23 June 2021

hsk 5 上 lesson 18 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 18   抽象艺术美不美     
Abstract Art: Beautiful or Not?

Chōuxiàng yìshù měi bù měi
Abstract Art: Beautiful or Not?

Duì yǒuxiē rén lái shuō, 


For some people, 

chōuxiàng yìshù méiyǒu gǔdiǎn yìshù nàme róngyì xīnshǎng, 


abstract art is not as easy to appreciate as classical art. 

huàbù shàng nàxiē bù guīzé de sè kuài, xiàntiáo, shízài kàn bù chū yǒu shénme yìyì.

画布上那些不规则的色块、线条, 实在看不出有什么意义。

the irregular color blocks and lines on the canvas are really meaningless.

Chōuxiàng pài huàjiā de zuòpǐn zhōng 


In the works of abstract painters, 

jīngcháng jiàn dào hǎoxiàng suíbiàn jiǔ shàng yánliào ér xíngchéng de huàzuò, 


we often see paintings that seem to be formed by adding paint to wine. 

zài yǒu lái jíqí shénmì shènzhì chǒulòu, 


Sometimes they are extremely mysterious and even ugly, 

yǒurén què cóngzhōng gǎnshòu dào duì zìyóu, duì shēngmìng de zànměi.


but some people feel the praise of freedom and life.

Yánjiū zhě shèjìle yīgè yǒuqù de shíyàn.


The researcher designed an interesting experiment.

Zhìyuàn zhě de rènwù hěn jiǎndān, 


The volunteer's task was very simple,

měi gèrén huì kàn dào liǎng liǎng yī zǔ chūxiàn de yīxiē túhuà, 


everyone will see some pictures that appear in groups of two, 

měi zǔ zhōng yī fú chūzì zhùmíng chōuxiàng yìshùjiā zhī shǒu, 


one in each group is by a famous abstract artist, 

lìng yī fú shì yèyú àihào zhě, yīng'ér, hēixīngxīng huòzhě dà xiàng de túyā.


and the other is a graffiti of an amateur, a baby, a chimpanzee or an elephant.

Zhìyuàn zhě bìxū pànduàn měi yī zǔ huàzuò zhōng zìjǐ gèng xǐhuan nǎ yī fú.


Volunteers must decide which one they prefer in each group of paintings.

Qí zhòng sān fēn zhī yī de huàzuò zuòzhě méiyǒu qiānmíng, 


One-third of the paintings were not signed by the author, 

ér qíyú de zé biāomíngle shēnfèn.


while the rest were identified.

Lìng rén tóuténg de shì, 


The trouble was that 

yīxiē qiānmíng bèi gùyì nòng cuòle, 


some of the signatures were deliberately mistaken, 

zhìyuàn zhě wúfǎ quèrèn zuòzhě dàodǐ shì shéi, 


and the volunteers could not confirm who the author was. 

suǒyǐ yǒu kěnéng 


Therefore, it was possible that 

zhìyuàn zhě rènwéi zìjǐ kàn dào de shì hēixīngxīng de suíshǒu túyā, 


the volunteers thought they saw the graffiti of chimpanzees, 

shíjì zé shì zhùmíng chōuxiàng yìshùjiā de dàzuò.


but they were actually masterpieces by famous abstract artists.

Yěxǔ yǒurén rènwéi, 


Some people may think that 

zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià gēnběn bù kěnéng fēnbiàn chūlái.


it is impossible to distinguish in this case.

Rán'ér zài měi yīcì cèshì zhōng, 


However, in each test, 

zhìyuàn zhě pǔbiàn gèng xǐhuan de zuòpǐn dōu shì yóu rénlèi yìshùjiā huī bǐ wánchéng de.


the works that volunteers generally prefer were made by human artists.

Yóu cǐ kějiàn, 


This shows that 

zhìyuàn zhě nénggòu cóng huàzuò zhōng gǎnzhī yìshùjiā de yòngxīn, 


the volunteers can perceive the artist's intentions from the paintings, 

nǎpà tāmen bù nénggòu jiěshì yuányīn.


even if they cannot explain the reasons.

Lìng yīgè shíyàn shì zhèyàng, 


Another experiment was like this,

zhìyuàn zhě tóngshí xīnshǎng yuánzuò hé huàmiàn yuánsù bèi tiáozhěng hòu de huàzuò, 


volunteers admired both the original and the adjusted paintings, 

bāokuò jìngwù huà hé chōuxiàng huà.


including still life paintings and abstract paintings.

Jiéguǒ, jīhū měi gèrén dōu gèng xǐhuan yuánzuò.

结果, 几乎每个人都更喜欢原作。

As a result, almost everyone preferred the original.

Yánjiū zhě fāxiàn, 


Researchers found that 

dāng kàn dào huà shàng wùtǐ wèizhì biànhuà hòu, 


when the position of the objects on the painting changes, 

dànǎo zhōng yǒuguān hányì hé jiěshì de qūyù huóyuè xìng xiàjiàngle.


the activity of the brain areas related to meaning and interpretation decreases.

Zhè biǎomíng, 


This shows that 

wǒmen de dànǎo nǎo zhùyì dàole yuánzuò de bùjú, 


our brain is annoyed to notice the layout of the original work, 

bìngqiě kěyǐ gǎnzhī qí bèihòu de yòngyì, 


and can perceive the intention behind it, 

jíshǐ wǒmen hái méiyǒu qīngchǔ de gǎnshòu dào zhège shìshí.


even if we have not clearly felt this fact.

Zhìshǎo mùqián kěyǐ zhème shuō, 


At least for now, 

méiyǒu zhèngjù biǎomíng hēixīngxīng huò értóng kěyǐ zhèyàng zuò.


there is no evidence that chimpanzees or children can do this.

Wǒmen de dànǎo jiùjìng rúhé gǎnzhī chōuxiàng yìshù, shì yīgè yǒuqù de huàtí.

我们的大脑究竟如何感知抽象艺术, 是一个有趣的话题。

How our brain perceives abstract art is an interesting topic.

Měi gèrén duì chōuxiàng yìshù kěyǐ yǒu bùtóng de jiědú, 


Everyone can have a different interpretation of abstract art, 

zhè jìshì tiǎozhàn, yěshì zìyóu.

这既是挑战, 也是自由。

which is both a challenge and a freedom.

Gǎibiān zì “kēxué huàbào”, zuòzhě: Zhōujìngyān


Adapted from "Science Pictorial", author: Zhou Jingyan

Full Translation:     

Abstract Art: Beautiful or Not?

For some people, abstract art is not as easy to appreciate as classical art. The irregular color blocks and lines on the canvas are really meaningless.

In the works of abstract painters, we often see paintings that seem to be formed by adding paint to wine. Sometimes they are extremely mysterious and even ugly, but some people feel the praise of freedom and life.

The researcher designed an interesting experiment. The volunteer's task was very simple, everyone will see some pictures that appear in groups of two, one in each group is by a famous abstract artist, and the other is a graffiti of an amateur, a baby, a chimpanzee or an elephant.

Volunteers must decide which one they prefer in each group of paintings. One-third of the paintings were not signed by the author, while the rest were identified. The trouble was that some of the signatures were deliberately mistaken, and the volunteers could not confirm who the author was.

Therefore, it was possible that the volunteers thought they saw the graffiti of chimpanzees, but they were actually masterpieces by famous abstract artists. Some people may think that it is impossible to distinguish in this case. However, in each test, the works that volunteers generally prefer were made by human artists.

This shows that the volunteers can perceive the artist's intentions from the paintings, even if they cannot explain the reasons. Another experiment was like this, volunteers admired both the original and the adjusted paintings, including still life paintings and abstract paintings. As a result, almost everyone preferred the original.

Researchers found that when the position of the objects on the painting changes, the activity of the brain areas related to meaning and interpretation decreases. This shows that our brain is annoyed to notice the layout of the original work, and can perceive the intention behind it, even if we have not clearly felt this fact.

At least for now, there is no evidence that chimpanzees or children can do this. How our brain perceives abstract art is an interesting topic. Everyone can have a different interpretation of abstract art, which is both a challenge and a freedom.

hsk 5 上 lesson 18 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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