxiào de shuō.


I said half jokingly.

Tā xiàozhe shuō: 


He smiled and said: 

“Bù huì, nǐ hé wǒ nǚ'ér yīyàng, 

“不会, 你和我女儿一样, 

"No, you are just like my daughter, 

sīsī wénwén de,  


cultured and gentle. 

yī kàn jiùdúguò shū,


You have read books at first glance. 

xīnyǎnr hǎo, shǒu xìnyù, 

心眼儿好, 守信誉, 

You have a good heart and keep your credibility. 

zěnme huì qīpiàn wǒ ne?”


How can you deceive me?"

Tā shuō nǚ'ér niànle shuòshì,  


He said that his daughter had a master's degree, 

yǒu xuéwèi, zài yījiā yì liú de gōngsī shàngbān, 

有学位, 在一家一流的公司上班, 

with a degree working in a first-class company, 

shìgè zhǔguǎn,


being a supervisor 

hái yǒu zhùshǒu, zěnme yě suàndé shàng shì gōngsī de gǔgàn.”

还有助手, 怎么也算得上是公司的骨干。”

and assistants can be regarded as the backbone of the company.  "

Shuō qǐ nǚ'ér, tā mǎn liǎn de jiāo'ào.

说起女儿, 他满脸的骄傲。

Speaking of his daughter, he was full of pride.

Wǒ jì xiàle tā de diànhuà, 


I took down his phone number 

gěile tā yī zhāng wǒ de míngpiàn.


and gave him a business card of mine.

Tā xiǎoxīnyìyì de shōu qǐlái, mǎnhuái xǐyuè de zǒule.

他小心翼翼地收起来, 满怀喜悦地走了。

He put it away carefully and left with joy.

Dì sān tiān zhōngwǔ, 


At noon on the third day, 

wǒ shōu dàole yīgè chóngchóng de bāoguǒ, 


I received a heavy package, 

fā jiàn rén jiào “zhāngxīnyuè”.


the sender was "Zhang Xinyue".

Wǒ mǎshàng bōdǎ Zhāng shīfù de diànhuà, què wú rén jiētīng, 

我马上拨打张师傅的电话, 却无人接听, 

I immediately dialed Master Zhang’s number, but no one answered. 

gěi tā fā duǎnxìn, 


I texted him, 

tā yě bù huí, zhídào xiàbān, 


but he didn’t reply until I got off work. 

réngjiù méiyǒu yīnxìn.


There was still no news.

Wǒ xīnlǐ yǐnyuē yǒuxiē bù'ān, 


I was vaguely disturbed in my heart. 

bàozhe bāoguǒ jiù wǎng gōngdì pǎo,


I ran to the construction site with package in my arms, 

zhǎole yī wèi gōngrén, 


and found a worker, 

qǐng tā bāngmáng zhǎo Zhāng shīfù.


and asked him to help find Master Zhang.

Yīhuìr, húnshēn hànshuǐ de Zhāng shīfù láile.

一会儿, 浑身汗水的张师傅来了。

After a while, Master Zhang, sweating all over, came.

tā jiàn le wǒ yòu shì dàoqiàn yòu shì gǎnxiè , 


When he saw me, he apologized and thanked me, 

shuō jīntiān tèbié máng,


saying that he was very busy today, 

shǒujī méi diàn le dōu bù zhīdao .


and he didn't know if the phone was out of power.   

shuō zhe jiù yào zhébāoguǒ , fēi yào qǐng wǒ chī yuè bǐng bù kě .

说着就要折包裹, 非要请我吃月饼不可。

It's going to make a pack, you have to ask me to eat moon cake.

wǒ shuō jiā lǐ shénme xiànr de yuèbǐng dōu yǒu , 


I said there are mooncakes with all kinds of stuffing at home, 

háishì gǎnkuài gěi nǚer dǎ diànhuà ba.


so let's call your daughter as soon as possible. 

Diànhuà tōngle,  


On the phone call, 

Zhāng shīfù mǎn liǎn cí'ài,


Master Zhang was full of affection, 

xiào de biétí duō cànlànle: 


and smiled so brightly: 

“Xīnxīn, yuèbǐng bàba shōu dàole,……

“心心, 月饼爸爸收到了,……

"Xinxin, the moon cake father received...

wǒ shēntǐ hǎo zhe ne, bié diànjì, 

我身体好着呢, 别惦记, 

I am in good health, don't worry about it, 

hǎohǎo gōngzuò, bié gěi bàba diūrén a……” 

好好工作, 别给爸爸丟人啊……” 

work hard, don't embarrass Dad..." 

jiǎng wán diànhuà,  


After the phone call,  

Zhāng shīfù hái méi wàngle xiàng wǒ xuànyào tā de nǚ'ér,


Master Zhang hasn't forgotten to show off his daughter to me, 

“yàomiànzi zhe ne, cónglái méiyǒu gūfùguò wǒ de qīwàng.”

 “要面子着呢, 从来没有辜负过我的期望。”

"To save face, I have never let down my expectations." 

Kàn dé chū, nǚ'ér shì tā de xìngfú.

看得出, 女儿是他的幸福。

It can be seen that his daughter is his happiness.

gǎibiān zì " běijīng qīngniánbào " wénzhāng " yún zhōng shuí jìyuè bǐng lái " , zuòzhě : qīnglán



Adaptation from "Beijing Youth Daily" article "Who sent moon cakes in the cloud", Author: Qing Lan

Full Translation:

A box of moon cakes

When I went to work early in the morning, I walked downstairs to the company. A man who looked like a migrant worker stood facing me. He looked at me for a while, he stopped his words to mouth. I stopped and asked suspiciously: "Is there something you'd like to tell me?" He rubbed his hands and said hesitantly: "I have something to ask you." "Go ahead, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

This time it’s my turn to look at him: his vicissitudes of life show simplicity; a pair of overworked hands; his beard has not been shaved for at least a week; a southern accent. Sure enough, he came from a town in the south. He used to be a tailor and now works in the port next to us.

His daughter is in Shanghai, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. She wants to send him a box of mooncakes, but he is at the construction site during the day and cannot write the address. He wants me to help him collect it.

"This is a great help, you are not afraid that I will give the moon cakes I received?" I said half jokingly. He smiled and said: "No, you are just like my daughter, cultured and gentle. You have read books at first glance. You have a good heart and keep your credibility. How can you deceive me?"

He said that his daughter had a master's degree, with a degree working in a first-class company, being a supervisor and assistants can be regarded as the backbone of the company.  " Speaking of his daughter, he was full of pride. I took down his phone number 

and gave him a business card of mine. He put it away carefully and left with joy.

At noon on the third day, I received a heavy package, the sender was "Zhang Xinyue". I immediately dialed Master Zhang’s number, but no one answered. I texted him, but he didn’t reply until I got off work. There was still no news. I was vaguely disturbed in my heart. 

I ran to the construction site with my bag in my arms, and found a worker, and asked him to help find Master Zhang. After a while, Master Zhang, sweating all over, came. When he saw me, he apologized and thanked me, saying that he was very busy today, and he didn't know if the phone was out of power. It's going to make a pack, you have to ask me to eat moon cake. I said there are mooncakes with all kinds of stuffing at home, so let's call your daughter as soon as possible. 

On the phone call, Master Zhang was full of affection, and smiled so brightly: "Xinxin, the moon cake father received...I am in good health, don't worry about it, work hard, don't embarrass Dad..." 

After the phone call,  Master Zhang hasn't forgotten to show off his daughter to me, "To save face, I have never let down my expectations." It can be seen that his daughter is his happiness.

HSK 6 lesson 3 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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