20 June 2021

hsk 5 上 lesson 9 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 9   别样鲁迅 The Lu Xun You Don't Know

Bié yàng Lǔxùn   
The Lu Xun You Don't Know

Měishí hěn dà yībùfèn shì kào míngrén tuīdòng de, 


A large part of the cuisine is promoted by celebrities, 

zhè yīdiǎn zài mínguó shíqí biǎoxiàn dé yóuqí túchū.


which was especially prominent during the Republic of China.

Lìrú zhùmíng de wénxué jiā lǔxùn, 


For example, the famous writer Lu Xun, 

zài chīhē zhè jiàn shì shàng, jiùsuàn shìgè dìdào de hángjiā, 

在吃喝这件事上, 就算是个地道的行家, 

even an authentic expert in eating and drinking, 

bùdàn huì chī, hái huì qīnzì dòngshǒu zuò, 

不但会吃, 还会亲自动手做, 

not only knows how to eat, but also cooks it by himself, 

duì xǔduō měishí dōu yǒu dútè de jiànjiě.


and has unique insights into many delicacies.

Zhè shì jìndài xīn shíshàng.


This is a new fashion in modern times.

Běijīng shì lǔxùn chángqí shēnghuóguò de chéngshì, 


Beijing is a city where Lu Xun has lived for a long time. 

jǐn cóng zhè yī shíqí lǔxùn xiězuò de rìjì zhōng, 


Only from the diary written by Lu Xun during this period, 

wǒmen fāxiàn tā qùguò de zhīmíng cānguǎn jiù yǒu 65 jiā, 


we found that he had visited 65 well-known restaurants. 

lìngwài, tā hái hěn ài chī dàoxiāngcūn de diǎnxīn.

另外, 他还很爱吃稻香村的点心。

In addition, he also loved the dim sum in Daoxiang Village.

Zuòwéi dà zuòjiā, dà xuéwèn jiā, 


As a great writer and university inquirer, 

lǔxùn duì chī hěn jiǎngjiù, 


Lu Xun was very particular about eating, 

chī de nèiróng zài tā de rìjì lǐ zhànle hěn dà yībùfèn.


and the content of his food occupies a large part of his diary.

Zài zhòngduō cānguǎn lǐ, lǔxùn qù dé zuìduō, zuì xǐhuān de shì guǎng hé jū, 


Among the many restaurants, Lu Xun went to Guangheju the most, and his favorite was Guangheju. 

píngjūn měi zhōu dōu yào qù yīcì.


He went there once a week on average.

Lǔxùn jīngcháng dào zhè jiā diàn de yīgè zhòngyào yuányīn shì jùlí jìn, 


An important reason for Lu Xun's frequent visits to this hotel was the short distance. 

guǎng hé jū de dàmén jiù zài tā dāngshí zhù de hútòng de xié duìmiàn.


The gate of Guangheju is diagonally across from the Hutong where he lived at the time.

Wèiyú càishì kǒu fùjìn de guǎng hé jū shì běijīng “bādà jū” zhī shǒu, 

位于菜市口附近的广和居是北京 “八大居” 之首, 

Guangheju, located near Caishikou, is the first of the “Eight Great Residences” in Beijing 

zài mínguó shíqí fēicháng chūmíng.


and was very famous during the Republic of China.

Guǎng hé jū suàn bù shàng háohuá, 


Guangheju is not luxurious, 

dàn què hěn shìhé péngyǒu zài zhèlǐ jùhuì, rènào.


but it is very suitable for friends to gather and lively here.

Zhèlǐ tèbié huānyíng wénrén de guānglín, 


Scholars are especially welcome here, 

wèi tāmen de jùhuì chuàngzàole hěn hǎo de tiáojiàn.


which creates good conditions for their gatherings.

Guǎng hé jū yuàn lǐ fēnchéng dàxiǎo bùtóng de gè zhǒng fángjiān,  


Guangheju hotel is divided into various rooms of different sizes, 

yǒuyī gèrén de,


one for one person, 

yǒu sānwǔ rén xiǎo jù de, 


three or five people for small gatherings, 

yěyǒu shí duō gèrén dà jùhuì de.


and more than ten people's congresses.

Zhè dàdà mǎnzúle lǔxùn ài hé péngyǒu chīfàn de yāoqiú.


This greatly satisfies Lu Xun's need to eat with friends.

Tā àihào jiāojì, dàfāng hàokè, 

他爱好交际, 大方好客, 

He liked to socialize and was generous and hospitable. 

cháng hū péng huàn yǒu, 


He often call friends and eat together. 

duōshù shì sānwǔ gèrén yīqǐ chī, 


Most of them eat together with three or five people.

yǒushí shènzhì huì zhíjiē ràng guǎng hé jū sòng wàimài dào jiālǐ, 


Sometimes he even asks Guangheju to deliver food to his home 

zàijiā zhāodài péngyǒu.


and entertain friends at home.

Dāngrán zuì zhòngyào de háishì yīnwèi guǎng hé jū yǒu lǔxùn xǐhuān de cài.


Of course, the most important thing is that Guanghe Ju has dishes that Lu Xun likes.

Nàlǐ de cài jì yǒu gāodàng de, yěyǒu shìhé pǔtōng bǎi zào de, 

那里的菜既有高档的, 也有适合普通百灶的, 

The dishes there are both high-end, but also suitable for ordinary stoves, 

yàng yàng dōu ràng rén yǒu wèikǒu.


all kinds of people have an appetite.

Lǔxùn yě ài hējiǔ, 


Lu Xun also loves to drink. 

suīrán míngmíng zhīdào zìjǐ yǒu wèibìng, bù yìng gāi hējiǔ, 

虽然明明知道自己有胃病, 不应该喝酒, 

Although he clearly knows that he has a stomach problem and should not drink, 

dàn què hěn nán jiè diào.


but it is difficult to quit.

Tā shì měi dùn fàn bì hējiǔ de rén.


He is the one who must drink at every meal.

Xiànzài bǎocún de lìshǐ zīliào jìzǎi, 


According to the historical records, 

tā hé yùdáfū yīqǐ hējiǔ de cì jiào zuìduō.


he and Yu Dafu have the most time to drink together.

Lǔxùn jiǔliàng bù dà, jīngcháng hē zuì, 

鲁迅酒量不大, 经常喝醉, 

Lu Xun doesn't drink much alcohol, is often drunk, 

érqiě zài hējiǔ de guòchéng zhōng yān bùlí shǒu.


and can't leave his hand while drinking.

Yùdáfū zài 1933 nián céngjīng zuò shī xíngróng tā: 


Yu Dafu once wrote a poem in 1933 to describe him: 

“Zuìyǎn méng nì shàng jiǔlóu, fǎng lā xiǎng hǎn liǎng yōuyōu”, 

“醉眼蒙昵上酒楼, 彷拉响喊两悠悠”, 

"Go to the restaurant with drunken eyes and blindfolded eyes, just like the sound of a loud voice and shouting for two leisurely", 

miáoxiě dé shífēn xíngxiàng.


the description is very vivid.

Gǎibiān zì “mínguó chī jiā”, zuòzhě: Èrmáo


Adapted from "Republic of China to eat at home," the authors: Ermao

Full Translation:

The Lu Xun you don't know

A large part of the cuisine is promoted by celebrities, which was especially prominent during the Republic of China. For example, the famous writer Lu Xun, even an authentic expert in eating and drinking, not only knows how to eat, but also cooks it by himself, and has unique insights into many delicacies. This is a new fashion in modern times.

Beijing is a city where Lu Xun has lived for a long time. Only from the diary written by Lu Xun during this period, we found that he had visited 65 well-known restaurants. In addition, he also loved the dim sum in Daoxiang Village.

As a great writer and university inquirer, Lu Xun is very particular about eating, and the content of his food occupies a large part of his diary. Among the many restaurants, Lu Xun went to Guangheju the most and it was his favorite. He went there once a week on average. An important reason for Lu Xun's frequent visits to this hotel was less distance. 

The gate of Guangheju is diagonally across from the Hutong where he lived at the time. Guangheju, located near vegetable market, is the first of the “Eight Great Residences” in Beijing and was very famous during the Republic of China. Guanghe Ju is not luxurious, but it is very suitable for friends to gather and lively here.

Scholars are especially welcome here, which creates good conditions for their gatherings. Guanghe Ju is divided into various rooms of different sizes, one for one person, three or five people for small gatherings, and more than ten people's congresses. This greatly satisfies Lu Xun's need to eat with friends.

He liked to socialize, was generous and hospitable, and he often call friends and eat together. Most of them eat together with three or five people. Sometimes he even directly asks Guangheju to deliver food to his home and entertain friends at home. Of course, the most important thing was that Guanghe Ju had dishes that Lu Xun like. The dishes there are both high-end and suitable for ordinary people all kinds of people have an appetite.

Lu Xun also loved to drink. Although he clearly knew that he has a stomach problem and should not drink, but it was difficult to quit. He was the one who must drink at every meal. According to the historical data preserved, he and Yu Dafu drank the most times together. Lu Xun doesn't drink much, often drunk, and can't get rid of cigarettes while drinking. Yu Dafu once wrote a poem in 1933 to describe him: "Going to the restaurant with drunken eyes and hazy eyes, wandering and shouting two leisurely", the description is very vivid.


亲自动手     qīnzì dòngshǒu

personally take a hand in the work; do the job oneself

长期    chángqī

over a long period of time; long-term; long-lasting (opp. 短期)

时期    shíqī

particular period

知名    zhīmíng

well-known; noted; celebrated; famous

讲究    jiǎngjiu

be particular about; pay attention to; stress; strive for

平均     píngjūn

1 average; mean

2 equally; share and share alike

斜对面     xiéduìmiàn

opposite slightly to the right or left; diagonally opposite

文人    wénrén

man of letters; scholar; literati

各种    gèzhǒng

1 every kind of

2 all kinds of

3 various kinds

一个人     yīgèrén

1 by oneself (without assistance)

2 alone (without company)

三五    sānwǔ

1 several

2 three or five

多个    duōge

1 many

2 multiple

3 multi- 

大大    dàdà

greatly; enormously

大方    dàfang

generous; liberal (opp. 小气)

个人    gèrén

individual; single person (opp. 集体)

individual; personal

有时    yǒushí

sometimes; at times; now and then

灶    zào

1 kitchen range; cooking stove

2 kitchen; mess; canteen

样样     yàngyàng

every kind; each and every; all

不大     bùdà

1 not very; not too

2 not often

hsk 5 上 lesson 9 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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